“Be Transformed”
A Study from the Book of Romans Lesson 13
Romans 7:7-25
"”Rescue from this Body of Death”
“What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?
Thanks be to God--through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.”
Romans 7:24-25 (NIV)
Pray before you begin your study. Ask the Lord to speak to you through His Word.
Those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation have been reborn to new life and set free from slavery to sin and death. But life as a follower of Jesus Christ is a battle. We are trapped in bodies of flesh, which wage war against our spirit. We cannot free ourselves; our rescue comes from the Lord alone.
Read through Romans 7:7-25
1. Note any verses, words, and/or ideas that stand out to you or pique your interest and record what the Lord shows you.
*Make note of passages that raise any questions or are difficult to understand.
Continue to seek answers as you complete your study.
Romans 7:7-13
2. Read through this section. How would you summarize the main point(s) Paul is making?
3. What does Paul say about the law?
Vs. 7
Vs. 12-13
4. Look more closely at how Paul describes the interaction between the law and sin in verses 7 and 8. What point is he making? Put it in your own words.
Apply this: How have you seen this to be true in your own life?
5. Verse 8b says, “For apart from law, sin is dead.” Study verses 9 -13 and explain what Paul means.
How do you view sin in your own life? Has this passage affected how you look at it?
Romans 7:14-25
6. Read verse 14. What does Paul mean by “the law is spiritual but I am unspiritual”?
7. Paul goes on to say he is “sold as a slave to sin”. This seems inconsistent with what we learned in Chapter 6. How do you reconcile this? What does Paul mean?
8. In verses 15–23, Paul shares what we all face as believers – the struggle with our flesh. Make no mistake – this is WAR! Describe it.
9. Notice the conclusion Paul comes to about himself in verse 24. Discuss this. What brings him to this point?
Key question: Is it good (or even necessary) for us to feel the same way? Why or why not? What Scriptures or Biblical illustrations come to mind?
Can you relate to Paul’s conclusion in verse 24? What battles are you in? Record what the Lord brings to mind. What have you learned from past battles? Encourage your sisters.
10. Paul found His Rescuer. Who is He? How does He rescue us? Vs. 25
Oh beloved, the good news, the best news, is that we do have One, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will rescue us from this body of death.
Stop and ask the Lord to forgive you for whatever sin He has brought to mind. Surrender it to Him and ask Him to give you victory in Christ Jesus. Give thanks to the Lord for what He has done and will do for you.
What principle or lesson did you learn this week?
Which would you pick as the key verse(s) for this lesson? Why?
Ask the Lord how He wants you to apply what He has shown you.
Be sure to add this to your takeaway sheet.
Challenge: Write down what the Lord has shown you and post it where you will be reminded often. Find and include a verse that is helpful and memorize it.
Be sure to respond to what the Lord has shown you. Take time now to praise and worship Him in whatever way He leads.
*Some response ideas:
- Pray and express your praise and worship to Him
- Read a Psalm of praise
- Sing to the Lord
- Write a letter or prayer of thanksgiving and/or commitment to Him