Fundamentals of Broadcasting (Radio & TV) WVEIS Code 1681

This course will introduce students to the basic fundamentals needed to support broadcast managers in the production and broadcasting of materials or programs. Students will become familiar with the equipment, processes, and procedures used in producing and making radio and television broadcasts.

Standard 1: Identify, explore, and evaluate career opportunities related to radio and television production. (1681.S.1)

Radio and Television Production Objectives

Students will:

1681.1.1 Describe a variety of careers related to radio and television production, and the training necessary to be successful in those careers.

1681.1.2 Develop appropriate attitudes and behaviors required to succeed in careers in the field of radio and television production.

1681.1.3 Identify sources of information about careers in radio and television production.

1681.1.4 Describe the effect that computers and automation have and will have on the broadcast industry.

Standard 2: Identify elements of radio broadcast equipment and procedures. (1681.S.2)

Radio Broadcast Objectives

Students will:

1681.2.1 Identify safety rules for operating radio broadcasting equipment.

1681.2.2 Define uses for electronic equipment (microphones, recorders, etc.) and proper care while operating.

1681.2.3 Demonstrate efficiency and accuracy while performing cue up and playing of records, compact disks, cassettes, open reel tapes and computerized audio files.

1681.2.4 Operate audio console and identify proper modulations levels.

Standard 3: Identify elements of television broadcast equipment and procedures. (1681.S.3)

Television Broadcast Objectives

Students will:

1681.3.1 Identify safety rules for operating television broadcasting equipment.

1681.3.2 Define uses for television broadcasting electronic equipment (microphones, cameras, etc.) and proper care while operating.

1681.3.3 Apply knowledge of camera shots and angles.

1681.3.4 Illustrate proper way to hold scripts and props.

1681.3.5 Identify problems of microphone and camera consciousness, and ways to overcome camera fright.

1681.3.6 Recognize and perform hand signals used in television broadcasting.

1681.3.7 Identify various types of video equipment.

1681.3.8 Demonstrate the ability to make minor repairs to lighting such as replacing defective bulbs, cables and equipment.

1681.3.9 Illustrate proper posture for on-air performance.

1681.3.10 Prepare and demonstrate use of cue cards.

1681.3.11 Select and demonstrate proper use of “hitting marks”.