(Suggested Lists)
Grade 1Plastic shoebox/pencil box with a removable lid
(no larger than 14” l x 8” w x 4 7/8”d)
1 box Crayola 24 count crayons
6 pkg. Post-It Notes (size 3” x 3”)
6 Glue Sticks
6 thin point dry erase markers
1 clean pair of socks for the white boards
1 highlighter (any color)
1 Family-size box of tissues
Boys bring: Girls bring:
1 pack baby wipes 1 container disinfectant wipes
1 pack of gallon size 1 pack of quart size
Ziplock bags Ziplock bags / Grade 2
3” x 3” Post-It Notes
Clean pair of socks for use with white boards
8 Glue sticks
Crayons (box of 24)
2 marble composition books
2 dozen pencils
Zipper pencil case
12 low odor dry erase markers
1 Pocket Folder
Grade 3
3 marble notebooks
Glue and glue sticks
Dry erase marker & dry eraser
4 pocket folders
Pencils, highlighter, red pen
Crayons (box of 24), markers
2 soft pencil bags or zip pouches
Disinfectant wipes
Box of tissues
Mrs. Stoffel, Ms. Panichelli & Ms. Abbruzzese Classes Only
- 4 pre-cut tennis balls to beplaced on chair legs / Grade 4
3” x 3” Post-It Notes
3 pocket folders
# 2 pencils
Red pens or colored pens
Colored pencils or crayons
Wipe off markers (Dry Erase Markers)
Eraser for White board
Glue sticks
3 marble notebooks
a pencil bag or zip pouch (no pencil boxes)
Student scissors
4 Tennis Balls –Miss DiGrazio’s class only
Grade 5
1 eraser or sock 2 – BLACK Dry Erase Markers
Crayons (8-16 box) 2 packs – 3” x 5” white, lined index cards
4 pocket folders 1 – box of tissues
Colored pencils (10-12 box) 1 – container of Clorox wipes
2 - highlighters
1 box - # 2 pencils - Sharpened
Book bag or backpack
2 - 1” binders
4 Glue sticks
2 packages loose leaf paper – 3 hole
2 sets of dividers Mrs. Evans & Mrs. Mattera only -
2marble notebooks 1 marble copybook
1 pencil bag or zip pouch 1 pocket folder
1 redpen
1 pair of scissors
Mrs. Sanders – Grades 1 – 2
Backpack (please put student’s name inside backpack)
Pencils and erasers
Several glue sticks
4 oz. bottle of glue
4 black dry erase markers
Box of 24 crayons
1 marble composition book
1 large box of tissues
1 pocket folder
Mrs. Warrington
Pencils and erasers
Book bag
Glue sticks
Crayons and glue for homework
1 spiral bound notebooks (individual)
2 Marble Composition Books
1 large box tissues
1 container Disinfectant wipes