NHS General

Information Governance Team

Computer Services

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Northumbria House

Cobalt Business Park

Silver Fox Way, North Shields

NE27 0QJ

Date:02 November 2018

Freedom of Information Request – Acknowledgement Document

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Author: Dianne Ridsdale, Information Governance Officer

Created: 02/11/2018 Version: 02

NHS General

This matter is being dealt with by Dianne Ridsdale, Telephone No 0191 2031301



I am writing to you in relation to your request for information, which was received byNorthumbria Healthcare NHS Trust on02 November 2018The request for information is as follows:

Dear Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust,

1)Please can you confirm what your total spend on temporary Theatre staff was during the financial year 2014-15 for the below specialisms?

Can you please break this financial information down by:

•ODP (Operating Department Practitioners)

•Theatre Nurse

•Scrub Nurse

•Recovery Nurse

2)Please can you confirm the names of the organisation/s you procure temporary theatre staff from?

Please also confirm the end date of any over-arching contractual arrangements that are in place with any of these organisations.

Your request is now being processed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Your response should be sent to you within the statutory timescale of 20 working days as governed by the Act, subject to the information not meeting exemption criteria or containing reference to a third party. In certain circumstances Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust may be unable to provide the information within 20 working days. We will then inform you of the revised timescale prior to the 20 working days deadline.

There may be a fee payable for the retrieval, collation and provision of the information you requested. If this is the case you will be informed and the 20 day working timescale will be suspended until we receive payment from you. If you decide not to pay the required fees then your request will be closed.

Thank you for your recent FOI request which is being processed. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that information disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act is still protected by copyright laws. The disclosure does not give you ‘the applicant’ the right to breach the copyright of the copyright holder.

Any information provided isthe property of Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and subject to IntellectualProperty and Database Rights.Any commercial application or use of this informationwill be subject to the provisions of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. This means that if you wish to re-use the information provided for commercial purposes for any reason you must ask usfor permission to do so.

The information provided to you from Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust should not be used to construct a database for direct marketing purposes and unsolicited emails infringing the copyright in the material provided or otherwise processed in contravention of the rights of the named individuals under the Data Protection Act unless you have our explicit permission separate to this FOI request.

To do so you will need to apply to:

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Northumbria House

Cobalt Business Park

Silver Fox Way, North Shields

NE27 0QJ

Or via e-mail at:

Should you have any further inquiries concerning this matter, please write to me or contact me, on the telephone number above, quoting the reference number.

Yours sincerely

Dianne Ridsdale

Information Governance Officer

Freedom of Information Request – Acknowledgement Document

Page 1 of 2

Author: Dianne Ridsdale, Information Governance Officer

Created: 02/11/2018 Version: 02