

4201 Woodland Road

Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796



Essential Components in each subject area include a student textbook, a student workbook, a student laboratory manual, a Teacher’s Edition, a Workbook Answer key, a laboratory manual answer key, the student text on Audiocassette, the Teacher’s Resource Library on CD-ROM and Teaching Strategies in Science Transparencies.

I. Special features used in the design of the AGS science textbook program:

The AGS secondary science textbooks are written to cover the science standards while maintaining a fourth-grade reading level for students who are struggling readers. Words over a fourth-grade level are defined both in the text, in a vocabulary sidebar, and in the glossary at the end of the book.

Each chapter includes:

Content standards and goals and themes of Science Education in the state of Tennessee for Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Physical Science.

Chapter openers include a graphic showing the relationship of concepts introduced in the chapter.

The chapter’s goals for learning.

A chapter investigation activity, or experiment providing hands-on experience (Component 1: Process of Science). Activity sheets in the Laboratory Manuals can be used with the investigation activities.

A ‘Science in Your Life’ feature that applies the chapter content to everyday life.

A chapter summary highlighting the main points of the chapter.

A two-page chapter review reinforcing vocabulary definitions and concepts introduced along with a critical thinking activity and a test-taking tip.

A lively design with full-color graphics.

Each lesson includes:

from two to six pages focusing on one topic.

objectives at the beginning and a short self-check at the end with usually five questions.

a short “Did You Know?” feature that presents an interesting fact related to the lesson.

The Teacher’s Guides provide suggestions for introducing and teaching each lesson as well as assessing the students. They also suggest teaching options such as Global Connections, Science Journal, Applications, (Components 2 & 4: Unifying Concepts of Science and Science in Society) and Learning Style activities. The Teacher Resource Library includes over 300 activities including: two forms of chapter tests for pre- and post-testing, midterm and final tests, activities that encourage students to look beyond the classroom and the student workbook, self-study guide, and lab manual.

Course: Tennessee Eighth Grade Science: Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Physical Science.

AGS materials: General Science Student Textbook, Teacher’s Edition, Teacher Resource Library (TRL) on CD-ROM, Student Workbook, Workbook Answer Key, Laboratory Manual and Manual Answer key, and Teaching Strategies in Science Transparencies. The textbook is on audiocassette for students who read well below a 4th grade level or for those who are visually impaired.

An exact paged correlation of the AGS General Science student textbook to the Tennessee science curriculum standards, learning expectations, accomplishments, and performance indicators for eighth grade is attached. The Teacher’s Edition contains additional activities that also meet the TN science curriculum standards.

Course: Tennessee grades 9-12 Science: Biology I, Earth Science, and Physical Science.



4201 Woodland Road

Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796



AGS materials:

 Biology Student Textbook, Teacher’s Edition, Teacher Resource Library (TRL) on CD-ROM, Student Workbook, Workbook Answer Key, Laboratory Manual and Manual Answer key, and Teaching Strategies in Science Transparencies. The textbook is on audiocassette for students who read well below a 4th grade level or for those who are visually impaired.

 Earth Science Student Textbook, Teacher’s Edition, Teacher Resource Library (TRL) on CD-ROM, Student Workbook, Workbook Answer Key, Laboratory Manual and Manual Answer key, and Teaching Strategies in Science Transparencies. The textbook is on audiocassette for students who read well below a 4th grade level or for those who are visually impaired.

Physical Science Student Textbook, Teacher’s Edition, Teacher Resource Library (TRL) on CD-ROM, Student Workbook, Workbook Answer Key, Laboratory Manual and Manual Answer key, and Teaching Strategies in Science Transparencies. The textbook is on audiocassette for students who read well below a 4th grade level or for those who are visually impaired.

An exact paged correlation of the AGS Grades 9-12 Biology, Earth Science, and Physical Science student textbook to the Tennessee science curriculum standards, learning expectations, accomplishments, and performance indicators for grades 9-12 is attached. The Teacher’s Edition contains additional activities that also meet the TN science curriculum standards.