VITAE Fall 2009
Audrey Mohan is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching in the College of Education and Human Development at University of Texas-San Antonio. Her primary research focuses on educational experiences and teacher efficacy in geography, sources of content knowledge on geography, and perceptions and attitudes of social studies teachers to geography concepts and teaching global issues. Audrey is also currently working with a multi-organizational team on developing a national, video-based, geography teacher professional development. Her research interests include K-12 and post-secondary geography education, geography and social studies teacher preparation and effectiveness, environmental education, and informal geography education. She has also worked on educational policy initiatives as the Grosvenor Scholar for National Geographic Society, and has worked on geography curriculum development for the states of Texas and California.
Department of Interdisciplinary Learning & TeachingUniversity of Texas – San Antonio
One UTSA Circle, M.B. 2.222
San Antonio, TX78249 / Work Tel: 210.458.4524
Cell: 512.296.3111
TexasStateUniversity, San Marcos, TX.Department of Geography; Major field: Geographic Education.
Dissertation: Teacher efficacy in geography: A mixed methods study of formal and informal teacher education.
Chair: Professor Richard G. Boehm
Jesse H. Jones Distinguished Chair in Geographic Education / Ph.D. / May 2009
TexasStateUniversity, San Marcos, TX
College of Education
Teacher Certification: History 8-12, Special Education EC-12 / February 2004
University of Texas, Austin, TX
College of Education
Special Education / M.Ed. / December 2003
University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN
College of Arts and Letters
History / B.A. / May 2002
Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and TeachingUniversity of Texas – San Antonio
Assistant Professor
Currently investigating teacher efficacy and effectiveness in teaching geography, and sources of content knowledge and development of pedagogical content knowledge for geography teachers. Consultant on video-based professional development project, Geography: Teaching with the Stars. / 2009 - Present
GrosvenorCenter for Geographic Education
Graduate Research Assistant
Conduct research with Dr. Richard G. Boehm on topics within geography education and applied geography. Major project includes Geography: Teaching with the Stars. This project is a national, multi-organizational project that provides professional development to teachers on geography and environmental topics using multimedia resources. / 2008-2009
National Geographic Society, Education and Children’s Programs
Grosvenor Scholar
Conduct research for National Geographic Society on educational policy and funding, teacher preparedness and effectiveness, and geography education outreach. Review curriculum development and educational programs, work with the National Geographic Geography Alliance Network on implementing grant requirements and policy initiatives, and monitor state and national changes in K-12 geography teaching and learning. / 2007-2008
TexasStateUniversity – San Marcos
Research Assistantship, GrosvenorCenter for Geographic Education
Two year research assistantship with Dr. Richard G. Boehm. Assistantship duties include research in applied geography curriculum in postsecondary education, resulting in several publications and professional papers, work with the Texas Alliance for Geographic Education, and assisting with projects for the GrosvenorCenter for Geographic Education. / 2005-2007
University Level Teaching:Graduate Level Courses:
C&I 6303 Advanced Methods in Social Studies / Spring 2010
C&I 5003 Theory and Dynamics in Curriculum and Instruction / Fall 2009
Undergraduate Level Courses:
C&I 4203 - Models for Teaching Secondary Social Studies / Spring 2010
Fall 2009
GEO 3301 - Quantitative Methods / Spring 2007
GEO 1310 - World Regional Geography / Fall 2006
Spring 2006
Fall 2005
University Level Teaching Assistant (University of NorthTexas):
Graduate Level Courses:
EPSY - Theories of Learning as Applied to Exceptional Populations / Spring 2009
EDSP 5321 - Authentic Assessment / Spring 2009
EDSP 5720 - Analysis of Research in Special Education / Fall 2008
Undergraduate Level Courses:
EDSP 3210 - Educational Aspects of Exceptional Learners / Spring 2009
Fall 2008
K-12 Teaching:
BurnetHigh School, Burnet CISD, Burnet, TX
Grades: 9-12 Social Studies and Special Education
Subjects: World Geography, World Geography Pre-Advance Placement,
Government, Advance Placement Government, Economics, Advance
Placement Economics, and all subjects in content mastery setting / 2002-2005
Refereed Publications and Conference Proceedings:
Bednarz, S., Chalkley, B., Fletcher, S., Hay, I., Le Heron, E., Mohan, A., and Trafford, J. 2008.
Community engagement for student learning in geography. Journal of Geography in Higher Education vol. 32 (1): 87-100.
Boehm, R. and Mohan, A. 2007. On the education of an applied geographer. In Papers and
Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conference vol. 30.
Boehm, R. and Mohan, A. 2006. Defining a core curriculum in applied geography. In Papers
and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conference vol. 29.
Mohan, A. and Warren, M. 2006. The cohort model: A case study of one North American
doctoral program in geographic education. In Papers of the Commission on Geographic Education of the International Geographical Union.
Books and Book Chapters:
Mohan, A. and R.G. Boehm. 2009. Geography Education in the United States. A chapter in a
special edition of Research in Geographic Education, ed. O. Muniz. San Marcos, TX: GrosvenorCenter for Geographic Education.
Boehm, R.G. and A. Mohan. 2009. Geography Education and Early Career Professionals. A
chapter in a special edition of Research in Geographic Education, ed. O. Muniz. San Marcos, TX: GrosvenorCenter for Geographic Education.
Boehm, R.G. and A. Mohan. 2008. Defining a core curriculum in applied geography. A
chapter in Applied Geography for the Entrepreneurial University, eds. A. Bailly and L.J. Gibson. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
In Preparation or Under Review:
Boehm, R.G. and A. Mohan. 2009. In press. Geospatial technology: Curricular keystone of applied geography. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research.
Boehm, R.G., Mohan, A., and M.W. Crenshaw. In revision. The summer cohort model: A case study of one North American doctoral program in geographic education. Journal of Geography.
Mohan, A. In preparation. Teaching geography: The role of formal and informal education
experiences and teacher efficacy. Journal of Geography.
Conference Papers, Posters, and Workshops:
Mohan, A. Upcoming, April 2010.Teaching geography: The role of formal and informal
education experiences and teacher efficacy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Denver.
Mohan, A. Upcoming, March 2010. Geography’s place within social studies: Teacher
knowledge, attitudes, and choice. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C.
Mohan, A. September 2009. Measuring teacher efficacy in geography. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the National Council for Geographic Education, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Mohan, A. March 2009. Definingand Measuring Teacher Efficacy in Geography.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas.
Mohan, A. February 2009. Teaching Modern Africa. Workshop for middle school and
secondary social studies teachers requested by AustinIndependentSchool District.
Mohan, A. November 2008. Teaching Modern Africa. Workshop forteachers and
members of the National Council for Social Studies, Houston.
Mohan, A. October 2008. Investigating Geography Teacher Self-efficacy using mixed
methods.Poster presented at the National Council for Geographic Education, Dearborn, MI.
Mohan, A., Curtis, M., and C. Cooper. October 2008. The summer cohort Ph.D. program in
geographic education. Informational session presented at the National Council for Geographic Education, Dearborn, MI.
Mohan, A. August 2008. Measuring geography teacher self-efficacy: Directions for new
research. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Geographic Congress, Tunis, Tunisia.
Mohan, A. April 2008. Measuring geography teacher efficacy. Paper presented at the annual
meeting ofthe Association of American Geographers, Boston.
Mohan, A. December 2007. Factors influencing excellence in geography teaching. Paper
presented at the National Council for Social Studies, San Diego.
Mohan, A. October 2007. Measuring geography teacher efficacy. Paper presented at the
meetingof the National Council for Geographic Education, Oklahoma City.
Mohan, A. May 2007. Geography teacher preparation: Preliminary results from focus groups.
Paper presented at the meeting of the Geography in the Americas Conference, La Serena, Chile.
Mohan, A. December 2006. Educational travel for social studies teachers. Workshop
presentedto teachers and members of the National Council for Social Studies, WashingtonD.C.
Mohan, A. October 2006. Defining a core curriculum in applied geography. Paper presented
atthe meeting of the Applied Geography Conference, Tampa.
Mohan, A. and Bryant, L. October 2006. Educational travel for geography teachers.
Workshoppresented to teachers and members of the National Council for Geographic Education, Lake Tahoe.
Boehm, R. and Mohan, A. July 2006. Defining a core curriculum in applied geography. Paper
presented at the meeting of the International Geographical Congress, Brisbane, Australia.
Mohan, A. and Warren, M. June 2006. The cohort model: A case study of one North American
doctoral program in geographic education. Paper presented at the meeting of the Commission on Geographic Education, Brisbane, Australia.
Mohan, A. and Warren, M. March 2006. Accelerated Ph.D. program in geographic education.
Paper presented at the meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago.
Boehm, R. and Mohan, A. November 2005. Curricular analysis in applied geography. Paper
presented at the meeting of the North American Regional Science Conference, Las Vegas.
Mohan, A. and Warren, M. October 2005. Accelerated Ph.D. program in geographic
education.Workshop presented to teachers and members of the National Council for Social Studies, Birmingham, AL.
Mohan, A. (2008). Sustainable Economics: Managing Earth’s Resources. Economics unit
developed for 12th grade students on economic principles and environmental sustainability. Supported by the California Education and Environment Initiative.
Mohan, A. (2008). CSCOPE: World Geography Curriculum. Year-long world geography
curriculum for ninth grade geography classrooms. Supported by the Texas Educational Agency.
Member, Member on Organizing Committee for the first annual 2009-2010
Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching Colloquium
Member, Ad-hoc Committee on Department By-Laws Review 2009- 2010
Member, Subcommittee for the Award for Global Understanding 2009-2011
National Council for Social Studies
Reviewer for: National Council for Social Studies 2010 Annual Conference 2010
Content Reviewer for Texas End-of-Course World Geography Exams 2010
Planning Committee for University of Texas-San Antonio’s First 2009-2010
Annual Interdisciplinary Studies Research Colloquium
College of Liberal Arts, Graduate Student Advisory Council 2006-2007
Geography Representative
Reviewer for:Journal of Geography in Higher Education 2006
Society of Women Geographers 2009
Total Research Training, National Geographic Society 2008
American Educational Research Association 2007
National Council for Social Studies 2006
Association of American Geographers 2005
National Council for Geographic Education 2005
Associated Student Government Scholarship ($2,000/year) 2007-2009
TexasStateUniversity – San Marcos
GraduateCollege Scholarship ($2,000/year) 2006-2009
TexasStateUniversity – San Marcos
IGU Junior Scholar Travel Grant ($2,000) 2008
Association of American Geographers-National Science Foundation
Sally Ann Karnau Geography Dissertation Research Scholarship ($500) 2008
Prentice Hall Graduate Student Teaching Award 2007
Sally Ann Karnau Geography Dissertation Research Scholarship ($500) 2007
JGHE-INLT Workshop Travel Grant ($400) 2006
Journal of Geography in Higher Education
IGU Junior Scholar Travel Grant ($1,700) 2006
Association of American Geographers-National Science Foundation
Alice Rechlins-Perkins Scholarship for Geographic Education ($500) 2006
TexasStateUniversity, San Marcos, TX.
Longhorn Teaching Grant (approximately $18,000) 2002-2003
University of Texas - Austin
Magna Cum Laude 2002
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN