EUR.COMMISSION (EC) = deals with daily management of EU – represents “Common interest”

The European Union is more than just a confederation of countries, but is NOT a federal state, = unique structure!The Commission is answerable to the Parliament, and the entire Commission has to resign if the Parliament passes a motion of censure against it.

From each country :ONLY 1 “COMMISSIONER”and each commissioner= responsible for 1 or more policy areas

WHO? = 28 Commissioners -- President = Jean-Claude Juncker
-- Vice- President: = Federica Mogherini (until summer 2014 Lady Ashton), also “High Representative” for CFSP (Common foreign and security policy)

WHAT? = main executive body

  • It alone has the right to put forward proposals for new legislation, which it sends to the Council and Parliament for discussion adoption.
  • ensures that EU policies are properly implemented (for ex. Erasmus –programs + coordinates HUM. AID( prio’s + which means / who does what? )
  • etc.

-ASSISTED by a CIVIL SERVICE= divided into 43 Departments (Directorates -General - DGs) and services with more than 37.500 people

f.ex.  DG External Relations = transformed since 1 Dec. 2010 into EEAS (European External Action Service): EEAS supports external action of EU + it is the “EU diplomatic service” !!!

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (EP) = “voice of people”

WHO? 754 Members of parliament = the elected body that represents the EU’s citizens.

President = Martin SCHULZ

much more power!! < Thanks to New LISBON Treaty

  • With the COUNCIL of Ministers, it shares legislative & budgetary power (they adopt the EU budget + adopt the proposals for legislation of Eur. Commission )

--- In almost all cases, it has the last word !  except for = CFSP (Commons foreign and security Policy) & fiscal affairs

  • exercises democratic SUPERVISIONover the Union
  • Ratify international AGREEMENTS, such as Trade -agreem + enlargement with new Members


Made up of 28 ministers from each national government Every meeting is attended by 1 minister from each EU country. ( f.ex. : the 28 Ministers of Foreign Affairs OR the Ministers of Economy etc…

EU PRESIDENCY: Each Member State (MS)holdsthe Council Presidency for a six-month period.

28 MINISTERS debate on questions or take immediately decisions –cannot do everything alone,
assisted by

  • Secr-General = the administration ((practical organisation of meetings, draw up agenda…))
  • COREPER = Permanent Representatives Committee= ambassador of each MS (member state) responsible for preparatory work
    assisted < 250 committees& working groups with experts: f.ex. PSC : Political and Security Commitee)
  • regarding Security & Defence issues, they are assisted separate structure!! (EUMS, EUMC …)

1) with the Eur. Parl.: adopts EU laws + draws up the budget

2) All ministers of Foreign Affairs = “the Council of Foreign Affairs”

they define the CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy): based on general decisions made by the European Council – the Summit + theyimplement the CFSP!!

= most important decision-making BODY in this matter!!

Federica Mogherini, = President of the Council Foreign Affairs + she is theface of EU on international scene regarding CFSP.

She is supported by EEAS (European External Action Service) !!

3) signs internat. agreements negotiated by the Commission between the EU & other states / organisations.



 consists of the Heads of State / Government – the presidents and/or prime ministers – of all MS

+ President of EC

+ High Representative Ashton

normally meets 4 times a year, in Brussels. BUT in PRACTICE, sometimes extra meetings are organised, f.ex. due to eurocrisis.

*TASK = to set the EU’s overall “political direction” and to take major decisions on key issues.

  • HAS a PERMANENT PRESIDENT, whose job is to coordinate the European Council’s work and ensure its continuity