1.Project SponsorsManagement

This form is for Rotary Clubs and Districts in Australia to use when applying to register international projects with the Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund (RAOAF) thatrequire tax deductibility for donations made to support your project.

To ensure that your project meets the required criteria please read the Criteria – pages 12 to 15 of this Application.

The Regional Project Coordinator or your RAWCS District Chair can provide further information. The Application for Registration is based on an electronic table in WORD, to assist clubs keying in the required data.

If you prefer to hand-write your information, the form is also available in a PDF version provided forthis purpose.

To submit your completed form to RAWCS: Contact yourDistrict RAWCS Chair (details are in your District Directory) and discuss your project. The District Chair may have information from other projects that will assist your planning.

When your form is completed, submit it to RAWCS, through your RAWCS District Chair, to the RegionalProject Coordinator. The Application for Registration will then be forwarded to the National Project Coordinator for processing.

Donations to a registered project attract a 3% Service Fee to assist with the administration costs of RAWCS. The Fee will be deducted from the donation, before the donation is credited to the project.

(If you think your project may also qualify for a Grant from the Rotary Foundation, you should

consult your District’s Foundation Grants Chair.)

Please fill out all relevant sections.

1.1Project Summary

RAWCS Registration No. / Given by RAWCS National Coordinator when registered
Location & Country
A brief summary

1.2Sponsoring Club

Rotary Club District / Rotary Club of District
Project Manager
Name of the person who will manage this project for your club and be the contact for RAWCS for the life of the project / Rotary Title e.g. PP, PDG, Rtn.
Contact Details / Address:
Phone Home: ()
Phone Bus:()
Fax: ()

If this project is supported by two or more Rotary clubs, for the second and subsequent clubs, complete section 1.4 Rotary elsewhere.

1.3Project Committee Details –A committee of the Project Manager and at least two others from the sponsoring Rotary Club must be nominated here:

Deputy Project Manager – Usually the Project Treasurer or person who needs to receive notification of all donations to the project.

Name Home Phone Mobile Phone Email address

Other Committee Members

Name Home Phone Mobile Phone Email address

1.4Rotary elsewhere. If another Rotary Clubor District from elsewhere in Australia or the world is also partnering in the project, include that club’s details here. (For example, one of the tsunami-recovery projects has a UK District as a partner in the project.)

Rotary Club & District / District
Rotary Club Contact
Contact Details
(phone include, home and business, as appropriate) / Address:

If this project is supported by more than 2 clubs, just copy section 1.4 and include the relevant details for each club.

1.5Project Partner. This is the organisation you will be partnering with, where applicable – e.g. the organisation that will be receiving volunteers or funding from this project.

Project Manager/Contact
The Name of the contact in that organisation, and his/her title/position.
Contact Details
(phone include, home and business, as appropriate) / Address:

1.6Recipient Country Rotary. Where there is a Rotary Clubin the locality of the project, include that club’s details here. It is courtesy to ask the local Rotary Club and District to endorse the project. They do not have to take an active partnership in the project. If the club is a partner in the project, include the relevant contact details.

Rotary Club & District / District
Project Manager
The Name of the contact in that organisation, and his/her title/position.
Contact Details
(phone include, home and business, as appropriate) / Address:

2.Project Details(To be completed by allproject applicants)

(Give a full description of the proposed project with as much detail as possible, including who will benefit. Supporting documentation such as sketch plans, drawings etc. may be provided as attachments.)
2.2 List all relevant local authorities who have been or will be consulted.
(a) to date
(b) between now & start of work / Note: All projects must comply with local regulations for planning & construction.
2.3 Have you contacted other Rotary Projects that operate at the same location to coordinate activities? / Check projects -
Please note who has been contacted and what has been arranged.
2.4 Intended start date:
2.5 Expected date of completion:
2.6Has an itemised budget been prepared & attached? / YES NO Please comment if NO
2.7 When will funding be available to start the project?
2.8 Name/Contact details of financial Manager.
Who will be responsible for FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT during the life of the project if different from Project Manager? / Name
Phone number
2.9 Does this project require tax deductibility for donated funds? / If any donation is to be made to the “Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund” this answer should be yes.
2.10 What will be provided to the Project by:
(a)Sponsor Club?
(b)Partner Club/s?
(c)Recipient country partner?
(d)Recipient country Rotary Club?
(e)Other partners and sponsors?
(f)Other agencies? / e.g. volunteers, building materials, funds, management
2.11 What plans have been made to train and involve local nationals?
2.12 Have you considered the current infrastructure and if it will be sufficient to sustain the project when completed? / Please comment: e.g. water, power, sanitation, transport access, phone signal etc.
2.13Supply details of arrangements that will apply when the project is completed.
(a)Ownership of facility
(b)Fit out, furniture
(c)Supply of electricity
(d)Who will pay power
(e)Water supply
(g)Who will hire staff
(h)Who will pay staff
(k)Sanitation / Note: This is required to ascertain that consideration has been given to the ongoing management & sustainability of the project.
(a)Who will own the facility?
(b)Who will fit out & supply furniture to complete facility?
(c)e.g. Connection to grid, solar,generator, other, none
(d)Who will pay for power?
(e)e.g. mains, tank, pump, hand carry, none
(f)Who will supply consumables?
(g)Who will hire staff?
(h)Who will pay staff?
(i)Who will carry out maintenance?
(j)Who will clean facility?
(k)e.g sewer, septic, bio or pit?
2.14 Who will provide regular reports to the Project Manager? / Please advise who from the recipient organisation will report on the project to the Project Manager?
2.15 Other information

3.Funding Projects(to be completed by Projects planning to deposit funds to the Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund to gain tax deductibility) (Some projects may also have Project Volunteers donating)

3.1 Provide information on how funding will be raised
(a)By individuals
(c)Non-Rotarian Organisation
(d)Corporate sponsorship
(e)Government Grant
(f)Other / (a)
(b)Rotary Club, District or Rotary Foundation Grant
(c)An organisation possibly formed for this project
3.2 Will donationsbe made to your“Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund”project account / Note: All donations MUST be made through the RAWCS Online Donation Facility to your Project Account.

4. RAWCS Project Volunteer Teams (to be filled out by Projects planning to send Project Volunteer Teams or single Volunteers on survey or inspection of projects.) (Some projects will be Funding projects also)

4.1 Do you require volunteers to contact the Project Manager offering their services?
Are Volunteers to be supplied only by your sponsoring Rotary Club? / YES NO
4.2 Maximum number of volunteers on each team.
4.3 Estimated number of teams to complete the project.
4.4 Do volunteers require special Qualifications or experience? / YES NO If YES please specify
4.5 Accommodation:
(a) What accommodation facilities are available?
(b) Who will provide it?
(c) Is there a cost to the volunteer?
(d) Is it suitable for both male & female volunteers? / Remember volunteers cannot make a donation to the Project Account and receive a tax deductible benefit from the donation.
(d)YES NO If NO give reasons
4.6 Who will provide the food and be responsible for preparation and cooking?
4.7How will volunteers travel to the project site?
4.8What is the distance between accommodation & project site?
4.9Will the site be prepared prior to the arrival of the RAWCS Volunteers? / YES NO If no, please comment
4.10Is access to the site difficult? / YES NO If YES give details
4.11What is the recommended clothing & personal safety equipment for volunteers? / Clothing ?
Safety equipment ?
4.12What steps have been taken to ensure a safe working environment for the volunteers?
4.13What first aid & medical facilities are available locally?
4.14(a) Is electricityavailable at the project site?
(b) Are power tools available on site? / (a) YES NO
(b) YES NO If NO, can temporary arrangements be made?
4.15What is the availability (rent, hire, or loan of large tools & equipment) / Please comment
4.16Are there any secure/ covered areas available for storage and work? / Secure YES NO If NO please comment
Covered YES NO If NO please comment
4.17Will the RAWCS volunteers have an opportunity to experience local customs?


5.1 Within Australia - Project Manager

I have read the Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund, Project Criteria (pages 12-15) and fully understand the responsibilities involved and acknowledge that the RAWCS National Project Coordinator is the final arbitrator as to whether the project is registered with RAWCS Ltd. I acknowledge that all projects will be subject to a Major Review, usually on a triennial basis.

Rotary Club & District / District
Title of Officer signing as Project Manager / e.g. President, PP, PDG
Full Name:
Signature: / ......

5.2 Australian Sponsoring Club

I have read the RAWCS, Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund, Project Criteria (pages 11-14) and fully understand the responsibilities of my Club. I support this application for registration and recommend it for approval by RAWCS Ltd. as a registered project.

Rotary Club & District / District
Title of Officer signing on behalf of the Club / e.g. President
Full Name:
Signature: / ......

Partner Clubs, please complete 5.5

5.3District RAWCS Chair

I am aware of this application for registration and recommend it for approval by RAWCS Ltd. as a registered project.

Title / District: / Region
Full Name:
Signature: / ......

5.4Sponsoring District Governor

I am aware of this application for registration and recommend it for approval by RAWCS Ltd. as a registered project.

Title / District: / DGDistrict
Full Name:
Signature: / ......

5.5Regional Project Coordinator

I am aware of this application for registration and to the best of my knowledge believe that the information provided is correct and that the project takes into account all aspects involving accountability, human rights, gender issues, sustainability, community relations and the environment. I recommend it for approval by RAWCS Ltd. as a registered project.

Title / District: / Region
Full Name:
Signature: / ......

5.5 Rotary elsewhere – Partner Club / District

I have read the RAWCS, Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund, Project Criteria (pages 12-15) and fully understand the responsibilities involved. I support this application for registration and recommend it for approval by RAWCS Ltd. as a registered project.

Rotary Club & District / District
Title of Officer signing on behalf of the Club / e.g. President
Full Name:
Signature: / ......

If this project is supported by more than 2 clubs, just copy section 5.5 and include the relevant details for each club.

NOTE: This page must be signed for each country that the project operates in.

5.6Recipient or Endorsing Rotary Club Overseas

This Club is aware of the proposed project detailed above. We have made the necessary enquiries in relation to the purpose, need and ongoing support for the project. Having considered all the aspects of the project including human rights, gender issues, sustainability, community relations, the environment and other relevant factors, this Club fully supports the application for registration.

Rotary Club & District / District
Title of officer signing on behalf of the Club / e.g. President, PP, PDG
Full name
Signature: / ......

5.7Recipient Country District Governor (of the relevant Rotary District)

I am aware of this application for registration I recommend it for approval by RAWCS Ltd. as a registered project.

Title / District: / DG District
Full Name:
Signature: / ......

5.8Government Department or Recipient Organisation

The above project is supported by this Department or Organisation. The Department /Organisation confirm that the project will fulfil the needs of the people in this particular area and that, upon completion; it will be a viable entity and receive our support.

Department of:
Title of Officer signing on behalf of the Dept
Name of Officer signing on behalf of the Dept.
Signature: / ......

For more than one government department or organisation, copy the section above

What is the Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund?

RAWCS has established the Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund (ABN: 21 388 376 554) to assist Rotary Clubs and Rotary Districts in Australia to respond to needs of their projects in overseas countries. Tax deductibility is allowable for gifts to aid activities in those countries declared as ‘developing’ by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. The list of approved developing countries is available from:

Overseas Aid Funds must be registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) before submitting an application to Australian Aid who recommend successful applicants to the Minister for Foreign Affairs for approval. Once approved the Deputy Treasurer is notified by DFAT and the applicant (RAOAF) is published in the Commonwealth Government Gazette. Overseas Aid Funds are bound by the regulation of all these departments and organisations.

Projects can be registered with the RAOAF by Australian Rotary Clubs and Rotary Districts who are of good standing with Rotary International.

Rotary Clubs and Districts operating RAOAF projects are acting as agents for RAWCS Ltd.

What are the project criteria?

It is required that all RAOAF Projects must:

  • have the approval and support of their Australian Rotary Club. Known as the sponsoring Club.
  • appoint a Project Manager who a must have a committee of at least three nominated to manage the project. (i.e. Project Manager and two others all of whom must be members of the sponsoring Club).
  • conduct activities that are focused on sustainable development and/or relief covering at least one and preferably two years. (See definitions below)
  • carry out overseas activities on a partnership basis with indigenous organisations (in-country partners). You must work with an in country Rotary Club and/or other in country indigenous organisations.
  • demonstrate that their partnerships reflect equality, mutual respect, mutual learning, honesty, transparency, and encourage self-reliance.
  • have a Project committee and its overseas partners that are both effective in conducting their activities.
  • ensure that their project identifies their work by erecting signage that identifies the project as a project of “Australian Aid” and “the sponsoring Rotary Club”. This also applies to publicity on or about the project. The RAWCS logo should be used where possible.
  • maintain complete financial and documentary records of the project audited by their Rotary Club.
  • be more than just a fundraising arm of its overseas partners.
  • submit an online report completed by the Project Manager every six months. (This includes both financial and operational records as explained below).
  • actively plan with the local community how their project and its partners approach each stage of the project cycle of ‘Identification’, ‘Design’, ‘Appraisal’, ‘Monitoring’ and ‘Evaluation’.
  • evaluate regularly the outcomes and impact of the project activities it supports.
  • be aware of terrorism and sex tourism/child protection issues and ensure they do not inadvertently support these activities in any way.

How does the Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund work?

It is desirable that all projects have a definite start date and completion date.

Projects can be registered on the project registration form found our website –

All applications must have the signature of the Project Manager, the current Rotary Club President, District Governor, District RAWCS Chair and Regional RAWCS Coordinator. In addition, they need signatures from the endorsing overseas Rotary Club, District Governor and/or in country indigenous organisations.

All donations requiring a tax deduction must be deposited into the RAOAF account by the online donation facility that we establish for each project. Deposits can be made by credit card, cheque, or direct deposit. Payments to the project will then be made by the National Secretariat at the request of the Project Manager in writing (email will be accepted).

A service fee of 3% will be deducted from all donations to the RAOAF. Exemptions to the service fee are explained in the “Service Fees Policy” available on our website.

The RAWCS National Secretariat will provide the Project Manager a project financial statement every month in which transactions have been made and at the completion of each project. These statements list all transactions and must be checked by the Project Manager to verify they are a correct record of the project’s activities.

These reports and all records are to be kept for a minimum of seven years by the Project Manager.

Record keeping

Financial records must be maintained by the Project Manager. Financial records are documents that:

  • allow you to explain the project's financial transactions, position and performance
  • allow financial reports to be prepared and audited

These include receipts, invoices, banking records, details of any contracts, details of any grant payments, salary records (if employees), and other similar documents.

If a Rotary Club or project receives funds into their own accounts for the project, they should establish an entirely separate bank account. It may be interest bearing but not a term deposit account. This account should be subject to audit by the sponsoring Rotary Club’s auditors. The purpose of this separate account is so that every transaction is transparent and obvious for audit purposes.