Study/Discussion Outline for Galatians 1:11-24

Fairlawn Mennonite Church, July 13, 2014

Scriptures are from the NIV unless otherwise noted

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Galatians 1:11-24, and Chapter 2 in “Galatians for You.” Because of the nature of this section we’ll pick out a couple of themes and work on them.

Read vv 11-12) We need to be aware that false teaching is being circulated across the Church today by those who make a claim similar to Paul here. This will increase as the days grow darker because men will do anything but surrender to God in their pursuit of comfort and security in difficult times. These “new revelations” typically deny the centrality of the cross and exalt man in some way.

- What does John 8:31-32 say about how we can know if a teaching is trustworthy? (See John 15:1-11 on abiding)

- Some scriptures for helping us judge truth vs false teaching include: Mt. 6:19-21 and 32-34, Mt. 7:13-23, Luke 9:23-25, John 14:6, I Cor. 1:17-25, Gal. 1:8, and Gal. 5:1. What others come to your mind?

- So, what would be some core topics/issues where Satan wants to introduce error through false teaching?

Read 13-14 and 22-24) Paul had overcome a well-deserved bad reputation through the advocacy of Barnabas (Acts 9:26-27) and by proving himself to the Church, and thus they accepted and respected him.

I propose however, that we are often guilty of holding obvious past failures against a brother or sister; and further, that in an ongoing way we misjudge others in a way that leads us to diminish their place among us.

In both cases the problem is that we know people “according to the flesh” instead of as the new person they are in Christ, as Paul speaks of in II Cor 5:16-17.

Too often we “know” people by how they make us feel; by how they treat us; or by how they compare with us in one way or another. It’s a terribly fleshly and selfish thing to do. It handicaps relationships; does an injustice to our brother or sister; and diminishes some really good people among us! Do you agree that such judgments grow out of our own weakness and insecurity?

- What effect does that have in the Church and on our witness?

- Can you think of people who are “held down” because of past failures, regardless of their Christian walk now?

- Is there anyone whom you do that to, and if so, what will you do about it?

- Have you ever been an advocate for another?

- Do you feel diminished by others because of a past failure or because you aren’t up to their “standard” in some way? If so, what effect does that have upon you and what can you do about it? (Hint. How ‘bout if you humbly allowed no one but God to define you and tell you who you are?)

Read 15-16) Paul says that God had been at work in his life from early on. His testimony is much like David’s in Psalm 139:1-18!

While few of us were called like Saul was on the road to Damascus, we have all heard God’s call to follow Him and we have said “Yes.” Some of us have later had a “wake up call” as we say, when God called us to be more real in our walk with Him.

- How have you seen God’s active hand in your life through the years?

- Do you have a sense of “God’s call upon your life” or do you just see yourself as one among the masses - - maybe even like a minnow among trophy Walleye? Either way, what might that be based upon, and if not, why not?

- Do you believe that all things (including difficulties) ultimately serve God’s purposes for those who say “Yes, Lord” and who allow Him to govern their life?

- Do you believe that God can use even you for His glory in the difficult days that surely lie ahead for American Christians?

Prepared by Ken Stoltzfus, your fellow pilgrim and bondservant of Jesus.

A New Creation

Sorry for this second page but I can’t help myself. Some thoughts came to me this morning (July 3) as I read JESUS CALLING by Sarah Young, and they have everything to do with this lesson.

We talk about the need to see others for the person they now are in Christ, but our greatest challenge might be in seeing ourselves that way! We need to forgive ourselves, and see ourselves as the new creation in Christ. Read II Cor. 5:16-21 now and apply it to yourself. Read verses 19 and 21 again and ask God if that is sufficient to take care of all of your past sins and present weaknesses and failures!

This is a core issue in our discussion of God’s grace in Galatians. Nothing but His gracious forgiveness and acceptance could make us clean and there is nothing past or present that His grace is not sufficient for. When we “receive” that into the deepest recesses of our inner being, we’ll be released from our present shame and will find ourselves unable to keep from being His ambassadors. We’ve got to quit seeing ourselves according to the flesh and begin to see ourselves as God sees us!

Read John 10:7-10 and compare what Jesus and Satan offer us. Satan comes to you to steal and kill and destroy but Jesus comes to give you abundant life. We have our choice about which “voice” we receive and who we listen to, but let’s know that Satan is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44) We have listened to his lies about us long enough and it’s time to receive the truth of God’s grace through Jesus Christ and to see ourselves as the “new creation” that we truly are!!!

Here’s today’s devotional along with the scriptures Sarah Young references:

My children make a pastime of judging one another – and themselves. But I am the only capable Judge, and I have acquitted you through My own blood. Your acquittal came at the price of My unparalleled sacrifice. That is why I am highly offended when I hear My children judge one another or indulge in self-hatred.

If you live close to Me and absorb My Word, the Holy Spirit will guide and correct you as needed. There is no condemnation for those who belong to Me.

Luke 6:37, Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

(KenS note: “Forgive” there can also be translated “release.” Some of you know that I have a problem with the way Christians sometimes define and apply forgiveness, and that I find great freedom in releasing the offense of others into God’s hand, per His justice as in Rom 12:19. See Romans 12:17-21. There are many challenges in life that we can entrust to God. We can “let them go” and trust Him to deal with them according to His perfect knowledge and justice. See also Psalm 37:1-15. God will deal with those who do wrong against us. Our trusting Him for that and then extending the grace toward them that He extends toward us, is the best path toward justice and reconciliation. )

II Tim. 4:8, Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Titus 3:5, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,

Roman 8:1, Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,

KenS, 7/3/14