April 6, 2015

PRESENT: Nancy Baldauf, Cherie Fabian, Leo and Marilyn Kenzik, Denise Klammer, Jane Leavell, Tim and Marcia Widman

Staff: Lyn Crouse, Jen Harmon

Denise Klammer called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM.

Previous Minutes

Nancy Baldauf moved accepted March’s minutes as written. Leo Kenzik seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

The ending balance as of March 31st was $24, 231.16. Cherie Fabian made a motion to accept the report after changing the title line from February to March. Motion passed.

Director’s Report

Lyn Crouse introduced Jennifer Harmon, formerly the Youth Services Librarian at West River, who took Debbie Pillivant’s place with some changes. The new website will be unrolled soon so we discussed repairing the FEPLS page, starting by eliminating the duplicate page. We need full access from the library’s page, and not under the old “Support” tab. On the membership page, we need both a Paypal access for people to purchase membership online, and a membership form they can print to mail in with a check if that’s their preference; we’d also like to add endowment fund information here. . We’d like to add pictures of past book sales. Jane Leavell needs to mail final approved minutes to Jen at , starting with January of 2015.

Lyn Crouse’s staff made a request to FEPLS for a Blu-Ray player for West River to play movies on their HD television set. The cost was a little less than $90. Tim Widman moved that we approve the request, and Nancy Baldauf seconded it. All approved.

We discussed the World Café library event, at which Nancy Baldauf, Phil Lyon, and Tim Widman were scribes. They described how the even worked and how it stumbled, so we can improve the upcoming Friends Exchange meeting. The biggest problem was using too general questions for the discussion groups, instead of something very focused and likely to encourage discussion.

On Tuesday, April 28th, a bus will leave South Lorain Library

on Route 57 for Columbus to present our views for the annual library meeting with politicians, including our hopes to increase funding. Lorain County libraries are known across the state as interesting and likely to be vocal with our politicians. The bus will likely return rather late, as the last meeting will begin at 4 PM.

Committee Reports

Denise Klammer praised the book sale volunteers for doing so much sorting. The room looks great.

Lyn Crouse has sent out postcard and email invitations to the Lorain County Friends Exchange, which will be held from 9:30 to 2 on Saturday, May 3rd, at the West River library. She passed around a postcard for us to sign up to attend. Cherie Fabian will get a Rotuno’s BBQ menu for possible side dishes like pasta salad. We will put a bowl of candy at each table. Lyn will check with World Market in Avon Commons.

Old Business

Researching book markers to put in the library welcome packets, Marilyn Kenzik found a wide range of prices. One publisher offered pre-printed generic ones for four cents apiece for 5000. A local printer wanted seven cents apiece. However, Penny Lane Printing offered 5000 full color, glossy cardboard 2x8 bookmarks with UV coating for $199. When Jen is working on a logo for our webpage and for this bookmarker, she will come up with at least 3 choices, and half the Board members present requested an owl design be one of the three, but one less childish than our previous logo.

Tim Widman brought in a used abridged version of Robert’s Rules of Order and we will be passing it around the Board members to read for use in our meetings.

Denise Klammer called the gentleman who would pick up leftover book sale boxes on a pallet. She called twice, but he never returned her calls. We’ll stick with Maynard.

New Business


The next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 4th.

Meeting adjourned at 7:38 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Jane Leavell.