Trade union of Kirghiz national university (КНУ) him(it). Баласагына

(the incorporated trade-union committee)

The brief characteristic of the organization

Kirghiz national university (КНУ) him(it). Баласагынаis one of the main higher educational institutions of republic Kyrghyzstan. Here the huge quantity(amount) of students from all areas of the country is trained. The history of high school begins with October, 1925 when in Kyrghyzstan the first higher educational institution has been created – the Kirghiz institute of education (within the framework of which the first teachers of Kyrghyzstan have had training pedagogical preparation), - on the basis of which in 1932 the Pedagogical institute has been created by him(it). Frunze. In 1951 institute, which educational activity covered already a lot of areas of a science, has received the status of university. So, the Kirghiz state university has appeared.

After finding of independence by Kyrghyzstan to high school had been appropriated(gave) the status of national university, and КГУbegan to refer to officially КНУ. The structure of university includes institutes (Institute of integration of the international educational programs (the кыргызско-European faculty, faculty of the international attitudes(relations), faculty of preparation of the customs and legal staff), Institute of social researches, Institute of fundamental sciences, Institute of target preparation of experts), faculties (faculty of mathematics, computer science and cybernetics, faculty of physics and electronics, faculty of chemistry and chemical technology, faculty of biology, faculty of geography and ecology, economic faculty, faculty of philosophy and the government, faculty of Russian philology, faculty of the Kirghiz philology, faculty of journalism, faculty of foreign languages, faculty of a history and регионоведенияhere enter, a faculty of law, faculty of military preparation), the centers (economy and managements, management and business, information systems and technologies in managements, Эйнштейновскихresearches, satellite communication, The кыргызско-Japanese center of human development, correspondence course, etc.)

КНУis a member of the Euroasian association of universities of the CIS (at Moskovsk the state university (Moscow State University) him(it). Lomonosov).

Number of employees of the organization 670 person among the faculty and from above 1100 economic - serving and makes approximately other workers. Movement of the personnel stably.

Structure of university

For all history of independent Kyrghyzstan in high school it was replaced four rectors borrowing(occupying) the given post with various duration. The rector is selected workers of university. However actually it appears so, that the greatest role is played with support of this or that nominee on the part of the government. For example, according to one of respondents, the rector can be « the person of the president » (so it has been told when the respondent compared an atmosphere at university during a management(manual) of different rectors) or "person" someone else. The present rector (the professor, the candidate of historical sciences) has been appointed at the end of 2005 by Minister of Education КР. It is expected, that official elections of the rector (with participation and) will pass other candidates in May of the current year.

The description of the trade-union organization

Trade-union organization КНУexists since 1951, i.e. from the moment of creation of the university. Number of members of trade union makes: from above 1700 person from the faculty and technical workers and about 8000 students. As a whole, scope of trade-union membership makes over 95 % of all personnel of university. So, members of trade union are almost all constant employees of university and students. Are not members of the organization the teachers - part-time workers, again acted(arrived) students and the constant members of collective denying necessary advantage(benefit) for from trade-union membership.

Dynamics(Changes) of membership has been characterized as stable.

The given trade-union organization is the incorporated trade union KNU, submitting to the Central committee of the trade-union organizations of formation(education) and a science. In turn, incorporated trade union KNU coordinates work of local trade-union bureaus: faculties, institutes, the centers at university. In particular, under the control of incorporated trade union KNU there are trade-union bureaues of several institutes directly in structure of university (Institute of integration of the international educational programs and Institute of target preparation of experts) and the several centers.

the assembly of all members of trade union occurs time in one year (at the end of one fiscal year).

the staff(state) of the given structural division of university has been submitted by chairman профкомаas collective of the workers who are not being members of trade union KNU. However during conversation with employees of the Center (the bookkeeper and other worker) it has been revealed, that all employees formally are members of trade union: from the salary 1 % (a trade-union membership dues) is automatically kept. Salaries, basically, are so small, that subtraction from them of 1 % does not leave at workers of sensation significant for them financial loss. As a whole, вырисоваласьsome picture of not realized, mechanistic trade-union membership of workers of the given structure when the indicator of membership is using preferential services on a trade-union line. Thus, a source of the information on trade-union membership of employees in this case became the accounts department owning the data on deduction 1 % of a trade-union membership dues from salaries of workers.

some members of trade union appear more vigorous figures in a trade-union life. Activity, basically, is shown in involving collective, especially student's, in every possible cultural and educational actions (festivals, seminars and so forth)

It is known, that for people it is important to feel the participation in the social whole. In this sense, members of trade union to which the problem(task) in inclusion of new people in the organization is assigned, carry out(spend) regular education among potential members of trade union (in particular, among again acted(arrived) students) therefore stable dynamics(changes) of absolutely high trade-union membership is supported. In single instances the factor interfering ocurrence of people in trade union, becomes necessity to pay payments that is the unique obligation of a member of trade union.

Controls the trade-union organization

The trade-union committee of the given organization will consist of the chairman, the first and second assistants, the bookkeeper and the secretary. Scheduled sessions профкомаare carried out(spent) once a month (if necessary members профкомаcan be convoked and in addition). The structure профкомаincludes the commissions: on labour disputes and on children's questions. The commissions are headed by vice-presidents профкома.

The basic questions considered(examined) by trade-union committee include the following:

Execution(Performance) of clauses(articles) of the trade-union budget

Use of means of social insurance on sanatorium treatment, rest and improvement of members of collective

Supervision over dynamics(changes) of membership of trade union

Monitoring of processes of registration of holidays, official registration of papers about reception, translation, dismissal, the control of correctness of purpose(assignment) of grants(manuals) and privileges

Work профкомаunder the decision of social and legal questions of students

The analysis of payment of wages of extra charges and surcharges to workers of university and the student's grant

Monitoring of work of a sanatorium dispensary of university

Training of members of collective and so forth.

The collective agreement

Activity of trade union is carried out on a clear legitimate basis by means of the conclusion of the collective agreement with administration. The collective agreement on a regular basis (each 3 years) is reconsidered and updated. Now trade union KNU is at a stage of signing of the new collective agreement for the term of with 2006 on 2009 г.г. The former collective agreement which was become invalid to the beginning for this year, has been made for the term of with 2002 on 2005 г.г.

The collective agreement subscribes mutually representatives of collective of trade union and administration under condition of preliminary reading the new contract draft. The problem(task) in acceptance of the collective agreement is assigned to the commissions (consisting of 15 person) from each party(side). During consideration and acceptance of the collective agreement conference where representatives of labour collective (250 person) are invited and where chairman acquaints members to the basic maintenance(contents) of the contract is carried out(spent), accepts responses from employees, then the final variant of the document is accepted.

Now there is a next updating the collective agreement. The life, the environment of work varies, new questions, for example, a question on the organization of rest on privileges in a boarding house "University", a question (under the new decree of the rector) about financial encouragement of the best lecturers of university have appeared (such moments necessarily should be included in the collective agreement in order to prevent divergences in the estimates revealed at check by Accounting chamber). Now 15 person from trade union and 15 person from administration work above revision of the maintenance(contents) of the former contract, considering both other regulating documents and recommendations of the Central committee. The new contract draft is discussed stage by stage, within the framework of several hearings.

The project of the collective agreement is developed, basically, профкомомand is transferred (with the list of offers) to consideration by administration. The administration holds the session on reading the contract therefore states the position by way of the consent or disagreement with those or other items(points), that, in turn, is discussed at a meeting (as negotiations) профкомаand administrations. Eventually, the consensus is necessarily reached(achieved), as chairman профкомаhas declared.

according to the respondent, monitoring on observance of the collective agreement is conducted on each item(point), basically, trade-union committee though in the maintenance(contents) of the contract it is underlined, that the responsibility on all items(points) of the contract is assigned equally to both parties(sides): administration and trade-union committee.

Except for the collective agreement, other agreements (at various levels) trade union do not subscribe.

Structure of the collective agreement (2002-2005 г.г.)
I / Introduction
II / General provisions
III. / The organization of improvement of quality and efficiency of educational, educational, scientific and commercial work КНУ
IV. / Maintenance of employment and growth of professional skill, strengthening of labour and performing discipline of employees КНУ
V. / Students, магистрантыand post-graduate students
VI. / Mode working hours
VII. / Wages, surcharges and extra charges
VIII. / Holiday
IX. / Labour safety and an environment
X. / Health protection and insurance
XI. / Social guarantees and privileges
XII. / Guarantees of trade-union activity
XIII. / The sanction of labour conflicts
XIV. / Action of the collective agreement
XV. / The control over the conclusion and execution(performance) of the collective agreement
1. / The list of trades and posts of workers ИТРand the employees having the right on additional holiday
2. / Rules of free-of-charge delivery of milk and other equivalent foodstuff working in harmful working conditions
Other нормативно-legal documents
1. / The order of the rector №7 from 11.01.2002.
2. / Extract from report №1 of session of Presidium of trade-union committee KNU from January, 2002.
3. / The newspaper "Position" April, №7, 2002. Clause(article) « About a payment used in special conditions »

Interaction with administration

Chairmanпрофкомаfirst of all had been marked, that as far as cooperation with administration will be constructive, is in direct dependence on close contact to administration («... When the trade union works in close contact to administration, all questions easily are solved »). Профкомfrom its part tries to solve all disputed questions in the peace image, considering, that the most constructive principle is the aspiration to understand a position of other party(side): «... To go on confrontation it is mutually unprofitable, though the trade union and has the big legitimate security (there is a labour law, the collective agreement) ». Cases when contracts with some employees were not prolonged for the different reasons have been as an example resulted. These problems with the help профкомаwere solved so that employees were not deprived with works, and translated on other post.

Now new management(manual) КНУalready comes into contacts to trade union. Probably (according to chairman профкома), the trade union is estimated as the body having political weight and significant administrative potential, partly due to that present chairman профкома(being the leader of trade-union organizational advice(council) already for many years) is a member of the Academic council of university and directly participates during acceptance of the important structural and personnel decisions.

The special attention should be given a situation having a place in structure with arrival of a new management(manual). Having entered a post, the new rector has decided to lead(carry out) some personnel rearrangements to administrations: one pro-rector has been lowered in a post (by the liquidation of a post of the first pro-rector which has been not stipulated by authorized positions of establishment (in conducting the first pro-rector there were financial questions)), other pro-rector has been dismissed. There was a disputed situation around of both decisions: both questions were solved in regional court owing to presentation of claims by both pro-rectors. Under the decision of regional court the decision of the rector concerning the given pro-rectors has been nullified: unreasonable (on the moved pro-rector) and breaking the law (on the dismissed pro-rector). Appeared, that the dismissed pro-rector under the law could not be removed(be taken off) from a post by virtue of presence at him(it) some kind of the status of inviolability, (valid during time determined by legislation КР) as the given person is chairman of the local selective commission 1007 (university) districts. Concerning an affair about liquidation of a post of the first pro-rector the situation has developed otherwise: the rector dissatisfied with the decision of regional court, has addressed in city court where the decision was accepted for the benefit of the rector.

Thus, both conflicts have been resolved(allowed) in judicial instances and without involving in process профкома. In this connection chairman профкомаhas noted the following: « Distribution of duties is a prerogative of the rector », - chairman has told, qualifying actions of the new rector as legitimate, not contradicting to any positions. Moreover, in opinion профкома, conflicts demanded intervention of extremely judicial structure as carrying out of the careful legal analysis of structure of a problem by corresponding instance was necessary.

Estimation of the representative of administration

(Director of the center of a magistracy, postgraduate study, doctoral studies; a member of Presidium KNU)

As a whole, work of trade union is estimated highly. It has been some times underlined, that the trade union is played not smaller, than by administration, a role in acceptance of the important social decisions. Moreover, the trade union is the main mechanism of protection of interests of workers and students of university. « This body should be and is a source where employees and students can receive answers to the questions on social support (including all questions on privileges) and to work to receive recommendations and so forth » The trade union is the catalyst of mobilization processes: creative, youth and so forth. Concerning mobilization of human potential, unfortunately, not enough forces are put in the organization of processes on development (political) consciousness of members of trade union (in particular, young generation, students): it is necessary to include new aspects in activity of trade union, to promote the organization of social movements (including informal among youth) to increase information potential of people.

It is necessary to strengthen the weakened (almost lost) communications(connections) with institutions of local government, for example, with the mayoralty of Bishkek to increase the social capital of trade union.

moreover, it was emphasized, that today the main problem of trade union is that, despite of the applicability be free body of protection of workers, it(he) actually is not free, first of all, in connection with insufficient financial self-sufficiency and, thereof, financial dependence on administration which allocates significant means for this or that action organized профкомом.

Interaction with higher trade-union bodies

Distribution between the primary organization and a Central Committee of the trade-union organizations of a science and formation(education): 30 % of the income of trade union - in a Central Committee (under the recommendation of a Central Committee). Actually, the trade union lists(transfers) 20-25 %, it does not turn out any more as charges of the primary organization do not allow (charges include the mass cultural, sports actions, the essential financial help to orphans and invalids (36 person) among students on holidays.

Mutual relations with higher bodies are estimated as constructive, a Central Committee carries out(spends) annual checks of the budget (distribution of trade-union means), plans, activity of trade union. By results of these checks for today of any negative remarks is not present. The main thing that a Central Committee, this distribution of financial assets on special-purpose designations (material aid, mass actions, a wages, training of employees and so forth) is checked and comes to light.

Work of trade union is estimated as stable, without infringements and, the main thing, with performance of all recommendations. In 2004 the trade union has been awarded with the certificate of honour for worthy work.

Participation of trade union in distribution of the social blessings

The trade union, certainly, borrows(occupies) key position in distribution of the social blessings. All moments on this question are provided in the collective agreement, in item(point) « Social guarantees and privileges » and other items(points).

the social blessings include distribution of permits to resorts and in sanatoria, a direction on preventive maintenance and treatment in a dispensary and a boarding house, preferential training for the certain social categories of students and children of employees of university, additional holiday days for members of collective.

Legal aid of trade union to the members

In structure of trade union there is a commission on labour disputes which chairman is the legal expert (managing faculty of criminal law). The sanction of labour conflicts is included into the competence of the given commission. As individual labour conflicts cases of unreasonable punishment (for example, the announcement of reprimand) employees are considered(examined) on the part of administration. So, a problem(task) of the commission is detailed studying circumstances of a developed disputed situation.