Unit Title: / Understanding Discrimination
Unit Level: / Entry 3
Unit Credit Value: / 3
GLH: / 30
AIM Awards Unit Code: / HE4/E3/EA/007
Unique Reference Number: / H/505/1302

This unit has 4 learning outcomes

The learner will: / The learner can:
  1. Know aboutdiscrimination
/ 1.1.Givean exampleof discrimination
1.2.List examples of groups which face discrimination
1.3.List reasons why discrimination is unacceptable
1.4.Give examples of discrimination which can have negative effects on own community
1.5.Give an example of how discrimination can be combated
  1. Know about unacceptable language and behaviour
/ 2.1.Give an example of unacceptable:
a) language
b) behaviour
2.2 State why the examples provided are unacceptable
  1. Know about support agencies in own area
/ 3.1.Name a support agency in ownarea
3.2.Outline why this agencyis important to young people
  1. Know how to combatdiscrimination
/ 4.1.Give an example of how people can be excluded from an event
4.2.Suggest a way this can be overcome to include them

Assessment information

Specific Requirements for Assessment and delivery of this unit.

Assessment AND DELIVERY information

Centre devised assessment tasks should be approved by the internal verifier for the course before delivery takes place in order to ensure the assessment is fit for purpose and meets the standards required.

Unit Summary

The purpose of this unit is to raise a learner’s awareness of discrimination. They will gain an understanding of its meaning and of discriminatory words and actions. They will look at ways to avoid this happening, how to include everyone and where help can be sought to combat discrimination.

Indicative Content

Learning Outcome 1

Discrimination: with regard to race, gender, ability and sexuality.

Delivery Requirements/Recommendations

Assessment tasks will be devised to meet the needs of the learning group and to cover all the criteria.

Owner: / AIM Awards
Unit Grading Structure / PASS
SectorSubject Areas (SSA) / 14.1 Foundations for Learning and Life
Unit Review Date (dd/mm/yyyy) / 28/02/2018
Availability for Use / Shared
Restricted organisations / N/A
Assessment Guidance / N/A
Equivalences / N/A


Version 1 – July 2013

AIM Awards