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牛津高一英语模块二Unit 1单词讲解

1.  puzzled

adj. I was puzzled how to deal with the situation.

* puzzling It’s a puzzling question to me.

* puzzle 1)Vt. This sentence puzzles me.

He puzzled his brain all day over the problem, but didn’t solve it.

2)n. It’s quite a puzzle to us how he did that.

I am in a puzzle. (= I am puzzled / at a loss.)

2.  search

v. * search sth. for sth.

The police searched the house for the stolen ring.

* search (through) sp for sth.

He searched through all the drawers for the key.

* search for sth

I have been searching for the same kind of shoes as these.

n. * The search for the missing men was given up.

* in search of: He went to Paris in search of a better life.

* make a search for

3.  witness

n. witness to/of sth The police found the witness to the murder case.

v. witness sth Did you witness the accident?

witness to doing sth / sth. He witnessed to having seen the man entering the room.

He witnessed (to)the truth of my statement.

4.  research

n.  [U][C]research on/into sth

He was doing/making research on the subject in Roman history.

Please carry out a research into the causes of the plane crash.

v. research into/on sth

They have been researching into the subject these days.

5.  frightening

adj. He spoke in a frightening manner(样子).

* frightened adj.

The child stared at the man with frightened eyes.

The frightened girl was speechless.

She was very frightened to(做--- 而害怕)look down from the top of the building.

The boy was frightened that(对----感到害怕)he would get lost.

* frighten Vt.

The sudden noise frightened us.

The little girl was frightened by/at the big dog.

The dog frightened the thief away.

* fright n.

get/ have a fright

The dog barked and gave him a fright.

6.  possibility

n [U]可能性,可实现性(a possibility)

possibility of sth; possibility that

the possibility of success

Is there any possibility that he will be elected chairman?


His retirement(退休)is a possibility.

* possible adj

It’s possible for sb to do sth It’s possible for him to solve the problem.

It’s possible that It’s possible that his illness will get worse.

as + adj. / adv. as possible Read as many books as possible.

if possible Send it by air mail if possible.

* possibly adv.

7.  murder

n. [U]谋杀,凶杀 Murder will out.(谚)纸里包不住火

[C]凶杀案 There were three murders in one month.

* get away with murder逍遥法外

Vt. The deranged(精神错乱的)man murdered two innocent(无辜的)children.

* murderer 杀人犯 The murderer was sentenced to death .

murderess女杀人犯 (actor, actress; waiter, waitress; prince, princess)

8.  evidence

n. [U] evidence of sth ; evidence that ; evidence to do sth

Do you have any evidence of his innocence?

There is no evidence that he is guilty.(= There is no evidence of his being guilty.)

We have enough evidence to prove him innocent.

* provide evidence * gather evidence *dig up evidence

9.  progress

n. [U]You have made great/much/rapid progress in speaking English.

The game is still in progress.

Vi. We are now progressing steadily(稳当地)with our work.

You have progressed quickly in maths.

10.  disappointed

adj. be disappointed at/about/with/in sb/sth

She looked disappointed.

I was disappointed at the result.

be disappointed that

I was disappointed that our team had lost the game.

be disappointed to do sth

He was disappointed to hear the news.

* disappointing adj.

* disappoint Vt. 使失望 (opp. encourage)

His behavior disappointed me.

The accident disappointed our plans.

* disappointment n.

[U]失望,扫兴 in disappointment失望地

[C]令人失望的事 You are a disappointment.

* to one’s disappointment 令人失望的是

To my/our disappointment, the picnic was postponed.

11.  wild

adj. wild animals

a wild hill

a wild man

She was wild with excitement.

She is wild about skiing.

The weather will grow wild(变恶劣)tomorrow.

make a wild guess 胡乱猜想

* go wild狂怒,狂喜,狂热

* run wild (植物)到处蔓延

为所欲为 She allow her children to run wild.

* the wilds 荒地

*wildly adv.

12.  similar

adj. be similar to st

Your views on education are similar to mine.

Our cars are similar only in color.

* similarly adv.

* similarity n.

13.  support

Vt. support sb/sth

The bench won’t support four people.

Tom was supported by his friends on either side.

I don’t support his opinion that the meeting should be put off.

He has a large family to support.

I will support myself after graduation from college.

His wife supported him when he was depressed(情绪沮丧的).

I can’t support (= can’t bear, can’t stand) what he said.

n. The table has three supports.

Father is the chief support of my family.

The President has lost the support of the nation.

* in support of 为了支持/拥护

* supporter n. 拥护者,支持者

14.  existence

n. [U] Do you believe in the existence of God?

* come into existence 产生,成立 This new country came into existence in 1951.

* in existence 现存的 This is the oldest wooden building in existence.

* exist vi. 存在,实际上有 (无进行时)

Don’t be silly. Such a thing doesn’t exist.

* existent adj.存在的,现存的

Practice: Wb. P89