Student Internship Preparation Guide
All Information About Internships Available at
Templates and Internship Documents Available under
Work-Based Learning Materials on the Portal:
Complete your Application at: Application
Internships are an honor and a privilege. Earning them will require effort, preparation and commitment. Student candidates in the process, as well as intern recipients, are a reflection on Pathways Academy of Technology and Design. As an intern candidate and an intern, you are expected to:
- Maintain respect
- Act professionally
- Dress in proper attire
- Arrive punctually for activities and your role
- Respond in a timely fashion to all communication
- Maintain good attendance at school
To participate in the process, you must complete the Registration Process by submitting:
- Online Application (please note, if you have completed this before, prior responses are retained and can be updated):
- Complete Cover Letter: generated based on responses to and the questions prefixed with Cover Letter (if you have an earlier version, you can revise that and resubmit it as well)
- Current and Accurate Resume
- Current Teacher Recommendation
When this is all complete your eligibility will be verified and you will be asked to sign the Intern Agreement and Code of Conduct. Be sure to monitor email at least every 24 hours as information about requirements or interviews will all be emailed to you.
Any questions should be directed to Internship and Work-Based Learning Coordinator, NiCole Schlagheck ().
Resumes are the primary initial communication that an individual has with a company/organization. Creating an effective resume that conveys your experience and qualifications is critical to landing a position. Use this guide to assist you in creating a resume. Share your resume with many people to continue to refine. There are many ways to make a resume, just be sure, no matter what, it is clear and accurate!
Section 1: Personal Information
First and Last Name: ______
Address: ______
Phone Number: ______
Email (professional): ______
Section 2: Objective – State what you are looking to gain/what you desire in a role, in one sentence.
Example: To identify a challenging internship opportunity that will enable me to further develop my technical skills.
Objective: ______
Section 3: Education
High School Name:______
Expected Date of Graduation: ______
GPA (Include if greater than a 3.0): ______
Technology or Relevant Classes Taken: ______
Special Recognition/Awards or Certifications: ______
Section 4: Experience – Work/Internship or Volunteer – List any jobs you have held or volunteering you have done. List your experience from most recent to oldest. Use action verbs and bullet out your contributions.
Name of Company of Organization: ______
Dates when you Worked There (Month/Year – Month/Year is sufficient): ______
Your Title/Role: ______
Describe your accomplishments and contributions:
- Developed a manual to help on-board other Customer Service Representatives
- Managed lawn business, increasing sales by 50%
- Created a new organization system to reduce claim paperwork by 25%
- ______
- ______
- ______
Name of Company of Organization: ______
Dates when you Worked There (Month/Year – Month/Year is sufficient): ______
Your Title/Role: ______
Describe your accomplishments and contributions:
- ______
- ______
- ______
Name of Company of Organization: ______
Dates when you Worked There (Month/Year – Month/Year is sufficient): ______
Your Title/Role: ______
Describe your accomplishments and contributions:
- ______
- ______
- ______
Section 5: Special Skills and Relevant Activities and/or Interests – List all relevant skills/technologies you have/know. Be specific and include the level of knowledge(Example: Introductory Python Skills, Practiced Digital Photographer, Conversational Spanish, etc.). Use this section to differentiate yourself
Skill or Relevant Interest: ______
Skill or Relevant Interest: ______
Skill or Relevant Interest: ______
1)Type this information and format it into a Resume (many templates online)
2)READ, RE-READ and RE-READ it for Clarity, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation!!!
3)Share the finished product with your School Counselor, Parents, Teachers and Internship Coordinator for feedback.
4)Save your final copy to Naviance and email a copy to , Pathways Internship Coordinator!!
5)Be prepared to talk about your experience when you meet Employers
6)Keep it current!! Add to it as you acquire more skills and have more jobs
- Everyone must know the MS Office Suite – as a student at a Technology Focused High School it is expected that you know these tools, DO NOT LIST AS A SKILL
- Share any programming languages that you know well
- Share an example of how you have utilized and enhanced your knowledge of that skill in your LEADERSHIP or WORK EXPERIENCE
- Class Projects, Volunteer Work, Jobs, Internships….all count as experience
- Clearly articulate the value you added
- Lead with strong verbs and share specific metrics
- Trained 10 students on Python programming
- Developed a user’s guide for students in Intro to Photography
- Coordinated a group of 5 students to develop an app for a Microsoft competition
- Include the email address you check regularly
- Include your home address/town
- Include your GPA if it is greater than a 3.0
- Adjust the margins as necessary
- Be specific and be clear
Use present tense when describing tasks you are still doing and use past tense when describing tasks you are no longer doing.
- Achieved
- Acquired
- Adapted
- Addressed
- Administered
- Analyzed
- Anticipated
- Assembled
- Assisted
- Audited
- Budgeted
- Calculated
- Centralized
- Changed
- Collaborated
- Composed
- Condensed
- Conduscted
- Constructed
- Contracted
- Converted
- Coordinated
- Created
- Cultivated
- Demonstrated
- Designed
- Developed
- Devised
- Discovered
- Doubled
- Drafted
- Edited
- Eliminated
- Enforced
- Established
- Evaluated
- Expanded
- Explained
- Forecasted
- Formed
- Founded
- Generated
- Guided
- Hired
- Implemented
- Improved
- Informed
- Insured
- Interpreted
- Interviewed
- Launched
- Learned
- Maintained
- Managed
- Marketed
- Minimized
- Negotiated
- Obtained
- Operated
- Organized
- Originated
- Oversaw
- Performed
- Planned
- Prevented
- Produced
- Programeed
- Promoted
- Provided
- Publicized
- Published
- Recruited
- Reorganized
- Reported
- Researched
- Resolved
- Reviewed
- Selected
- Separated
- Set up
- Simplified
- Solved
- Surveyed
- Staffed
- Supervise
- Taught
- Tested
- Trained
- Used
Student Name
12 Hickory Lane
Bloomfield, CT 06002
(860) 123-4567
To obtain a summer internship position in which I can gain business experience as well as apply and develop my strong technical skills in a professional setting.
Pathways Academy of Technology & Design, Windsor, CT 2011-PresentAnticipated Graduation Date: June 2015
- GPA: 3.1
- Class Rank: 25 out of 69 students
- Enrolled in Honors Level Courses - English, Algebra 2, Biology
Pathways Job Shadow Day Participant, Hartford, CT 2013
- Shadowed a Computer Programmer for the day at Cigna
- Learned about the various career fields in IT
Bloomfield Town Hall Intern, Bloomfield, CT 2013
- Worked in IT department
- Wiped and installed Windows on new computers
- Delivered and installed computers in Police Department and Senior Center
Global Youth Service Day Participant, Washington Park, Windsor, CT 2013
- Painted benches and cleaned up the general area
Soup Kitchen Volunteer, Hartford, CT 2012
- Served food to those in need
St. Gabriel’s School Volunteer, Windsor, CT 2011
- Provided maintenance to the outside surroundings
- Business Communications
- Advanced Programming
- Introduction to Computer Applications
- Web Design
Honor Roll Student2011-Present
Best Overall “Project Based Learning” in Programming Class 2012
Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and the Internet
Experience with: Alice, Python, iMovie, Flash CS6, Blue Jay
Knowledge: Troubleshooting PCs, Windows Server Operating Systems
Being able to write and convey a clear message is an important part of the job search process. In a Cover Letter, more than in your resume, you can share more about why you believe you are qualified, why you want a particular type of role and what makes you believe that the hiring company would be a good fit for you. Through the Registration process you will answer questions that will help you to complete this Cover Letter template.
Month, Year
Re: Available Internship Position
Attention Hiring Manager:
I was excited to see your opening for an Internship Position, and I hope my credentials meet your needs so I may be considered for the position. I am working hard to obtain practical experience that will be applicable and therefore a valuable resource to your organization.
My background includes experience with ……...
Most recently, I volunteered/worked on the xxxxxx for Company, where my responsibilities included ……..
In addition, I am a member of the xxxx club and serve as the xxxx officer handling the xxxx for the organization. ……..
I am eager to find an internship opportunity that will enable to expand my technical skills. I have experience with ………. and am proficient in the MS Office Suite as well as Photoshop and ……
Please see the accompanying resume for details of my experience and education.
I am confident that my skillset and drive will enable me to be successful at your organization. Please feel free to contact me at 555-555-5500 (cell) or via email at to arrange an interview. Thank you for your time -- I look forward to learning more about this opportunity!
Student First Last Name
Thank you for taking the time to fill this out on behalf of your student. Please complete the recommendation below, and email it back to or return it to the Main Office.
Thank you, NiCole Schlagheck, Internship & Work-Based Learning Coordinator
Student Name______
Personal Qualities / Excellent / Above Average / Average / Below Average / Not ApplicableAcademic achievement
Attendance and punctuality
Communication Skills
Responsibility/Completion of tasks
Relationship with peers
Relationship with adults
Ability to work as part of a team
Problem solving skills
Overall character
Additional comments:______
Teacher Name (printed)______Teacher Signature______
1)LOOK PROFESSIONAL! First impressions will last when you are meeting with potential employers.
2)Bring several copies of your resume with you in a manila folder.
3)Bring a notebook and pen to write down any information you may need.
4)Plan to arrive 10 minutes before the interview begins.
5)Be extra courteous- Say hello, smile, and be friendly to everyone you meet.
6)Offer a professional greeting-When you meet the interviewer, stand up straight, look him/her in the eye, smile, extend a firm handshake, and say “Thank you for taking the time to interview me for this internship position.”
7)Body language is important! Sit near the edge of the chair with both feet on the floor and maintain eye contact.
10) Have a reason for wanting to intern there. Visit the company’s
website and research who they are and what they do.
11) Show that you’re curious about the position and be prepared to ask
the interviewer questions at the end of the interview.
12)Ask the employer for a business card at the end of the interview, and
send a thankyou note.
Listed below are a few sample interview questions. Be prepared to answer all of these questions should you be asked any of them. Think of examples in your life, both academically and personally that you can relate the questions to.
1)Tell us something about yourself.
2)What do you think are your personal and academic strengths in school?
3)Where do you have opportunity to improve your performance in school?
4)Are you available and interested in working for more than 6 weeks?
5)What part of (specific course) did you enjoy the most? Why?
6)If you are scheduled to begin work at 9:00 a.m. and you arrive at 9:03 a.m., are you late?
7)Tell me about a time when you found yourself in a situation that made you do something you really didn’t want to do or didn’t expect to be doing. How did you perform and act in that situation?
8)Tell me what you know about our company. Why is an internship with us, the right fit for you?
9)Why should I hire you over someone else?
10)Tell me about a problem you confronted and how you solved it.
11)What do you think are the most important abilities that lead to success on the job?
12)Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?
13)What skills are you most interested in acquiring through an internship? How have you started to learn things in that area so far?
14)Tell me about a time you had to work with a team that was not engaged in a school project. How did you encourage them to complete a high quality deliverable?
15)Share with me how you completed a project on a topic or subject you knew nothing about. How did you go about acquiring the information and knowledge you needed to be successful?
Postings and opportunities will be posted on the Yellow Tack Board in the Cafeteria, on the 2nd Floor TV Screens and on the Pathways Website under Student Life > Pathways Internship Program. Once your Registration Process is complete and you have signed off on the Intern Agreement and Code of Conduct, you can notify Internship Coordinator, NiCole Schlagheck, if there is an opportunity to which you want to apply. Email her your name and the company of interest and your information will be shared with the Employer.
If you are selected to interview, you will receive an email that looks like the notice below. This will provide all of the information you need to know about the time/location/etc., it will advise you on how to prepare and it will serve as your Pass from Class for the interview. You will not receive paper notices to homeroom – you must be alert to these email notifications!
Attention Student –
Thank you for applying to interview for Company XYZ summer internship opportunity. Your first screening interview will take place on Monday, April 6, 2017 in the 2nd Floor Conference Room. Please see the included schedule to confirm your exact interview time. You will be meeting with Recruiter Jane, a representative from HR who is interviewing candidates for the two roles being offered:
1)Role Title – high level description
All candidates will share their experience and interests to help determine the best placement.
To prepare for the interview, please review the following information and prepare accordingly:
1)Dress PROFESSIONALLY and shake hands
2)THANK the employer for the opportunity
3)Bring a notebook and pen with questions for the employer along with your RESUME
4)Research the company to know more about their financials, the names of their CEO and CIO, and any latest news affecting the company
5)Have concrete examples from school projects, volunteering and/or work experience to share when you answer interview questions
6)Arrive PROMPTLY for your interview slot. You will not be called for dismissal, you must use this note as your pass for getting out of class for your 15-20 minute timeframe.
Any questions, concerns or changes in availability, YOU MUST email .
SCHEDULE (15 minute interviews with some extra allowance for interviewer breaks):
Time / Student8:30 / NAME BOY
8:50 / NAME GIRL
9:05 / NAME BOY
9:45 / NAME BOY
10:00 / NAME GIRL
Monday 4/6 PASS for Company XYZ Interviews
From: Mrs. NiCole Schlagheck
Report To: Conference Room 2 at your designated time.