Genesis: Let There Be Light!

Session 7: God Gives Creation a Fresh Start – Student Notes

Heritage Church, Van Buren, Arkansas – October 14th, 2015

Genesis 8-9

Four Major Sections:

  1. 8:1-21 Finishing the ______.
  2. 8:22-9:7 ______undone.
  3. 9:8-17 ______- God’s approach to right and righting relationship.
  4. 9:18-29 An Introduction to the ______.

8:1-21 Finishing the ______.

  • Walt Brown’s Hydroplate Theory Video
  • Walt Brown’s Book In The Beginning:
  • Timeline & the Olive Branch

Date:# of Days:Event:Verse:

2 Month, 17th Day0Start7:11

3 Month, 27th Day40Waters Rise7:12, 17

10 Month, 1st Day150Water Prevails, Ark Rests7:24

11 Month, 11th Day150-224Waters Recede, Tops show 8:2-4

11 Month, 18th Day224-264Raven Sent Out8:5a

11 Month, 25th Day278Dove Sent Out8:6-7

12 Month, 2nd Day285Dove Sent Out, Olive Branch 8:2

1 Month, 1st Day314Surface of the Earth Dry8:13

2 Month, 27th Day370Departure from the Ark8:14, 15-19

  • Timeline Source:
  • 140 Days Submerged Seeds Source:
  • Time for an Olive Tree to sprout:
  • “Remembering Noah” & Covenant
  • Agreement Between 2 Parties
  • Historical Prologue
  • Sacrifice
  • Stipulations
  • A Sign
  • Blessings & Curses
  • Biblical Covenants:

8:22-9:7 ______undone.

  • Creation’s New Fallen Reality:

(No longer very good….)

  • Seasons, Annual Toil
  • Fear & terror between Man and Beasts
  • Death of Animals, eating of flesh
  • Death of Man, Murder will be the new normal.
  • Fallen Nations – other, competing governments.
  • Be fruitful & multiply, Populate the Earth…

9:8-17 ______- God’s approach to right and righting relationship.

•Speaks to Noah and his sons.

•I Myself do establish My covenant with you…

•2 Parties: God and All of Creation.


Don’t eat blood, Enact punishment on Murderers

Be fruitful & multiply, Populate the earth

•Sacrifice: Noah’s Altar

•Sign: Rainbow

9:18-29 An Introduction to the ______.

•Context: Table of Nations, Tower of Babel, Promised Land, Conquest, Salt & Light.

•Key Point: Some nations revel in nakedness and embrace Genesis 3 like an addiction. Be prepared to interact with them.