Minutes of the ANGC Committee Meeting held at 1630HRS on Wednesday 16th March2016 at the Clubhouse.

Present: Mrs. L GoreLady Captain

Mr. P GoreVice-Captain

Mr. T PinnellSecretary

CPO A LathamTreasurer

Sgt P WilsonBar Member

Mr. D Robinson Comp Secretary

Mr. P RamshawHandicap Secretary

Sgt P WilsonPublicity Member

Mr. N MaxwellGrounds Member

Mr. F FouldsHouse Member

Mr A KeeganShop Member

Apologies:Sqn Ldr B FinniganChairman

Mr. P BattyCaptain

Mrs. J BattyLady Vice-Captain

Mr. B WilsonEntertainments

ITEM 1:Minutes of the last meeting

  • The Secretaryopened the meeting at 1631 hrs and the minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record.

ITEM 2:Matters Arising


Treasurer leaving end of February replacement needed. As yet no volunteers, but will continue to advertise post on Unit Pt 1 Orders.Sgt Kim Lister will assume role of Treasurer pending a Handover/Takeover with the outgoing Treasurer CPO Adam Latham. Action: Closed

Following discussions with other Cyprus Golf Clubs who are all retaining Handicap Caps, ANGC will cap at 28 for Men and 36 for Women. The Chairman will draft an email for distribution to the membership. Action: Closed

Over 2 dozen Golf Balls have been recovered from all parts of the course and Children are again removing Fairway Markers. Unit Pt 1 Orders will reflect the need to cease these actions. Unit P1 Orders will reflect the need to cease these actions. P1 Orders include a reminder that the Golf Course is out of bounds to non members. Action: Closed

Bar Member

Unit Security Section to change codes to Clubhouse & Locker Room Doors. This will be completed by the end of March and will now include a lock to the Patio Door. Bar Member will hasten Sgt Bell (USS) for this to be done. Action: Ongoing

We cannot source parts for our old Italian Tractor which is currently running on 1 cylinder. Bar Manager to discuss with QM the possibility of having a ‘loan’ of the Unit Tractor. Unit Tractor currently in use, but may be available in the near future. Transport Officer to be contacted to set date for collection. Action: Ongoing

Grounds Member

Trying to source a Water Bowser – awaiting completion of Bunker rebuilds. Grounds Member to rethink usage & filling as the water outlet is in the vicinity of the Rugby Ground. Action: Ongoing

House Member

Replace all shower heads.Action: Ongoing

Feasibility of Shower in Ladies Toilets. The Handicap Sec hasviewed and agrees there is just enough room to fit a ceramic shower tray similar to the ones inthe gents. Rather than an electric shower it will be much easier to tap into the existing water supply which runs across the top of the toilet cubicle/top of the men’s shower. Costs will consist of buying/fitting a shower tray, the shower components, plus connecting to the current supply. Handicap Sec to provide costs, but needs clarification on who will carry out the work. ANGC are responsible for the upkeep of the building so any improvements will have to be on a self help basis. Action: Ongoing

Shop Member

RSM to approach Unit Workshop to provide costs for a further display cabinet to the right of the bar. Shop Member confirmed that currently the Unit Workshop has too much on to undertake this task. Action: Ongoing

ITEM 3:Chairman’s Report via email

Firstly, many apologies for being unable to attend the Committee Meeting but I have a prior engagement over the same time period.

Secondly, I would like to formally thank Chief Petty Officer Adam Latham for all his hard work, endeavour and excellent management of the ANGC Funds and the Property Book as our Treasurer. He has been an invaluable member of the Committee and has continually supported the Club, playing in Interclubs and Opens across the island. On behalf of ANGC I would like to wish him and his family all the very best for the future.

ITEM 4:Captain’s Reports


Nothing to report

Lady Captain

The Charity Pot amountstands at €8610.54.Designated Charity for the next couple of months is KEPA.

Thanks to all who helped during the ANGC Ladies Open.

ITEM 5:Treasurers Report

The closing balance as of 16thMarch 2016 stood at €4091.45.

Handover to Sgt Kim Lister is to take place tomorrow(Thursday 17 Mar 16).

ITEM 6:Competition Secretary

The Comp Sec reported that we have 56 entries for the ANGC Open and the Trophies have been purchased along with 80 Shirts. Unfortunately the Sponsor money has yet to materialize, but he is working on it. He added that he needs a VAT Form V6A to allow purchase of the Shirts without VAT. The Treasurer will provide monies to pay the VAT which can then be recovered via the Unit Admin Office.

ITEM 7:Handicap Secretary

Handicap Sec reiterated the need for Handicap Certificates for all Country Members.

ITEM 8:Secretary

Currently 66members have renewed their membership giving a total of €11,550 which will be handed to the Treasurer on Thursday (17 Mar 16).

ITEM 9:Entertainment Member

Nothing to report

ITEM 10:Grounds Member

New Flag Poles will arrive tomorrow (Akrotiri) and at the club within the next few days.

ITEM 11:Bar Member

Bar Member reported that a new Till is required. It was agreed to discuss this requirement with Andy Payne as he may be able to source a good second hand Till.

Instead of providing just crisps as snacks more substantial food will be on sale.

The Presentation Night Curry gave a shortfall of €15. It was agreed that the Thursday Ballsweep will make up the shortfall. Future Presentation Night Curry will require prepayment, interest to be gauged at the next Ballsweep.

Honesty Fridge is working with some days down but the next day up therefore currently level.

Fridge behind the Bar needs refurbishment at a cost of approx. €40.

Shirts are required for the Bar Staff. These will be provided from old stock.

ITEM 12: Shop Member

Sales are going well for all merchandise.

We have an opportunity to provide Golf Bags and Golf Trolleys for sale but we need a new display unit to accommodate them.

ITEM 13: Publicity Member

Nothing to report

ITEM 14: House Member

Display Cabinet lock now fitted.

One of the Patio Heaters ‘blew up’ new Regulator needed. In the future we need to replace Patio Heaters,which are fire hazards, with heaters that are safe.


Vice Captain

The presentation of the Monkey is causing embarrassment and thought to be demeaning. Some members are not turning up because of fear of ‘winning’ it. A short discussion ensued giving both pros and cons. The VC will take on board all the comments.

Lady Captain

Ladies Ballsweep will trial the inclusion of the Par 5 and will report back next month. The Grounds Member will provide a Mat for the Ladies to use some 30 yds forward of the 9th Tee.

Grounds Member

The Senior trip to Secret Valley Golf Club needs to be advertised to all members. Secretary to contact Jim Saunders. Action: Secretary

Sec. Note – Jim Saunders confirmed that the trip will be advertised at the Thursday Ballsweep (17 Mar 16).

The Ladies away day will have their transport paid for as per the constitution.

Some players from other clubs who played in the ANGC Senior Open voiced their concern that there were no Prizes,other than Trophies, to be won. A short discussion ensued which concluded that it was too late to provide Prizes for the ANGC Open.Chairman Note: Morgan John from DHK Shop kindly at short notice provided the prizes; the monies will be taken from Club Funds.

ITEM 16: Date of Next Meeting

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was brought to an end by the Secretary / Vice Captain at 1740 hrs, with the next meeting due to be held on Wednesday 13 April 2016 at 1630 in the Clubhouse.

Terry Pinnell
