RAYLEIGH ELEMENTARYwebsite: rayleigh.sd73.bc.ca

Mailing Address: Catherine Gorman - Principal

306 Puette Ranch Rd Denise Repar - Secretary

Kamloops, BCV2H 1M9

Fax: (250) 377-2246November 3, 2015

Telephone: (250) 578-7229 Newsletter

Respect Attitude Manners Safety


Nov 3 / 3pm - Boys host V-ball
Nov 5 / 3pm - Girls V-ball @ Dufferin
Nov 10 / 11am - Remembrance Day Assembly
Nov 11 / NO SCHOOL – Remembrance Day
Nov 12 / 3pm - Girls V-ball @ OLPH
Nov 17 / Come Read with Me
Nov 19 / 3pm - Girls host V-ball
3pm – Boys V-ball @ St. Ann’s
Nov 20 / Come Count With Me
Nov 27 / PAC Movie Nite
Dec 4 / Poinsettia Distribution
Dec 9 / Gr. 6 Immunizations
Dec 17 / Christmas Concert
Dec 18 / Report Cards home / Last day of school
Dec 21 -Jan 1 / Christmas Holidays
Jan 4 / Back to School



As a school we encourage families to spend time together and enjoy each others' company as much aspossible. Sometimes it means that families take holidays during the school year. We understand this and are supportive of it. We know that there is valuable learning going on while on holidays. That type of learning can not happen inside a classroom.
Families also have to understand that while away on vacation during school time, teachers and the

rest of the class are progressing and learning new things. Worksheets or assigned work does not

replace the experience of the classroom and the explanations of the teacher or the classroom discussions while the teaching is happening. Usually, teachers do not assign any new work to students without teaching it first so that students don't get confused about the work. Students going on holidays while school is in session will miss out on some instructional time. In order to maximize

family time and the unique learning that can happen while traveling, we suggest that while on holidays students bring books and read. They can also write a journal about their trip that they can present to their teacher or the rest of the class when they come back. We do not want to take away from your family time and have students do worksheets that they may or may not understand. Furthermore, students can catch up on the important work missed when they come back.
Thank you.

The province has moved to a new program for student information and report cards called MyEd. All staff have been learning about this new program and we are using it for attendance as well as report cards. To provide as much time as possible for teachers to be comfortable with this program and complete assessments, report cards will come home Friday,December 18th. The report cards that will be coming home will look different that past report cards. For intermediate students, there will not be a work habits box (G,S,N). Instead, teachers will be writing anecdotal comments about work habits embedded in the comment portion of the report card. Both primary and intermediate report cards will be succinct in information but not as lengthy as in the past.


We would like to thank those parents who attended the last PAC meeting and invite all parents/guardians to our next meeting. It will be held on November 18, 2015 @ 6pm in the Library.Rayleigh PAC executive members are:

Jackie Lloyd (Chair)

Jamie Wilcox (Vice Chair)

Tracy Kormaninski (Secretary)

Elizabeth Weber (Treasurer)

Tibor Balogh (Treasurer)

Poinsettia Fundraiser – Orders will begin on November 8th thru to the 24th. December 4th, starting at 12pm, the gym will be open for orders to be pickup. Please have a warm vehicle waiting to transport your plants home.

DFS Delivery–Delivery of products will be the week of November 23rd. Thank you to Talisa and Nadine for counting orders!

Grade 4, 5, & 6 Fundraiser Meeting – Ski trip and EagleBay meeting will be held on Thursday, November 19th @ 6:30pm in the Library.

Pretzel Selling @ Walmart – Monday and Tuesday, November 9th10th – all day at Walmart a table will be set up inside. We will be selling Pretzels to help Rayleigh Elementary reach its goal of raising $6000.00 for new Library books, school supplies and much more! We would love if parents can come out and help for a 2 hour shift between 9-3pm and kids can come between 3-7pm. Open to ALL families. Please sign up out front of the PAC office and do a 2 hour session! If we all help, we will achieve our goal!!! Email , if you can help!

Milk Program – Thank you to Val & John Franks for helping with out Fruit, Veggie & Milk Program!

Gingerbread House Making - We are looking for volunteers. If this is something you would be interested in helping with, please contact Jackie or Jamie for more information.If you would like to donate your leftover Halloween candies to this fun event, please let us know.

Art Cards for Kids - is taking place in every class. These cards will be available to purchase at the end of November and make great gift cards. Check out the hallway fliers.

Everything has started out smoothly. Please look for more information and future order dates on the Rayleigh Elementary website under PAC Corner. Thank you to our wonderful cooks for a great 1st week!

1st Movie Night – Nov 27th @ 5:45pm. Bring your favourite stuffy, blanket & pillow. Dominos pizza at the concession, as well as, popcorn, drinks & treats. Check Hallways for movie posters!


Please let us know if your son/daughter has any medical issues or allergies. School staff are not allowed to administer drugs to students unless the proper paperwork has been signed and certain rules followed. Please contact Ms. Repar should you require additional information.


In preparation for our winter weather, ALL students are required to bring an extra pairof indoor shoes. Our custodians thank you!


If you would like

to post something

tothe school

bulletin boards,

pleasebringit to

the officefor


Thank you.

From the Board Meeting of: OCTOBER 26, 2015

  1. The Board enjoyed a presentation from Principal Hamblett and two students from BeattieSchool of the Artson the Juried Portfolio process.
  1. Superintendent deBruijn provided the Board with an update on the Ministry of Education Support Plan.
  1. The Board approved an Out-of-Province Field Trip Request from SouthKamloopsSecondary School for the Senior Boys Basketball Team to travel to Hawaii in December 2015.
  1. The Board approved an Out-of-Province Field Trip Request from ValleyviewSecondary Schoolfor Biology 11 students to travel to Hawaii in February 2016.
  1. The Board approved an Out-of-Province Field Trip Request from WestsydeSecondary School for students to travel to Quebec to participate in a French language exchange in March 2016.
  1. The Board adopted the following policies:
  1. Policy 301.1 Ordinarily Resident;
  2. Policy 709.8 Education: Independent Directed Studies (IDS).

The next regular public Board Meeting will occur on Monday,November 9, 2015 at WestwoldElementary School.