CACC Athletic Trainers’ Council Meeting Minutes
May 16th, 2017 – Holy Family University – 10:00 AM
In Attendance:
Dan Mara – CommissionerJanet Panek (Holy Family)
Ellen O’Brien – Associate CommissionerErin Spaulding (Holy Family)
Jackie Cividanes (Bloomfield)Penny Foland (Nyack)
Michael Molinaro (Caldwell)Adam Olsavsky (Philadelphia)
Heather Aribitg (Caldwell) Bridget Muniz (Post)
Brian Pita (Caldwell) Hannah Hallissey (Post)
Erin Fidler (Chestnut Hill) Jack Dunlap (Post)
Jillian Ayson (Concordia)Alex Imhof (Post)
Samantha James (Dominican)Keeley Glonek (Post)
Dan Trinh (Felician)Dan Wagner (Sciences)
Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) Chris Stella (Wilmington)
Tiffany Whalen (Georgian Court) Will Razzano (Wilmington)
Brandon Sonson (Goldey-Beacom)Amanda Pupillo (Wilmington)
Ashley Gray (Goldey-Beacom) Dan Boeher (Wilmington)
- Welcome
- Meeting called to order by Joe Friedrich 10:02 AM.
- Housekeeping -Welding is going on at Holy Family during meeting and fire alarm might go off.
- Update Contact Information – Directory Sheet
- PennyFoland (Nyack) running late, will revisit when she arrives.
- Contact sheet was sent around after Commissioner’s Update.
- Review/Approval of AT meeting minutes from January 10, 2017 at GCU.
- Motion to approve minutes – Mike Molinaro (Caldwell)
- Second motion to approve – Adam Olsavsky (Philadelphia)
- No objections, unanimous approval, minutes were approved.
- Commissioner’s Update – Dan Mara
- Spring 2019 has been set as the target for a CACC Spring Festival
- Approved by the CACC Presidents
- Will take place at Georgian Court University and is set to happen at least through 2021.
- Sports involved include softball, men’s and women’s lacrosse, and men’s and women’s track and field. Men’s tennis has the potential to be added in the future.
- This is an idea that came from the presidents themselves and the AD Council members have all committed that all of the CACC schools be involved in staffing needs. This decision was reached due to the only sport not involved in the festival being baseball, with the only event of staffing needs for baseball be for a home play-in game.
- The banquets and awards for the spring sports will still remain the same.
- Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) commented that in regards to staffing for athletic trainers, only those athletic trainers licensed in New Jersey would be able to provide care for all athletes. The Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, and Connecticut athletic trainers may only treat their respective teams.
- Men’s Lacrosse will be a championship sport for the 2017-2018 school year.
- Six sponsors are needed to compete to be official.
- Wilmington University and Felician University have added Men’s Lacrosse for 2017-2018 school year in addition to the existing programs at Post, Chestnut Hill, Dominican, and Georgian Court.
- Women’s Bowling
- Five schools are currently sponsoring bowling, with Bloomfield in talks to add a women’s bowling team in the future, which would make Women’s Bowling a championship sport.
- The earliest a Women’s Bowling Championship would happen would be Winter 2019.
- Peer Reviews
- The Conference believes this is something that ATCs should be more involved in.
- Currently, peer reviews are conducted by a conference office staff member, an AD from the conference, and someone from outside of athletics (the AD’s direct report or faculty athletics representative) and individuals meet with university staff and come up with review.
- The peer review initiative is 4 years old
- Concordia was first school that was peer reviewed; Wilmington and Concordia up for review next year
- The year after your school submits their ISSG, then the peer review happens using that as basis for review.
- Starts at 8 am, done by 2:30
- There are currently two conferences in country that do it – CACC and Great Lakes Valley Conference
- Henry Schein Sponsorship Agreement
i.Dan Mara sent out an email yesterday to all members of AT Council clarifying that there has been an agreement with Henry Schein signed for 2017-2018 school year.
ii.This agreement is on an annually renewing basis.
iii.Either entity could opt out.
iv.PennyFoland(Nyack) stated that she knows that another company has contacted Dan, but nothing was done about it.
v.Dan clarified that it was Collinswho contacted him and he contacted Collins in return. Dan also stated that the conference is open to hearing offers from other companies.
vi.Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) asked if there is anything ATCs can do to facilitate open vendor bidding. Dan replied that contact information for vendors can be forwarded to him.
vii.Jillian Ayson (Concordia) asked if athletic training sees a direct response from sponsorship money. Dan clarified that the money from conference sponsorships (Wilson, Henry Schein, etc.,) goes into the general sponsorship budget line for the conference. This money pays for food at championships for example, so that expenses and revenue within the conference balances out.
viii.Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) asked for better transparency from conference office in regards to sponsorship deals. Dan replied that decisions are made by conference office and Ads and are sent to a vote from Director’s Council
ix.Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) communicated that it wasn’t clear that the Henry Schein contract was reviewed annually. Dan Mara responded that there have been no issues with the deal that the ADs felt were grounds for changing vendors. In the future, if there are any issues with a vendor, they should be communicated to ADs so they can bring it up at their council meeting.
- NCAA Grant
- Conference allocates money from this grant to ImPACT or iStrike – same amount of money goes to each school.
- Samantha James (Dominican) told the group that since costs have increased for ImPACT or iStrike, to make sure that they know to bring to their AD any budget issues ( ask for increased budget line) so that everything balances out when it comes time for reimbursements.
- Christ Stella (Wilmington) informed the group that iStrike is increasing their prices; The new account person is ; Mike Molinaro(Caldwell) made the proposal of iStrike years ago, and Dan was the one that actually made the deal with iStrike; original deal was mid-August to mid-November and then come back on March 1st to June 1st, any extra time was responsibility of institution.
- Dan Mara will look back at records and email Nick from iStrike to see specifics of deal.
- Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) informed the group that there is a forecasting option (meteorological consultation) at no cost for people with iStrike membership, however he is not sure if it is just for premium members.) If possible, it might be nice to work into the deal three consultations per school/per year.
- Old Business
- Vivature
- Some doctors have issues based on treatment plans that they are not physically present for.
- LaSalle is moving forward with it; depends on place and doctors.
- Penny Foland (Nyack) said that she has encountered issues with Columbia doctors due to insurance issues (billing twice) and Vivature doesn’t seem feasible for New York schools in the conference.
- AdamOlsavsky (Philadelphia) reports that they are not 100% yet with Vivaturebecause they lost Drexel as a HCP over it, but Thomas Jefferson seems open to it and will be discussing Vivature with them this week. This is also in part due to the merger between Philadelphia University and Thomas Jefferson. PhilaU has the Vivature software and kiosks, they are just not billing right now.
- Copay discussion clarification – Samantha James (Dominican) able to explain some inconsistencies with billing issues/coding during payments; income does not represent a true number between income and percentage that Vivature is taking from income; however Adam Olsavsky (Philadelphia) explains that Vivature’s 35% cut is because Vivature handles all transactions and coding and insurance regulations and allows ATCs to actually be ATCs. Adam has reported increased documentation and allows him to be more thorough with EMRs.
- NCAA does not have regulations against us paying for medical services for athletes.
- New Business
- Interest for CACC Social at NATA
- Only Wilmington going and Mike Molinaro (Caldwell) going, so there is no real interest for CACC Social.
- CACC AT Welcome Letter
- Helpful for new ATCs due to high turnover of ATCs in the conference
- PennyFoland (Nyack) to chair committee
- Samantha James (Dominican) and Hannah Hallissey (Post) offered to volunteer to help on committee.
- Penny Foland (Nyack) passed out rough draft of Welcome Letter and asked for changes or suggestions to information that should be included on letter.
- Miscommunication Between ADs and Schedule Changes
- Discussion of how ATCs get overlooked sometimes when game schedules are rearranged from home to away or vice versa because coaches and administrators don’t realize the importance of having an ATC covering an event when schedules are rearranged.
- Question posed to the group – “Should ATCs be compensated for extra coverage for games that were switched home vs. away or administrative schedule changes that conflict with ATC schedules? Argument is that SIDs get paid for covering other games.
- Erin Fidler (Chestnut Hill) – propose to AD Council if an away team is hosting “home game” then school should pay away ATC for coverage.
- Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) explained that we might run into issues with licensure clarity, and becomes a legal issue with licensure if covering games in other states. This would be more feasible for schools within the same state.
- Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) asked to wait for email vote and draft something that is clear and concise (licensure and SIDs)
- Motion to defer to committee comprised of Samantha James (Dominican), JackieCividanes (Bloomfield), and Jillian Ayson (Concordia) for consideration later this week culminating in email vote.
- Erin Fidler (Chestnut Hill)motions, Erin Spaulding (Holy Family) seconds, motion passes.
- CEUs
- Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) asks if there a way we can offer CEUs, riding coattails of a BOC provider in our conference and award CEUs for our meetings. We would have to move the meeting to a place where BOCs are offered.
- Samantha James (Dominican) informed group that Dominican’s BOC provider number lapsed, and they chose not to renew. Regulations were changed, and you must apply for a provider number every time you want to host event.
- Chestnut Hill is looking to get a BOC provider number with NCAA grant
- Goldey-Beacom College will ask Novocare to see if they have BOC number (since they are contracted through Novocare.)
- Philadelphia University’s ATEP is so new that Adam is not sure they have a BOC number yet, but odds are not good for this upcoming school year.
- Speaker for AT Council Meetings
- Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) asked group if there is interest in getting a speaker for next May’s meeting.
- Samantha James (Dominican) voiced that coming out for a speaker makes the trip more worthwhile since they must travel farther.
- JanetPanek (Holy Family) said she would check with Aria 3B if they can provide CEUs to us
- Sickle Cell Trait Testing - Erin Fidler (Chestnut Hill)
a.Medivo system – called PWN Health now
b.Penny Foland (Nyack) has used it, but has no real information on it
c.Same price as Medivo, same everything, but results in 1-7 days instead of 24-48 hours.
d.Erin Fidler (Chestnut Hill) will send out email with URL for everyone, and contact NCAA to see if we can get an update
e.Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) asked for a vote on who requires Sickle Cell testing with no waiver option
- Wilmington, Post, Nyack, Dominican, and Chestnut hill all require Sickle Cell testing without a waiver option.
- All other schools include a waiver option on their Sickle Cell testing forms.
f.Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) asked PennyFoland (Nyack) to address sickle cell conference policy (or lack of) on welcome letter.
- Legislative Issues Update – Erin Spaulding (Holy Family)
- H.R. 302/ S. 808 Sports Medicine Licensure Clarity Act
- Cosponsors have been added to S. 808 since April 6, 2017 and there are currently 14 Co-Sponsors.
- H.R. 302 was received in the Senate on Jan. 10, 2017 and referred to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.
- California Licensure Regulation update
- Updates for NCAA Bylaw 3.3.4 Amendment and NCAA Bylaw 14.2.5 Changes
- Samantha James (Dominican) asked Ellen O’Brien for quick healthcare administrator legislation clarity – bylaw is intended to ensure that coaches aren’t firing athletic trainers for healthcare decisions.
- General clarification for Hardship Waiver (NCAA Bylaw 14.2.5)
- This is not retroactive and will start August 1st, 2017
- Athlete must not have played more than 3 contests or dates of competition (whichever is applicable to that sport) or 30% percent of maximum number of contests or dates of competition set forth in Bylaw 17; and injury must take place in the first half of their season.
- Ellen will send out a chart outlining current and new hardship waiver legislation.
- Next meeting - Tuesday, January 9 at Georgian Court University
- Mike Molinaro (Caldwell) motions to adjourn meeting – Joe Friedrich (GCU) adjourned meeting at 11:30AM.