In Attendance: Linda Angel, Horace Dicks, Susan Kamas, Vivian Naramore, Jerry Haisler, Ben Lopez, Vickie Gideon, Kimberly Patterson, Gerry Fluharty, Roy Highsmith, Lewis Boren, Sue Bailey and Terry Gearhart.

Hot and Not:

Board has a new employee, Justin Clanton, will work with Linda on strategic planning, board orientation, and grants.Has skills in marketing, fundraising, use of social media. Most recently worked at TC in AEL.

TWC’s monitor report still not in.

DOL Review at Temple Center went well. Kudos to Vickie and all the staff that assisted and were interviewed. The DOL rep was impressed and said “one of the top 5 Centers she has every visited).

FLSA and Records Meeting: Met this morning with selected LT members to discuss recent changes to FLSA rules and progress on digital records.

December 1, 2016, the new FLSA rules will change for who is considered exempt and non-exempt. This effects how we do timesheets and manage the 40 hour workweek for non-exempt employees. When necessary, time must be adjusted within the same work week. Adjust to 40 hours, no overtime. Hours on sheets will be actual time worked i.e. could be more than an 8 hour day. The process involving timesheet completion and approval was discussed in detail. NOTE: the law change was put on hold, but the process is being tightening up re clarification from CTCOG in discussion with WFSCT.

There is some staffconfusion about benefits. Jim Reed will brief on all CTCOG benefits at the all-staff meeting. Short-term disability is not provided or paid for by CTCOG can be purchased by the employee. Long-term disability insurance is paid by COG (starts after 90 days of disabling condition). The LT discussed how to confirm wellness to get CTCOG discounts on cost of health insurance. Schedule wellness checks early in the year do not wait till the last month of the year; your normal primary doctor “check up” likely meets all requirements. Contact COG if there are questions. Much of this can be pulled from My Chart app (Baylor Scott and White).

Last Meeting:

File Hold and Records Management:Team continues to work on this. Selected staff met earlier today to discuss some problem areas involving FLSA changes. Minutes are published separately.

DARS:Killeen DARS will move to KWFC by end of March 2017. Working with TWC currently on transition plans. Vickie stated that she has room for DARS staff in Temple – this may or may not happen in 2017. If we can do it with minimal costs we should explore.

Skills for Transition:Started mid Nov. in CT, Rural Capital, and Capital area as pilots. Lewis working with staff and CTC. TC also will be involved. $2000 available for a vet 180 days prior or after ETS for skills/certification. These same Vets would likely be eligible for our NEG for Ft. Hood which provides more options. (See detailed notes below)

Travel Policy: Finalizing policyrevision for WSCT Board and Centers. ACTION: Ben to set up training after first of year. Administrators identify attendees.

WSCT Website:complete and functional. ACTION: Gerry will do a demo at the all staff meeting.

Workforce Updates:

New Secretary of Labor: Victoria Lipnick (sp?), commissioner of EEO has been considered but not announced as a selection.

Military Family Support Pilot Conference Call, Pages 4-7:There were many basic questions. Nine military areas are involved. All participants should be WIOA dislocated worker eligible with a separate fund code and co-enrolled in the Ft Hood National Dislocated Worker Grant (NEG).

Skills for Transition, Pages 8-11: This would be an NEG process, customer enhancement service level forms to create a TWIST record with an Authority to Enroll. Money goes to the community colleges in the amount of $2k and we refer people to them. Training can be for any occupation inside Texas;no targeted occupations required. They can be served even if they come to us from an out of state military base. We haven’t heard yet from our colleges yet (TC and CTC). If customers want longer term training than the $2k will cover, they can enroll in the NEG program rather than Skills for Transition. Martin Traylor wants to make this an ongoing and sustaining program. Comment was made that many coming out of Ft Hood want law enforcement training which is in demand but not currently available locally. The $2k would pay for TCLOSE preparation training. Another area is CMA’s – will be explored with consortium of with medicalemployers in our areas to determine their needs and support. This could become a permanent funding source for us.

USDOL Visit to the Temple Center: went very well. They had questions about performance and how it works. They liked being able to access info on our Internet site and liked the career centers. They were impressed that Temple is using “tablets” in the career centers to work one-on-one with new folks as they come in. LT discussed how this can be used in other WF processes. We need a WFSCT App!

Red, White, and You: had a great turnout; 50 employers and 400+ job seekers. The new employers liked it. The computers were used heavily. Kimberly gave kudos to the staff that made this a success.

Combined Board and Staff Meeting, Page 13: Scheduled for Dec 16. LT reviewed last year’s agenda and discussed possible items for this year.

All Staff Meeting, Page 14: LT discussed possible agenda items to include emergency operations and actions, Jim Reed presentation, new Temple Business Center update, workforce messaging/emergency contact, new website, FLSA changes, awards, and tenure recognition.

Greg Newton: booked for February 14 & 15.

TWC Conference: 20 slots. LT discussed who would be going. ACTION: declare if you want to attend; list will be finalized in the next 2 weeks.

Active Shooter Training, Pages 15-24: feedback was positive and will result in some positive changes to the current site plan.Include this as an update at the all-staff meeting- include the emergency site plan first page, team charge, and next steps..Vivian indicated that our phone system can trace a malicious phone call. Training notes were sent out. The presenter indicated that “Verbal Judo” training is very expensive. Could a video be obtained on this? There were some comments about self-defense training and placing location signs on the back of all doors indicating what room you are in and where. ACTION: Ben to research type and procurement of signs.

Annual Awards Banquet: received great reviews. Food as always had mixed results.

Performance, Pages 25-40: we have exceeded all at year’s end. State has pulled the WIOA stats so we can’t see ours right now. We should be #1. Page 28, numbers are steady but starting to show a slight downtrend. Page 35, 10 week OK but new measures will change it and our target will go up due to the oil and gas lay-offs. We have experienced a lesser impact than other areas which raises our measure. We may have to renegotiate this later. Linda is watching it closely. Definitions are changing and may influence the numbers up or down. CHOICES remained the same. NCP is trying to get people to volunteer due to the lack of enforcement dockets during the holidays.They should pick up after the holidays. NCP total to date is $1.18M. We have a partial NCP allocation and will spend that quickly. LT discussed how we could argue for adjustments considering the impacts of oil and gas industries and Ft Hood. Linda will contact Adam and discuss our targets and Ft Hood impact.

Next LT Meeting: Joint Board-LT meeting at CTCOG, December 16 – 9-2p.m. with lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse.

Meeting Evaluations:

What was good?

Performance and updates

Thanks Kimberly for arranging lunch.

Good meeting. Thanks Vickie for suggesting that lunch be brought in.

Likes the working lunch

What could weimprove?