Mr. Eric Lerch


Home Page:

Office Phone: (713) 512-3690

Tutorial Room B108

World History and Geography I

Course Guidelines

1)Honor Code – The EHS Honor Code pledge reads as follows:

“As a member of the Episcopal High School Community, I pledge that I will not lie, cheat or steal, and that I will uphold the values of honesty and integrity.”

The first and foremost obligation of each student is to strictly adhere to the EHS Honor Code. Students will receive detailed instruction as to examples of honor violations, acceptable collaboration, and proper citation methods. It is each individual’s first responsibility to uphold his or her integrity.

2)Student Conduct – Students are expected to treat the teacher and one another with the utmost respect according to the standards outlined in the Episcopal High School Code of Conduct. All behavior violations will be dealt with strictly according to the discipline system outlined in the EHS Student Handbook.

3)Tardiness - A student is defined as being on time by sitting in his or her assigned seat with his or her course materials out and ready to begin class when the bell rings. Excessive tardiness will result in disciplinary penalties such as marks.

4)Daily Materials – At the beginning of each unit, students will receive a detailed syllabus outlining the schedule of assignments and activities for the unit. Additional copies of the syllabus for parents and students can be located on the teacher’s home page on the web. Students are required to bring materials for taking notes and the assigned homework everyday. Textbooks are not required for use during class periods.

5)Grading Policies - Students will be evaluated according to the quality of their effort and performance. The relative values of various assignments towards determining a student’s final grade are listed below, but I will fully examine the progress and effort of each student before assigning a grade.

Assessments (Tests, Major Projects, Quizzes) – 40%

Homework (Reading Homework, Minor Assignments) – 35%

Semester Exam – 10%

Final Exam – 15%

6)Homework – Students will be required to take notes and/or answer questions based on assigned readings from the textbook and supplementary sources. The teacher will evaluate homework through a number of methods, including direct submission and in-class checks. Because the purpose of homework is to prepare students for discussion of a particular topic in class that day, students will receive only partial credit for late work.

7)Writing Assignments/Projects – Throughout the year, students will be required to complete additional assignments, including writing tasks, document analysis, and focused researched projects. Assignments are due at the beginning of class, unless otherwise specified. Students will be given clear directions for each assignment, including submission.

8)Late Work – Assignments are due at the beginning of class, unless otherwise specified. Students will be given specific instructions for submission for each individual assignment. Assignments submitted after the due date will be penalized unless the student is granted an extension directly by the teacher. Extensions must be requested 24 hours prior the due date in order to be considered. Students should see the teacher directly to request extensions, and e-mails will only be acceptable in emergency situations.

9)Laptop Policy – Laptops are learning tools and will be used for that purpose only. Students will use or not use laptops at the direction and under the supervision of the teacher. Any inappropriate or unauthorized activity will be cause for disciplinary action.

10)Absences – It is the responsibility of the STUDENT, not the teacher, to obtain assignments and complete work in a timely manner when class is missed.

  1. Planned absences – In the case of a school approved planned absence, students must meet with the teacher BEFORE missing school. He or she must submit missing work according to the timetable agreed upon between student and teacher before the absence in order to receive credit.
  2. Unplanned absences – In the case of an unplanned absence, students are expected, if possible, to keep up on work according to the syllabus. If unable to do so, students must meet with the teacher immediately upon their return in order to receive extensions for completing assignments.
  3. Partial absences – If a student misses class but is present at school for any part of that day, they must locate the teacher and submit any assignments that are due that day.
  4. Test days – If a student is absent for a test day, they will make up the test the day they return to school. Extensions will only be granted in extraordinary cases.

Failure to meet these obligations means that the teacher is not required to accept any late work.