Hatfield Home & School…. Soaring Above and Beyond

Tuesday September 16, 2015

Home and School Minutes

Welcome and Introduction

Board members were introduced

Principal report

See attached paper

President Report

Playground Committee- we need a group together to decide what to purchase for the new playground. Ideas include; adaptive swing for special needs, kickball field or painted map on parking lot. Mrs. Ball will be providing some equipment for the playground but H&S will supplement with new items.

Reading Award – There have been reading awards in the past and with Mrs. Milks’ retirement we are looking to have an award dedicated to her.

Giant A+ Rewards – our points will start accruing in October, you should not need to re-register your card to earn. Any Giant PA card can be linked to our school so have friends and family help out.

Daycare – H&S is looking to provide during our scheduled meetings.

Help Wanted – Frosty Fest Chair Person, January Family Fun Night, April event (possibly a service event), Labels for Education, May event (past event was Mayfair), Hospitality Chair. Cynthia Ferguson may take over Sunshine Chair.

Clearances – If you have volunteered in the past no new clearances are needed at this time. If no volunteer history you still need clearances to volunteer for H&S events.

Treasurer Report

We are switching over to new PC Program PT Avenue. Budget needs approval at next Home and School meeting. Last year was a down year in terms of budget, so we are hopeful for 2015-2016. New line of instructional media was added to budget.

Fundraising Report

In October will be Chick-fil-a spirit week. Art to Remember information will be coming soon; orders will be due November 2nd. If you have ideas regarding fundraising opportunities please speak with Lisa Correale.

Past Activities

Picture day was 9/9, retakes will be 10/22.

Upcoming Activities

Homeroom parent dessert will be October 6th before H&S. Halloween party is scheduled for October 23 at 6:30. Our first Halloween Party committee meeting will be 9/22 at 7pm in the Giant coffee café. Fall into Fitness will hold their first committee meeting on 9/20 at 7pm in the Giant Coffee Café. Information regarding this event will be coming to parents soon.

Committee News

Funwear – we may need a committee to help sell funwear at our events.

Box Tops – we have a multi-school competition gearing up for box tops. Please save your box tops to be returned to school at a later date. Any help we can provide to Diane Minquez is appreciated.

Website – Mary Nardone wil update with any important news, fliers or other information. Discussion to move a lot of this information to the new PT Avenue as well.

NPAGE – Diane Kortz introduced herself and briefly explained the NPAGE program. Super Saturday will be an event to look forward to, and if any parents are interested in more information about the program or discussing their child’s needs, please visit their website or speak with Diane.