Name: ______

American Revolution Review


Why are these 2 accounts of what happened at the Boston Massacre so different?


“We must all hang together or we shall assuredly hang apart.”
- Benjamin Franklin

With this quote, what is Benjamin Franklin saying to the colonists?


Based on this quote, what was Thomas Paine encouraging the colonists to do?


By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood And fired the shot heard round the world.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Excerpt from “Concord Hymn”

What event is Ralph Waldo Emerson referring to?


Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? … I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
- Patrick Henry, 1775

What can you conclude Patrick Henry believed based on this quote?


According to this quote, what’s the purpose of government?


According to this excerpt, what’s Jefferson’s reason for writing the Declaration of Independence?

9. Which country did Benjamin Franklin convince to give the Patriots military help?

10.Why is the Battle of Saratoga so important to the American Revolution?

11. What did Abigail Adams tell John Adams to remember before and during the revolution? (Think about the fact she is an advocate for women’s rights).

12. The Intolerable Acts were meant to punishable Massachusetts for what event?

13. Why were the colonist so upset by the events of the 1760s (all the new taxes and laws)? (Think about government.)

14. What are unalienable rights?

15. How did Samuel Adams feel about taxation without representation? Why?

16. Why was the Declaration of Independence written?

17. How did King George the III enforce the Proclamation of 1763? (think troops)

18. Why were the colonists so angry about all the new laws enforced by the British government? (Think about the way life use to be in the colonies before the French and Indian War.)

19. What attitude do the following people have toward American Independence, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and Thomas Paine?

20. What British Act led to colonists dumping cargo into the Boston harbor?

21. According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the main purpose of government?

22. What physical feature could the colonist NOT pass over according to the Proclamation of 1763?

23. What is a Patriot?

24. What was the last battle of the American Revolution?

25. What are the three unalienable rights Thomas Jefferson includes in the Declaration of Independence?

26. How did the French and Indian War contribute to the causes of the American Revolution?

27. What does the phrase “Consent of the Governed” mean?

28. What did the colonists mean by the saying, “No Taxation without representation?”

29. Put the following events in order they occurred (just write the numbers):

  1. Founding of Jamestown
  2. Boston Tea Party
  3. French and Indian War
  4. Battle of Saratoga
  5. Treaty of Paris
  1. Signing of the Declaration of Independence
  2. Battle of Yorktown
  3. Stamp Act
  4. Lexington and Concord
  5. Publishing of “Common Sense”