1Paper Title Paper Title Paper Title
UPLanD – Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & environmental Design,2(1), 00-00[2017]
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Paper title, paper title, paper title, paper title paper title, paper titleFirst Authora, John Smithb, Thomas Brownc, John Greenc
aDepartment of Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley, USA
bDepartment of Architecture, University of Naples, Federico II, IT
c,Department of Urban Planning and Design, Harvard University, USA
- Write here your paper highlights, write here your paper highlights, write here your paper highlights.
- Write here your paper highlights, keep left aligned.
- Write here your paper highlights, write here your paper highlights.
- Write here your paper highlights, write here your paper highlights.
Write here your abstract, 1,200 characters spaces included. Write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body, write here your abstract, style abstract body.write here your abstract, style abstract body. / Articlehistory
Received: December 00, 0000
Reviewed: December 00, 0000
Accepted: December 00, 0000
On line: December 00, 0000
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UPLanD – Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & environmental Design 2(1)00-00
|ISSN on line 000-000
First Author, Second Author, Third Author1
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- the journal of urban planning;
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- the journal of environmental design.
Numbering lists should be structured as the following example:
- the journal of urban planning;
- the journal of landscape design;
- the journal of environmental design.
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Figures text should be in the same language of the article. Figures position should be clearly indicated in the text (e.g. Fig. 1). Captions should be numbered progressively and separately by figures.(e.g.: Figure 1: Title of the figure), using style Figure Caption 10-point Cambria font, and in case the source have to be quoted, italics 9-point Cambria font.
Figure 1:Valencia, antiguocauce del Rio Turia, Valencia, antiguocauce del Rio Turia, Valencia, antiguocauce del Rio Turia. Source: Ayuntamiento de Valencia
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(a) (b)
Figure 2:Castellammare di Stabia. (a) The old marina. (b) The summer kiosks. Source: John Smith (2010)
Tables in the text should be in the same language of the article. Their position should be clearly indicated in the text (e.g. Table 1). Captions should be numbered progressively and separately by tables (e.g.: Table 1: Title of the table), using 10-point Cambria font, and in case the source have to be quoted, italics 9-point Cambria font.
Tables should be included in the text in black-and-white Word format, and never as images or imported from Excel; avoid any colours or background. Their dimension should conform to the page margins. See following example:
Table 1:Resident population
Year / Resident population / Absolute variation / Percentage variation / Numbers of households / Persons per households2008 / 963.661 / -9.471 / -0,97% / 372.142 / 2,58
2009 / 962.940 / -721 / -0,07% / 374.483 / 2,56
2010 / 959.574 / -3.366 / -0,35% / 373.846 / 2,56
2011 / 961.106 / -897 / -0,09% / 374.672 / 2,56
2012 / 959.052 / -2.054 / -0,21% / 377.487 / 2,53
Source: Smithet al. (2010)
Tables cannot have the structure of a grid, but only horizontal heading and closing lines can be used. Table title should not exceed one line.
Tables should not exceed one page, that is tables cut in two pages, even with the words “continued on the following page”, are not admitted. Consecutive tables are accepted but no table can be the continuation of the previous one.
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Articolo in Italiano
This part is only for Authors presenting their paper in both languages (English and Italian).
1.Istruzioni per l’inserimento dell’articolo in Italiano
Coloro che scrivono l’articolo in doppia lingua inseriscono la versione in Italiano dopo le conclusioni della versione inglese. In questo caso alla fine della versione in inglese, prima dei riferimenti bibliografici, inserire un’interruzione di pagina e riprendere alla pagina successiva utilizzando le medesime norme redazionali della versione inglese.
Per i titoli dei paragrafi utilizzare lo stile Title 1 per il primo livello e Title 2 per il secondo livello. La numerazione inizia nuovamente da 1
Tutte le tabelle e figure si ripetono identiche. In questo caso, però, didascalia e fonti saranno in lingua italiana. La numerazione inizia nuovamente da 1
I riferimenti bibliografici costituiscono la parte finale dell’articolo comune alle due lingue e non si ripetono.
Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references.
For referencesand citationsplease strictly follow APA style 6th ed. using style Reference 10-point Cambria font.
Reference to a book examples:
Frederickson, H.G. (1997). The spirit of public administration. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Moccia, F.D., & Sgobbo, A. (2013). La polarizzazione metropolitana. L'evoluzione della rete della grande distribuzione verso un sistema policentrico sostenibile. Napoli, IT: LiguoriEditore.
Heath, R.L. (ed.). (2010).The Sage handbook of public relations. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Reference to a journal publicationexamples:
Light, M.A., & Light, I.H. (2008). The geographic expansion of Mexican immigration in the United States and its implications for local law enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8(1), 73-82.
Sgobbo, A. (2016). Recycling, Waste Management and Urban Vegetable Gardens. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 202, 61-72.
Reference to a chapter in an edited book examples:
Hinchliffe, L.J. (2008). Future of information literacy. In C.N. Cox & L.E. Blakesley (eds.), Information literacy instruction handbook (pp. 230-235). Chicago, IL: ACRL.
Corsi, E. (1991). La Ricostruzione in Parlamento. In E. Corsi, C. Franco (eds.), Dal terremoto al futuro. La ricostruzione a Napoli. Il Titolo VIII della Legge 219/81 (pp.223-231). Napoli, IT: Electa.
Reference to Conference Proceedingsexamples:
Al-Shalabi, M.A., Bin Mansor, S., Bin Ahmed, N., Shiriff, R. (2006). GIS based multicriteria approaches to housing site suitability assessment.Proceedings of XXIII FIG Congress Shaping the change. Munich, DE, October 8-13, 2006.
Nasr, J.,Komisar, J. (2015). Rooftops as productive spaces: planning and design lessons from Toronto.7th International Aesop Sustainable Food Planning Conference Proceedings, Torino, October 7‐9, 2015.
Reference to websitesexamples:
Simmons, B. (2015, January 9). The tale of two Flaccos. Retrieved from
European Environment Agency (2016, October 16), Surplus emission permits start decreasing in the EU’s emissions trading system. Retrieved from
UPLanD – Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & environmental Design,2(1)