University of Dayton
Division of Student Development
Performance Evaluation
The Division of Student Development is committed to providing developmental opportunities to all employees and encourages employees to fully engage in meaningful programs, offerings and services both internal and external to the University. Employee performance is evaluated regularly to enhance individual growth and contribution to the division.
Purpose and Definition
The most effective performance evaluation is a continuing process throughout the year. Informal and formal meetings should be held with the employee frequently to discuss expectations, priorities, goals and objectives. Evaluation meetings should be a summary of this continuing process with the emphasis on improvement. Active employee and supervisory involvement throughout the process is necessary for successful and effective results; neither party is able to achieve the maximized effect without the other.
The performance evaluation is designed to:
- facilitate communication between the employee and supervisor about performance
- improve job understanding
- recognize and promote outstanding performance
- identify areas needing improvement
- serve as one basis for salary increase decisions
- create ways in which the employee will experience job satisfaction and a sense of personal accomplishment while contributing to the betterment of the University
Supervisor Expectations:
Supervisors are called and expected to support their staff in the following ways:
- devote sufficient time to the appraisal process
- identify the demonstrated talents and skills the employee brings to the department
- provide specific, relevant, and accurate feedback on areas of growth
- provide opportunity for employee advancement through meaningful work and involvement
- collaboratively set realistic and clearly defined goals
- enumerate ways in which the supervisor can support these goals
- support employees’ desire to participate in a group within Student Development and/or the UD community as it relates to the goals set forth for personal/professional development
- receive any necessary training in order to accurately and sensitively convey feedback
The supervisor’s abilities in this area should be evaluated regularly.
Employee Expectations:
Employees are called and expected to actively participate in this process in the following ways:
- devote sufficient time to the appraisal process
- honestly reflect on strengths and areas for growth
- collaboratively set realistic and clearly defined goals
- enumerate ways in which the supervisor can support these goals
- request any necessary training in order to fulfill these goals
- provide feedback to the supervisor on the evaluation process
It is necessary to dedicate sufficient time for the evaluation process from both the employee and supervisor. Each party shall complete the evaluation in full prior to meeting to discuss. The established timeline, as provided below, allows for some flexibility, yet provides for firm deadlines for both the Annual Performance Evaluation and the employee-driven Mid-Cycle Goal Review.For maximum effectiveness, there must be a minimum of four (4) full calendar months between the completion of the Annual Evaluation and the Mid-Cycle Goal Review, such that there is sufficient time for progress and growth on an individual and departmental realm.
- Annual Performance Evaluation –Completed by July 31
- Mid-CycleGoal Review –Completed by January 31
University of Dayton
Division of Student Development
Performance Evaluation
Employee: / Click here to enter text. / Evaluation Period: / Click here to enter text. /Position Title: / Click here to enter text. /
Performance Ratings:The performance rating scale is designed to provide greater discernment within each rating with “Needs Improvement” valued 1-3, “Meets Expectations” valued 4-6, and “Exceeds Expectations” valued 7-9.
Exceeds Expectations (7-9): Work performance that is consistently exemplary, including in demanding situations/circumstances.Accomplishments are above expected levels, sustaining uniformly high performance.
Meets Expectations (4-6):Work performance that consistently completes job tasks as expected in terms of quality and schedule.Performance can be described as solid, fully competent performance in most situations and circumstances.
Needs Improvement (1-3):Work performance that is inadequate and inferior to the standards of performance required for the position.Major or ongoing problems that negatively impact organizational objectives.May show capability, but in an inconsistent manner. Performance may improve with greater consistency, while improvement in many areas is essential.
N/A (Not Applicable): Not an expectation of employee’s performance.
Comments: Comments boxes are to be used to provide specific examples, observations, and insights into numerical performance ratings. They can also highlight accomplishments or provide suggestions for enhancing performance.
Living the Mission of the University / Needs Improvement1 2 3 / Meets Expectations
4 5 6 / Exceeds Expectations
7 8 9 / N/A
Uses the University's mission of Learn, Lead, Serve to inform one’s daily work
Builds community, internally and externally, in order to strengthen institutional collaboration
When developing, implementing, or supporting programs for students, demonstrates a commitment to enhancing and furthering divisional outcomes and strategic direction
Comments:Click here to enter text.
Professionalism / Needs Improvement
1 2 3 / Meets Expectations
4 5 6 / Exceeds Expectations
7 8 9 / N/A
Demonstrates a commitment to the expectations of ethical conduct as set forth by the University and relevant professional associations
Adheres to established work schedule expectations as set by the departmental supervisor
Requests and reports leave/time off and sick days/salary continuation as required
Conforms to established standards of professional dress and appearance
Projects a positive image for the University, Department, and Self
Comments:Click here to enter text.
Job Knowledge / Needs Improvement
1 2 3 / Meets Expectations
4 5 6 / Exceeds Expectations
7 8 9 / N/A
Displays sound knowledge of departmental, divisional, and University policies and procedures
Understands and applies the expectations, needs, and requirements of the job
Demonstrates a strong functional knowledge of industry best practices
Keeps informed of emerging trends that are critical to the position
Applies technical and procedural knowledge as required
Utilizes tools of the job and resources competently
Comments:Click here to enter text.
Productivity / Needs Improvement
1 2 3 / Meets Expectations
4 5 6 / Exceeds Expectations
7 8 9 / N/A
Demonstrates accuracy and thoroughness in performing work assignments
Completes an appropriate amount and level of work
Ability to self-direct work completion with minimal supervision
Adapts to changing priorities
Effectively prioritizes work, manages multiple assignments, meets deadlines
Demonstrates initiative and anticipates needs
Identifies and solves problems effectively
Comments:Click here to enter text.
Interpersonal / Communication / Needs Improvement
1 2 3 / Meets Expectations
4 5 6 / Exceeds Expectations
7 8 9 / N/A
Demonstrates mastery of written communications
Exhibits active listening skills
Understands and uses appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication
Appropriately shares information and keeps supervisor informed
Handles difficult situations with diplomacy and tact
Comments:Click here to enter text.
Approach to Work / Needs Improvement
1 2 3 / Meets Expectations
4 5 6 / Exceeds Expectations
7 8 9 / N/A
Champions continuous improvement and innovation
Analyzes facts and data and uses sound judgment to arrive at the most effective solution
Gives, receives, and acts upon constructive feedback
Actively participates in available continuing education opportunities and integrates new knowledge into practice
Fulfills commitments with careful follow-through and follow up
Aligns individual plans/goals with department goals and strategic plans
Comments:Click here to enter text.
Collaboration / Teamwork / Needs Improvement
1 2 3 / Meets Expectations
4 5 6 / Exceeds Expectations
7 8 9 / N/A
Builds productive rapport with employees at all levels within and outside the department
Offers expertise and serves willingly as a resource person on whom others rely for assistance/advice
Participates in and/orsupports divisional initiatives and/or University committees
Contributes to cohesive and productive work teams
Comments:Click here to enter text.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion / Needs Improvement
1 2 3 / Meets Expectations
4 5 6 / Exceeds Expectations
7 8 9 / N/A
Treats others with fairness, dignity, and respect
Fosters inclusiveness
Values individual and group differences (e.g. age, gender, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, culture, position, and others)
Takes efforts to enhance intercultural competencies
Contributes to departmental and divisional diversity strategic goals
Comments:Click here to enter text.
Supervision & Leadership
Complete this section for all employees who have supervisory responsibilities (of student, graduate, exempt and/or non-exempt staff). / Needs Improvement
1 2 3 / Meets Expectations
4 5 6 / Exceeds Expectations
7 8 9 / N/A
Provides employees with performance standards, expectations, and ongoing feedback
Creates a culture of support for staff which fosters individual motivation, individual and team performance, quality of service, and innovation
Inspires top performance from employees
Fosters good team morale
Addresses performance issues as appropriate
Assigns clear authority and accountability
Tackles problems directly and effectively
Makes timely, tough decisions
Supports and encourages staff members to develop professionally
Comments:Click here to enter text.
Position-Specific Indicators
Each staff member fills a unique role within the division; this area can be used to add additional performance indicators. Additional indicators should be added in consultation with your direct supervisor. / Needs Improvement
1 2 3 / Meets Expectations
4 5 6 / Exceeds Expectations
7 8 9 / N/A
Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. /
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Comments:Click here to enter text.
Employee Strengths:
Click here to enter text.Accomplishments from this review cycle:
Click here to enter text.Overall Performance
Overall performance is not an average of the scores listed above, but rather, a summary of one’s performance. / Needs Improvement
1 2 3 / Meets Expectations
4 5 6 / Exceeds Expectations
7 8 9
Comments:Click here to enter text.
Goals & Objectives for Academic Year 20Click here to enter text. – 20Click here to enter text.
Setting and achieving performance related and professional development goals are important for personal and departmental improvement. Performance related goals are individual goals aimed at enhancing specific areas of one’s job responsibilities. Professional development goals relate to overarching skills and knowledge related to one’s profession. Setting high-quality goals may require additional assessment or conversations related to areas of possible improvement. Goals in both categories should be SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound).
Performance RelatedGoals/Objectives for the coming year, including alink to departmental and/or divisional strategic plan and/or learning outcomes: (These goals should be related to new or improved initiatives and/or deficiencies in employee performance as noted in the evaluation above).
- Click here to enter text.
- Click here to enter text.
- Click here to enter text.
Professional Development Goals/Objectives for the coming year, including plan to achieve the goal: (NASPA and ACPA have set forth a set of professional standards for all Student Affairs Practitioners. Developmental goals that connect to these or other professional standards are appropriate. Click here to review the NASPA/ACPA competencies.) Staff members can also use professional competencies/standards from appropriate organizations as approved by their supervisor.
- Click here to enter text.
- Click here to enter text.
- Click here to enter text.
Submission of Completed Evaluation
NOTE:Signature indicates the employee has read and understands the performance appraisal. It is not an indication of agreement or disagreement with the evaluation. Employee may utilize the below space to leave any comments related to the performance evaluation. Once completed, the signed form becomes part of the employee’s personnel file in the department of Human Resources, with a copy to both the supervisor and the employee.
Employee Comments:
Click here to enter text.Employee’s Signature / Date
Supervisor’s Signature / Date
Estimated Date of next Mid-Cycle Performance Review: Click here to enter text.
University of Dayton
Performance Management Assessment
Mid-Cycle Goal Review
- What progress have you made toward the goals you set for the review cycle?
- What professional development and growth have you experienced since your last review?
- What do you want to highlight from the previous semester?
- What barriers and challenges have you faced over the previous semester?
- What actions will you take over the next semester to move beyond challenges and
improve practice?
- As part of your continued personal/professional growth, what additional experiences
are you interested in exploring to expand your current contributions to the division?
Estimated Date of next Annual Performance Evaluation: