Unit #1: Belief Systems
EU 1: Stories last longer than the storyteller. / Beyond food and material possessions, what do we need to be happy?
9/7 (W) / 1. Identify a sense of purpose and societal codes of behavior as basic human needs.
2. Distinguish between cultural phenomena that serve that purpose.
3. Describe basic student jobs and vocabulary procedures.
Am I in total control of what I believe?
9/8 (Th) / 1. Analyze the persistence of Greek myths and African folk stories in our own culture.
2. Describe the many places in which students will encounter mythological references in college and in life.
3. Apply for student jobs.
9/9 (F) / Review and Quiz / QUIZ
EU 2: Stories and religions suggest how we got here and where we should be going. / Is it the job of “the Gods” to set a good example for their people?
9/12 (M) / 1. Describe the basic creation story from Greek mythology.
9/13 (Tu) / 1. Classify major Greek gods & goddesses by realm & personality.
2. Describe gender stereotypes in Greek myth and modern culture.
Heaven is always better than earth, right?
9/14 (W) / 1. Analyze the different punishments of characters in Hades.
2. (HW) Explain the origin and meaning of “Midas’ touch.”
9/15 (Th) / 1. Complete group project on the Greek afterlife.
9/16 (F) / Review and Quiz / QUIZ
Can we--and are we supposed to--make the world a better place?
9/19 (M) / 1. Analyze the struggle and fate of Prometheus.
2. Explain the significance of what was left in Pandora’s box.
9/20 (Tu) / 1. Describe the different kind of heroism personified in Baucis and Philemon.
9/21 (W) / 1. Analyze the type of heroism displayed by Perseus in his defeat of Medusa.
9/22 (Th) / 1. Compare and contrast the heroism of Theseus vs. the Minotaur with that of Perseus vs. Medusa.
9/23 (F) / 1. Quiz
2. Plan the early stages of Greek heroine shrine. (PT #1) / PT #1
EU #3: Stories and religions are powerful: they can be used to liberate or to enslave. / Should the way others have listened to a story effect the way we listen to it?
Have I been living the life of a Greek heroine / hero? (HW)
9/26 (M) / 1. Complete planning of shrine.
2. (HW) Analyze the moral of the Icarus myth and make personal connections to a Greek myth. / PT #1
9/27 (Tu) / 1. Project work time.
2. (HW) Describe the twelve labors of Hercules and make personal connections to a Greek myth. / PT #1
9/28 (W) / 1. Project completed by end of class.
2. (HW) Trojan war (sniff, sniff…) and make personal connections to a Greek myth. / PT #1
9/29 (Th) / Review Day (Jeopardy) & shrine display
9/30 (F) / Mid-unit test -- Writing section: Personal connection to Greek myth / TEST
EU 2: Stories & religions suggest how we got here and where we should be going. / What is the first lesson that you would teach your child?
10/3 (M) / 1. Analyze and uncover the moral in “Anansi and the Turtle” and define folktale.
2. Describe the culture and geography of West Africa and its connection to the African American experience.
3. (HW) “The Girl and the Ghost”
10/4 (Tu) / 1. Analyze the attitude toward government expressed by “Daughter of the Star” and plan African folklore project.
2. Describe the culture and geography of the Congo.
3. (HW) “The Young Men who go out to Find Death”
10/5 (W) / 1. African folklore project (short)
Why do people choose to do the right thing? (provisional)
10/6 (Th) / 1. Describe the creation story according to Genesis.
2. Analyze the covenant made between Abraham and Adonai.
10/7 (F) / 1. Apply the theme of exile / diaspora to Jewish history.
2. Describe the basic sources of Jewish ethics.
3. Week’s quiz. / QUIZ
Why do people disagree about when God speaks and to whom God speaks?
10/10 (M) / 1. Describe role of Jesus as messiah.
2. Analyze the values of other characters in the Jesus story (Paul, Peter, Judice, Mary)
10/11 (Tu) / 1. Distinguish between the “city of man” and the “city of God” and assess effect of distinction on why one should do the right thing.
EU #3: Stories & religions are powerful: they can be read to liberate or ro enslave. / 10/12 (W) / 1. Describe the origin of Islam.
2. Compare and contrast its origin with those of Judaism and Christianity.
3. Describe influence that Islam has had on Africa and Asia.
In what ways can religion be twisted?
10/13 (Th) / 1. Describe the 5 Pillars of Islam.
2. Determine which pillar has the most in common with their own belief system and with the beliefs of people from Greece, Nigeria, or the Congo.
10/14 (F) / 1. Define religious extremism.
2. Analyze religious texts to demonstrate how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam can be abused by extremists.
3. Week’s quiz. / QUIZ
EU #2: Stories and religions suggest how we got here and where we should be going. / 10/17 (M) / 1. Planning - myths and religion seating chart / dialogue. / PT #2
10/18 (Tu) / 2. Drafting - myths and religion seating chart / dialogue. / PT #2
10/19 (W) / 3. Finishing - myths and religion seating chart / dialogue. / PT #2
10/20 (Th) / Review Day
10/21 (F) / Final Unit Test / TEST

Performance Task #1: Shrine to Unsung Greek Heroine

Students will create a shrine that identifies positive attributes in a female character from Greek mythology who has been stereotyped along certain gender lines throughout most of history. Students projects will create an empowering memory of an unsung heroine. Each project must include a poem, prayer, picture, three symbols, and the shrine itself. (Groups of 4)

Performance Task #2: Myths and Religions Seating Chart

Students assume the role of teacher in a class full of characters from Greek mythology, from the folktales of Nigeria and the Congo, and from the Judeo-Christian-Muslim religions. Students must design a seating chart for a lunchroom table such that adjacent students can discuss a shared view on a given topic. Topics will include concepts like governance, afterlife, creation, virtue, roles of women, roles of men, etc…. A finished project will include an illustrated seating chart and four different written dialogues. (Pairs)