DRAFT ***** OEFFA Board Meeting Mintues, January 25, 2009 *****DRAFT

Attendance: Chalie Frye, Carol Goland, Darren Malhame, John Sowder, Larry Wright, Steve Edwards, Mike Laughlin, Trevor Clatterbuck, Mardy Towsend, David Benchoff, Harv Roehling, Ed Snavely, Lynn Genter, Steve Baugherty, Mike Laughlin

OEFFA c-3 Board President Mike Laughlin called the meeting to order at 11:24

September 28, 2008 meeting minutes: approved as presented

Mike Laughlin introduced Trevor Clatterbuck as a new member of the board and other members introduced themselves.

Treasury Report/Proposed Budget:

John, Carol and Mike presented budget. Darren noted that executive committee should review pay rates once yearly. Carol found what appeared to be a typo in budget and resolved to refigure it during lunch. There was no typo; last year’s pay included payroll taxes and benefits. This year’s budget includes only base pay. Budget tabled until after lunch.

Board adjourned for lunch at 11:42am. Board resumed meeting at 12:15am.

Budget discussion resumed. Charlie Frye expressed gratitude for budget format. Need for external audit expressed. Copies of auditor resume and audit findings to go to c-3 treasurer. Budget approved by consensus.

Director’s Report:

Board Packets:

Carol asked about how the Board would like to receive their packets.


Conference Carol sent around Board sign up sheet for Board workers at OEFFA conference.


Carol asked how the Board did with the notes and calls of the annual appeal. Mike asked Board Members to donate to OEFFA whatever it is worth to you, so that OEFFA will have 100% participation. Carol asked about whether to do a farm tour appeal to membership. To be discussed by development committee.

Beginning Farmer Development:

Board decided that it wants OEFFA to be at the forefront of a collaborative response to the Farm Bill’s Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program. What can OEFFA provide? Information and guidance.

Farm Finance – Mardy suggested that OEFFA could get more information about financing for small family farms, so that Carol could use that information in one of the State-wide committees she serves on.

Board offered approval by consensus for proposal to combine the Communications Coordinator position and Membership Services Coordinator to one position that will receive health insurance (additional cost beyond two distinct positions).

OEFFA’s Name - Carol asked board about how OEFFA is to make decisions about when and how to lend OEFFA’s name to issues and petitions outside of OEFFA. The Board determined that protecting OEFFA’s brand name is of the utmost importance and that OEFFA should lend its name sparingly, only when the cause is squarely within OEFFA’s mission, and when the sponsoring organization is very high quality.

Development Committee Report – Committee asked that OEFFA place notice in newsletter for people to include OEFFA in their wills. Committee also described work to date on funding the gaps in the Long-Term Plan.

Bylaw Committee – Bylaw change proposed to allow Board to choose own officers and to stagger two year terms.

Board Nominations Committee – Stated that a full slate had been achieved. Steve announced the slate to the Board.

Stewardship Committee – Harv announced a nominee from the committee for the Board’s consideration. Board approved nomination by consensus. (2) Harv also made request that the committee be expanded for the future, perhaps with chapter reps, perhaps with inclusion of larger farms. (3) Committee tabled a consideration to include an award named for Anne for Board discussion.

Carol suggested that Board Nominations Committee and Stewardship Committee be combined. The suggestion was not met with enthusiasm.

Ed requested that something be done at conference to get Anne’s family money. Group discussed the incredible skills and gifts Anne brought to the organization, and how appropriate it would be to make mention of Anne’s contribution. Recommendation of a moment of silence for Anne during the awards ceremony.

Board Job Descriptions:

OEFFA Board Member Job Description –

#2 - Larry suggested that after two absences from Board meetings the member should be contacted so that the position might be filled by the third meeting. Carol agreed that such a procedure could be enacted without amendment to the job description.

#8 - Strike the phrase “by email” agreed by Board consensus.

#3 – Amended to say “one committee or act as chapter representative . . .”

Approved by consensus as amended.

OEFFA Board President Job Description –

Strike #7 and #15 as redundant; approved by consensus as amended.

OEFFA Board Secretary Job Description –

Strike “IRS letters” in #6; approved by consensus as amended.

OEFFA Board Treasurer Job Description –

Approved by consensus.

OEFFA Board Vice President Job Description –

Strike #3 and #4 as weird (reporting on board Pres and working closely with Pres); approved by consensus as amended.

Cash Reserve Recommendation:

Proposal that OEFFA set goal of having 6 months in cash reserved, (from 4 months currently on reserve), to be accrued over next 5 years. Approved by consensus.

Chapter Financial Procedures:

Discussed and tabled until next meeting.

Proposed Policy: Use of OEFFA logo on products:

Board approved of use of OEFFA Member insignia used on promotional materials and websites with conditions. Board does not allow use of insignia on products for sale.

With approval OEFFA members may use logo for specific use.

Policy approved by consensus as amended.

New Business:

Ed Snavely announced the dissolution of OCIA (Organic Crop Improvement Organization, International) Chapter 1 and read the chapter’s written, signed request for the formation of an OEFFA chapter and recognition by the OEFFA Board of Trustees. Ed also announced a donation by the chapter to OEFFA in the amount of $500 for the conference. The intent of the chapter is to define itself not by geography but by a specific interest category. It is not exclusive but is focused on the interests of grain growers. The Board approved recognition of the new chapter by consensus. These facts may require a change in the bylaws.

The following dates were approved for Board meetings in 2009/2010.

April 26th

July 26th

October 25th

January 24th

Board gave Carol green light to develop email information sheet.