[This letter is provided to help superintendents promote the Special Edition on Bullying at School and Online to principals and teachers in their districts. Please tailor this letter to fit your district. You may use and reproduce this material, in whole or in part and by any means, without charge or further permission.]

Dear [insert principal/teacher name]:

I’m excited to tell you about a free resource for parents called the Education.com Special Edition on Bullying at School and Online. This new online tool from the American Association of School Administrators and Education.com, with corporate sponsorship provided by Symantec, makers of Norton security software,helps parents take an active role in preventing and ending bullying at school and online.

Bullying is a serious issue that every school in the nation is dealing with. Research indicates that more than half of all school-aged children nationwide will be involved in bullying this year as a victim or a perpetrator and that many more witness bullying acts on a regular basis. Parents need to take an active role whether their child bullies, is a victim of bullying, or is a witness to bullying.

The Education.com Special Edition on Bullying at School and Online gives parents the tools they need to intervene in informed and effective ways. It includes more than 30 originalarticles, video clips, quizzes, online workshops, community forums and quick-fact lists, all available free-of-charge at highlight of the content is a list -- developed using research findings reported in the Special Edition -- of 10 actions parents can take to help reduce bullying. The list suggests parents spend time at their child’s school, learn the signs that a child is being bullied, and establish household rules about bullying. The complete list can be found at:

I am seeking your help in promoting the Education.com Special Edition on Bullying at School and Online to the parents in our district. Here are some ways you can encourage parents to use this free tool:

  1. Send a letter to parents home with students (see sample “Letter to Parents” at
  2. Highlight the tool in your regular communications with parents (e.g., newsletters, e-mails)
  3. Highlight the tool on your school’s website
  4. Post in your school and send home with parents a flier that outlines the 10 Actions Parents Can Take to Help Reduce Bullying, available at

We have the knowledge and the power to reduce bullying. The Education.com Special Edition on Bullying at School and Online arms parents with the resources they need to get past the myths and get into action. Thank you for your support of this effort.


[insert superintendent’s name]