Round 8


1. The Wiener-Khinchin theorem states that certain power spectral densities are equal to their corresponding autocorrelation function after undergoing this process. Hankel developed an equivalent form of its two-dimensional version with a radially symmetric integral kernel, and Parseval's theorem is the correspondence of Plancherel's theorem for them. Murakami generalized Bruun's method for calculating it in 1996, but Cooley and Tukey published the most famous algorithm for quickly computing its value. Prominent for its use in signal processing, this is, FTP, which linear operator which maps a function into a domain, where it is represented in terms of sines and cosines?

ANSWER: Fourier transform

2. In one of this man's works, great confusion abounds over two harlots and sisters with the same first name. Another of this man's plays concerns a shipwreck off of North Africa and includes characters like the pimp Labrax. The ending of perhaps his most famous work is lost, although we do know that Lars Familiaris has granted the title object to the miserly Euclio and his soon-to-be-married daughter, Phaedria.Also known for plays like Bacchides, Amphitryon, and Rudens, and the use of stock characters like clever slaves, FTP, identify this Roman playwright, best remembered for comedies like Pot of Gold.

ANSWER: Titus Macchius Plautus

3. By Aegle he was the father of the graces, and Lampetia once informed him that some of his prized possessions were stolen by some chums of Odysseus.More popularly worshiped in the east, this god had annual gymnastic competitions devoted to him on Rhodes, while he had his own temple at Okeanos.His herd of oxen always numbered 350, and were attended to by his children, Phaetusa and Lampetia.He loaned the golden cup in which he traveled back from west to east during the night to Heracles for his journeys to Erytheia and to the Hesperides. Seeing and knowing everything and riding on a chariot drawn by four horses, FTP, identify this Greek god of the sun.

ANSWER: Helios

4. In one painting by this artist, a gluttonous prince riding a barrel wields a lanced pig to battle a haggard nun wielding an oven shovel. In one of his engravings, a helmeted man uses a gigantic knife to cut open a large fish, revealing a myriad of smaller fish inside its body. In addition to Carnival and Lent and Big Fish Eat Little Fish, this artist depicted stonemasons kneeling in front of King Nimrod in his painting The Tower of Babel. His village scenes portraying human folly include Children’s Games and Netherlandish Proverbs. FTP, name this 16th century Flemish painter of The Triumph of Death, Peasant Wedding, and Hunters in the Snow.

ANSWER: Pieter Breugel the Elder (also accept Peasant Breugel, Pieter Bruegel De Oudere, or any of these where Boeren is used in place of Pieter)

5. Disaster fell on one army involved in this event while they were searching for drinking water near the AssinarusRiver.Resistance against this action was first organized at a conference at Gela, and the plan for it was first formulated after a request from the city of Segesta.Its most vocal supporters included Hyperbolus, who advocated expanding it to include an attack on Carthage.Tables turned against the aggressors in it when Hermocrates was joined by Gylippus, a military adviser from Sparta, and the recall of Alcibiades significantly hampered this campaign’s execution.FTP, identify this disastrous Athenian campaign to capture an island that included cities such as Syracuse.

ANSWER: Sicilian Expedition (accept equivalents like Sicilian Campaign and other thing with the word Sicily connected to some synonym of military endeavor)

6. After a "Pilot's boy" crazily says "The Devil knows how to row," the main character of this work asks to be "shrieved" by a "Hermit good." At the end of its fourth section, a "spring of love" gushes from the speaker's heart after he blesses water-snakes "unaware". The speaker notes that more horrible than "an orphan's curse" is "the curse in a dead man's eye," after a female spirit called Life-in-Death wins the title character in a dice game. This poem’s title character concludes that "He prayeth best, who loveth best / All things both great and small" after telling his story to the Wedding Guest. FTP, name this poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge whose title character does lots of penance for shooting an albatross.

ANSWER: "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

7. Materials with this property can exhibit a noise arising from self-organized criticality known as the Barkhausen effect. The Ising model was originally formulated to study this phenomenon, in which regions become separated by Bloch walls and materials exhibiting this property are frequently subject to hysteretic effects. The anti variety of this property disappears above the Neel point, while this property itself disappears above the Curie point, where the material transitions to paramagnetism. FTP, identify this form of magnetism resulting from the spontaneous alignment of domains, which is present in metals such as nickel and iron.


8. This region, which is not an independent country today, is home to the Decani Monastery and other Eastern Orthodox monuments like the Gracanica. The Dakovica is one of the districts that make up the Metohija basin, which covers most of the southwestern region of this country. The Dinaric Alps, or CursedMountains, separate this region from its border to the southwest, while the SarMountains make up its southeastern border.Bordering Macedonia, Albania, and Montenegro, FTP, identify this region with provincial capital at Pristina, currently still part of Serbia, the site of a NATO operation in 1999 thanks to ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Slobodan Milošević.

ANSWER: Kosovo

9. Minor characters in this novel include the ineffectual preacher Osgood and the bum Monty Smith, who attempts to provoke Winder's hostler Gabe against Sparks. In its fifth and final chapter, a storeowner laments his cowardice at refusing to carry a gun. In its third chapter, Gerald attacks humanity's fear of the pack after his father, Major Tetley, encourages a group of twenty-eight men to ride to the title location. The title event is incited by the reported murder of Kinkaid, although Sheriff Risley's return makes a posse from Bridger's Wells realize their mistake. FTP, name this novel by Walter van Tilburg Clark about the lynching of three innocent men in the title location.

ANSWER: The Ox-Bow Incident

10. This author advocated "cold literature" in his recent essay "My View on Creative Writing." The Silent Man, the Hothead, and the Old Man with Glasses are among the characters who grow old waiting at the title location of his absurdist play The Bus Stop, while his plays Nocturnal Wanderer and Between Life and Death are collected in his volume The Other Shore. He described his relationship with his lover Margerethe in his autobiographical novel One Man's Bible, and after he was mistakenly diagnosed with lung cancer, he wrote a novel whose narrator splits into personas called "I", "You", and "She" on a journey to Lingshan. FTP, name this Chinese author of SoulMountain.

ANSWER: Gao Xingjian

11. Its final substage sees a shift from the namesake plane to the symbolic plane. Members in its fourth substage are prone to making the A-not-B error, in which people search for an object in location A despite seeing it hidden in location B. Members of this stage are unable to understand invisible displacement, and begin to use circular reactions instead of relying on reflexes. Towards the end of this stage, children become able to accommodate their schemas to new information, and understand object permanence. Occurring until an infant is two years old, and followed by the preoperational stage, FTP, name this first stage of cognitive development proposed by Jean Piaget.

ANSWER: sensorimotor stage

12. The Supreme Court found that requirements in a certain piece of legislation violated it in Printz v. US. The 1992 case New York v. United States found that a "Take Title" provision of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendment Act of 1985 violated this amendment.In South Dakota v. Dole, the Supreme Court ruled that this amendment was not violated by a requirement in a change in the state drinking age in exchange for federal highway funding money. Stating that “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved for the States respectively, or to the people,” FTP, identify this amendment, the last of the Bill of Rights.

ANSWER: Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

13. This game was based on the same hardware as the highly unsuccessful Radar Scope.Steve Wiebe's ["we-be's"] quest to score over a million points in this game and take down Billy Mitchell's high score was the subject of a recent documentary subtitled "A Fistful of Quarters".Before the game starts, it asks "How high can you get?", and each level increases the height by some 25 meters.Players can pick up umbrellas for bonus points, and its "rivet" level involves avoiding flames and knocking out all of the rivets to make the title character fall on his head to the ground below.Players needed to beat the four stages in this game twice in an updated N64 version featuring lame characters like Chunky, Lanky and Tiny.FTP, identify this arcade game that introduced Mario and a namesake stubborn gorilla.

ANSWER: Donkey Kong

14. This composer used a series of themes by Rossini as the basis for the ballet La Boutique Fantasque, and his compositions for piano include his Concerto in the Mixolydian Mode. He set The Adoration of the Magi, La Primavera, and The Birth of Venus to music in Three Botticelli Pictures. This composer included movements called “The Dove” and “The Cuckoo” in his suite The Birds, and composed three suites of Ancient Airs and Dances. One of his symphonic poems features a recording of a nightingale and ends by depicting the title objects along the Appian Way. FTP, name this Italian composer of The Pines of Rome and The Fountains of Rome.

ANSWER: Ottorino Respighi

15. One variation of this reaction uses phenyllithium to convert an erythro intermediate to a threo one, and the same product can be obtained via the alternative Julia reaction. Stabilized reagents are used in the HWE reaction, which is a modification of it, and the aforementioned Schlosser modification allows for the synthesis of the Z-product rather than the E-one. Its final step sees the decomposition of a four-member ring into the product and triphenylphosphine oxide, and the first step is the preparation of a zwitterionic compound from a haloalkane. FTP, name this reaction that creates an alkene from a ketone using a phosphonium ylide.

ANSWER: Wittig reaction

16. Theobald V of Blois died during a siege in this conflict, and Frederick VI of Swabia attempted to preserve the body of a ruler who died en route to this conflict using vinegar.That Holy Roman Emperor allegedly died of a heart attack upon entering the cold water of the Cillica river en route to it, and a late victory in it saw the heroic rescue of Christians garrisoned at a Citadel in Jaffa.Cyprus was captured while its main commander was en route to the siege of Acre. Prompted by the fall of Jerusalem after the defeat of Guy of Lusignan and Raymond III at Hattin to Saladin, FTP, identify this crusade led by Phillip Augustus and Richard I, also known as the King's Crusade.

ANSWER: Third Crusade (prompt on "King's Crusade" before mentioned)

17. Many phenotypes of this disease result from the overexpression of mGluR proteins, antagonists to which may be successful in treating this disease. Sherman’s paradox describes its odd inheritance pattern, and it is also characterized by low muscle tone, an elongated face, and macroorchidism. Its effects are seen cytologically in the Xq27.3 locus, where the FMR1 gene is disrupted by a series of around 230 CGG repeats. First discovered by Martin and Bell in 1963, FTP, name this genetic disorder, the most common form of inherited mental retardation, which results from the creation of certain break points on a certain sex chromosome.

ANSWER: Fragile X syndrome or Martin-Bell syndrome before mention

18. The chief goddess of this site was often depicted with water coming from her hands and a tree growing from her head.The Wagner Murals are a series of artifacts plundered from this site, while the architecture here is characterized by the talud-tablero style.Large walls around a sunken temple at this site gave that area the nickname of "The Citadel".Its Avenue of the Dead connects the massive Pyramids of the Moon and Sun, and other ruins of this city that flourished in the 1st millennium AD include the Feathered Serpent Pyramid devoted to Quetzelcoatl.A pilgrimage site for the Aztecs, FTP, name this giant city located north of present day Mexico City.

ANSWER: Teotihuacan (prompt on "City of the Gods")

19. Hamlin Garland wrote an article supporting this event for McClure’s magazine. One person involved in this event was shot twice and stabbed four times by Alexander Berkman in retribution for his role in it.The fenced building most associated with this event was defended from an attempt to take it by troops on barges on the Monongahela River.Governor Robert E. Pattison eventually sent in the state militia to help queue this dispute, while Carnegie’s retreat to Scotland left Henry Clay Frick in charge of quelling it. Famous for a battle between Pinkertons and the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, FTP, identify this 1892 strike in a town near Pittsburgh.

ANSWER: Homestead Strike

20. In Griggs's Imperium in Imperio, Belton Piedmont attends a college named for this author. Lillie Ellis takes advantage of John Seymour in this author's novel Pink and White Tyranny, while Moses marries Sally Kittredge after the death of Mara Lincoln in her novel The Pearl of Orr's Island. Judge Clayton's ruling against Milly causes Harry Gordon to join the title character's unsuccessful slave rebellion in her "tale of the Great Dismal Swamp," Dred. The title character of another of her novels is bought by Augustus St. Clare after being sold by George Shelby, and is eventually whipped to death by Simon Legree. FTP, name this author who responded to the Fugitive Slave Act by writing Uncle Tom's Cabin.

ANSWER: Harriet Beecher Stowe


1. Identify the following about the history of a certain country, FTPE.

[10] In the first millennium AD, this country experienced the Three Kingdoms period which saw Silla, Baekje and Goguryeo dominate parts of its namesake peninsula.


[10] Japanese annexation of Korea was recognized in the signing of the 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki, which ended this conflict.

ANSWER: First Sino-Japanese War

[10] The Japanese sank five Chinese warships while losing four of their own in this key battle in the First Sino-Japanese War.This location would later serve as the first land engagement in the Russo-Japanese War.

ANSWER: Battle of YaluRiver (also accept Battle of AmnokRiver)

2. Name these poems by W.B. Yeats FTPE.

[10] The speaker asks, "How can those terrified fingers push/the feathered glory from her loosening thighs?" in this poem based on the mythical union that produced Apollo and Artemis.

ANSWER: "Leda and the Swan"

[10] The speaker declares that "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold" in this poem, which also claims that "The falcon cannot hear the falconer."

ANSWER: "The Second Coming"

[10] Of the title animals Yeats writes that "I have looked upon those brilliant creatures,/and now my heart is sore" in this poem, which ends with the speaker imagining them flying away.

ANSWER:"The Wild Swans at Coole"

3. Name these 20th century authors who wrote about Marco Polo FTPE:

[10] Kublai Khan's daughter Kukachin falls in love with Marco Polo in this author's underrated play Marco Millions. He also wrote experimental plays like The Great God Brown and The Emperor Jones, as well as a posthumously published play about the Tyrone family.

ANSWER: Eugene O'Neill

[10] William Weaver translated this author's novel Invisible Cities, in which Marco Polo describes those cities to Kublai Khan. This Italian member of Oulipo also wrote If on a winter's night a traveler.

ANSWER: Italo Calvino

[10] Raju seduces Rosie away from her husband, who he disparagingly nicknames "Marco Polo," in this author's novel The Guide. This Indian author wrote about the town of Malgudi in such other novels as The English Teacher and Swami and Friends.

ANSWER: R. K. Narayan