Human Services Committee

July 22, 2015 Minutes

Lansing City Rescue Mission – Women’s Maplewood Center

8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

1)  Call to Order and Introductions

a)  Al Platt, Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:37. All present [Al Platt (CMH), Nichole Beard (TCOA), Yolanda Botello (CACS), Natosha D’Angelo (Haven House), Martha Jackson (VOA),Teresa Kloock (L&F),Tinisha Kuykendoll (LAAN), Liz Lopez (VOA), Sunshine Morgan-McIntyre Sr. (MDHHS), Sonya Morrison (VOA), Diane Singleton (VOA), Sherri Szilagyi (CRM), and David Henrion (GLHRN)] introduced themselves.

2)  Approval of June Minutes

a)  Approval of June minutes was delayed until the next meeting.

3)  Resource Mapping, Continued

a)  Al suggested delaying the resource map until Deb Smith could be present to lead.

4)  Possible HARA Changes

a)  David introduced the situation, and stated that the physical location of the HARA would be moving. He also stated that the HARA subcommittee would be making changes to the current process, and invited all to attend.

5)  CMH Change in Services

a)  Al announced that the state had made cuts in CMH’s general funding, about 60% was cut.

i)  He stated that many agencies have been doing Medicaid/Healthy Michigan only.

ii)  With this cut, only people with those benefits will be able to be covered.

iii)  CMH will continue to provide emergency services, but will not be able to have long term case management.

iv)  Al noted that Medicare alone doesn’t pay for crisis services or long term care.

(1)  He was very concerned about the negative impact on the community.

v)  Al said CMH has been getting more people qualified for Medicaid.

vi)  This won’t have an impact on children’s services. Al said that the impact is on adults and older adults.

vii)  Nichole Beard asked if this would affect current clients. Al said that it would.

viii) Liz asked if Al had a list of criteria for people to get onto Medicaid/able to receive CMH services.

(1)  Al said that he does, and he will send it to David, who will send it to members.

ix)  Diane asked about the LEAP program and if would be impacted.

(1)  Al said that he is having meeting tomorrow with VOA, and will work out details for it.

(a)  He stated they have the clients to place, but having a hard time finding landlords to work with the program. He believes it is a matter of getting the process in place.

(b)  Tinisha Kuykendoll asked about the program.

(i)  Al explained it is a PSH program for clients with high SPDAT scores.

(c)  Liz Lopez asked how many people would get units.

(i)  Al said that it would be 12 or 13 right now, but it could be more in the future.

6)  Other

a)  Nichole discussed her and TCOA getting calls with misinformation about their services.

i)  Her position is spent transitioning people from nursing homes to independent living.

ii)  TCOA doesn’t have any housing for clients.

(1)  Nichole said that they only have a list of low income apartments.

(2)  These are Dollhigh Stratford and 1777 in East Lansing. Each complex had 10 units for 55+ adults with disabilities, who were homeless or chronically homeless, or fleeing/fled DV.

(a)  These units are from Project-Based Vouchers.

(b)  Nichole asked if anyone calls for these units, please make sure to mention the voucher.

(c)  She noted the wait list can be lengthy. There are currently around 6 on the list

iii)  Nichole thought that people may be hearing things or reading bad info online.

iv)  Teresa Kloock, Sherri Szilagyi, Diane, and Nichole discussed shelter verification.

(1)  Sherri stated that if a client has verification, the Humane Society will hold onto a pet for that client.

b)  Teresa discussed the two L&F transitional homes.

i)  She said they have two openings in both the male and women/children shelters.

(1)  In the family shelter, they have room for a woman with 3 kids and a woman with 2 kids.

ii)  Teresa said that no disabilities are required for entry, they just need shelter verification.

iii)  She stated that they can also be supported with food.

iv)  Teresa mentioned their key rules. The programs last for usually 2 years. All kids need to be in school, and adults need to be working. They also have a curfew.

c)  Natosha D’Angelo said she is still having trouble getting furniture for her families.

i)  Teresa suggested asking MSU salvage, which has donated beds occasionally in the past.

(1)  Nichole said that they have a great price on diapers.

ii)  Sunshine Morgan-McIntyre Sr. said that this is a topic of discussion at DHHS.

(1)  DHHS had about $10,000 left in general funds. Sunshine said this could be used for furniture, among other things.

(2)  Teresa asked if there were any criteria for these dollars.

(a)  Sunshine answered that DHHS encourages its funds to go to families, but also will assist for those transitioning into housing.

(b)  She said that they need a “need reason” to help.

iii)  Nichole stated that Once Upon a Child have great prices and also buy clothing.

d)  Sunshine said that she talked to another DHHS staff person with a Secretary of State contact about identification cards. She asked the committee if Advent House provides IDs for clients.

i)  David said he will ask Susan Cancro about it and email the group on it.

ii)  Sonja said that at Community Connect, agencies got a flyer that says if a client has SNAP or SSI, they should receive IDs for free.

(1)  Many people on the committee had questions about this process, because there are unknown criteria.

e)  Al stated that he had reached out to new 211representative and invited her to these meetings.

i)  Sunshine said she discussed with her various application processes.

7)  September’s meeting

a)  Al asked where September’s meeting should be.

i)  Natosha said that Haven House would be willing to host

ii)  Liz suggested going to the HARA. Diane thought that should wait until November.

8)  Kids Connect

a)  David announced it is coming up at the end of the month, August 31st.

b)  Yolanda, Sunshine, and Al discussed differences between Great Start and Head Start.

i)  Sherri stated that Great Start works with parents, with their kids present, to help their parenting skills.

ii)  Sunshine said that Great start is funded by the state, while Head Start is from the feds.

9)  Sunshine announced that Rose Taphouse at the Lansing School District has an adult education program starting next month, with the enrollment starting in mid-August.

a)  It is for adults 19-23ish without diplomas, and offers both GED and high school completion.

b)  It is free, so Sunshine encouraged people to call Rose about it.

c)  Sunshine stated that LCC has a similar program, but using it would take away from potential college grants.

10)  Next meeting at DHHS

a)  Sunshine asked everyone to come to Door 4 at the DHHS building.

b)  Sunshine also asked what people wanted on the agenda. She suggested having a walk through.

i)  Teresa said she would like the focus to be on the process, which Sherri agreed with.

ii)  Diane and Sherri also mentioned getting information on SER applications.

iii)  Natosha and others in the room liked the idea of discussing child care options.

iv)  Furniture and state disability/mental assistance for singles were two other popular topics.

(1)  The Tuition Assistance Program was discussed. It is where high school seniors, who have been on Medicaid for 24 consecutive months at any point in life, can qualify for tuition help. There is a deadline in August or September, and they can ask for up to $4000.

(a)  This is only for Michigan colleges or trade schools.

(b)  Clients can register with the MI Department of Treasury over the phone.

v)  Diane asked if there could be a one page description of services.

(1)  Sunshine said that one for services would be very difficult, but she could try to have one on the process.

11)  Adjournment

a)  Al adjourned the meeting at 9:52.

NEXT MEETING: August 26nd at 8:30 am at DHHS Door 4