8/15/98 9:30-10:00 a.m. Team Building (Brian)

1. Two Summer lies and a Summer truth- each Bender Hall Resident Assistant will write down two things that they did not do this past Summer and one thing that they did do this past summer and the rest of the Bender Hall Staff will try to guess which of the three statements are true.

This activity will allow each Bender Hall Staff member to share what they have done this past Summer. This activity will also encourage Bender Hall Staff Members to draw a end line (ending point) of their Summer and begin to start a new line (beginning point) for the Fall.

2. These are a few of my favorite things- (see handout). Each Bender Hall RA will take 5-10 minutes to fill out this sheet and then share what they wrote with the rest of the group.

This activity will help the Bender Hall Staff relate to themselves and each other. ______

8/17/98 10:00-11:30 a.m. Programming Goals/Expectations House/Community Development Advising

I will discuss with the Bender Hall Staff how programming goals and expectations will differ this year compared to years past. I will discuss how we will turn the focus away from large scale programming to smaller scale programming. Bender Hall RA's will be asked to focus on spending more time acting as an advisor to their house government rather than just putting on and "forcing their residents to go to and present house and hall programs. Large scale programming in Bender Hall will only be put on by Programming Board.

I will also discuss how the community agreements will enhance outstanding house and community development.

And finally, I will discuss the following topics in advising (taken from the advising section in the RA On-Going Training Seminar Handbook):

Roles of advisors General functions of an advisor Advisor Should/Should Nots Attributes of a good advisor What is an advisor? Attributes of a poor advisor An Advisors job description Some common problems for advisors The Role of the advisor Advisor self-evaluation