Atlanta Region Executive Committee Meeting

May 11, 2016 Wednesday

Atlanta Region Club Office/Conference Call

7:30 pm


AJSchramm, Assistant Region Executive, Competition Director

Carol Cone, Treasurer
Jennifer Paradis, Secretary

Bob Hudson, Director

Clark McInnis, Director
Dave Rollow, Director
Randall Prince, Communications and Webmaster

Tom Gorman, Team SOLO Co-Chairman

Call to order - AJ Schramm 7:33 PM

Minutes– Feb missing. March not on web site. All minutes posted to website.

RE Report Rick Mitchell not present.

Treasurers ReportReconciliation and P&L distributed. Discussion.

Department Reports:

Website: Discussion of minor glitch between Atl Reg and National website.

Race Report: Summer Sizzle sched/supps in review. Another round out shortly.

Riverside Military Academy update Talking with Freedman re the rally to be run as part of the event. Not TSD but more of a “fun” rally. Will reach out to members for more information.

August AMP BE event: National office signing contract with track. Social for the workers, lunch, etc, covered by National. We will run the event. Saturday/Sunday event. Bracket enduro. Discussion of logistics, scheduling, worker issues. HANS will be required. August 13-14. Being run as part of Targa weekend.

Rally X – Event 4 Event on April 17, Site changes turned out not to be an issue. Event went fine.

Solo New computer on board. Looking into software. First TNIA didn’t go so well. Good for recruitment but not financial success. Discussion. Will look at other ways to make more effective logistically and financially.

May 1 AMS P2 event review Good event.

Trailer title and tag problem, Remedies discussed.

ARRC committee. Clark in discussion re sponsorship with Grassroots Motorsports. At this point they’re not coming back this year but are open to a proposal. We will prepare a proposal to put to other sponsors as well. Honda will be presenting sponsor. Discussion.

Annual party/awards dinner Discussion of planning,

Old Business:

AMP Track Nights – Dinner/drinks? Happy with what happened, want to continue it. Great food at a low price. Region supplied water, we will continue. We need signage, we will get this ordered. Discussion. Maybe a little welcome center kind of thing at the track.

Insurance – Liability for office is now in place. SCCA covers all official business, including meetings. We are self insured for property.

Radios for Road Atlanta progress. Waiting on quotes for hardware. Will get with Road Atlanta re logistics.

New Business:

New waiver policies re National. Information at National website describing waivers.

Itrack event at Lanier. Randall reports nice event, with approximately 400 spectators. Will look into if we can use this facility for SOLO events or if we have to run under Club Trials. If Club Trials, track will need to be certified. Randall will look into this further. Potentially to be run with the ARRC, could be a recurring event. Proposed title: SuperSolo.

Enduro Series introduction: In discussion.

Motion to adjourn made by Bob Hudson, seconded by Jennifer Paradis. Motion carries.

Meeting adjourned at 8:48 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Paradis
