Minutes of the meeting held on Monday12th June 2017

752 / Present: Councillor Kent (Chair)
Councillor Simpkin ( Vice Chair)
Councillor Phillips
Councillor Robbins
Councillor Moyes
Councillor Webb
753 / Apologies received fromDistrict Councillor Bateman and Councillor Tierney.
754 / The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8thMay2017 and the extraordinary meeting on Thursday 15th May 2017 were taken as read and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Councillor Kent and seconded by Councillor Simpkin.
755 / No declarations of Interest, both personal and prejudicial regarding itemson the Agendawas received.
756 / No public participation in respect of items on the agenda requests has been received.
757 / Matters Arising from the previous minutes
  • Following previous contact with John Kemp at HDC, the promisednew bins are yet to appear. Clerk to chase up.
  • In April the clerk reported the broken signpost to Highways, this has now been repaired..
  • The letter has been delivered to the Newsletter Group but the signed response has yet to be received. Councillor Kent to chase.
  • Councillor Kent is to contact Bruntingthorpe Airfield regarding the recent disturbance to the village (Dacia Event) (Plantworx is also due June 6th-8th as last year)
  • The Dog fouling signs are still being chased by Councillor Kent.
  • Councillor Kent is to compile a list of Village Contacts for the noticeboards and Web Site.
  • The gates to the Children’s Playground are sticking and we are to arrange a contractor to investigate.
  • The letters to the local pubs regarding traffic have been prepared and amended.
  • The Japanese knotweed near the Pavilion has been removed by LCC.
  • The Junior Sports club funding – we are awaiting the final figure.

758 / a.
j / Councillor Reports
Chairman’s Report. No additional items.
General Correspondence.
A letter has been received to divert footpath Y95. Parish Council has no objections to this.
An e-mail has been received from William Brown who has prepared a history document for Gilmorton as part of his University of Lincoln history modules. Parish Council have agreed to add this to the web site and pass on to the history society.
The next cycle race by Ratae Road Club to be 7th and 21st June. And 5th and 19th July.
The e-mail received regarding a new on line newspaper “The Lutterworth Cloud” will be circulated.
Financial Report- Parish Clerk.
The balances at the end of May 2017at NatWest are as follows:
Current £13488.32
Surplus funds £14991.36
Windfarm Account £3629.31
Charity £6406.73
NDP funds £538.07
G-Pip funds £24359.39
It was agreed to pay the following cheques:
Proposed by / Seconded by
001267 / J A Kent (NDP) / £114.56 / Cllr Moyes / Cllr Simpkin
001268 / R P Morgan / £170.40 / Cllr Moyes / Cllr Simpkin
001269 / Gilmorton Village Hall(NDP) / £28.00 / Cllr Simpkin / Cllr Robbins
001271 / Harborough DC / £356.00 / Cllr Simpkin / Cllr Moyes
001272 / Andrew Granger / £450.00 / Cllr Phillips / Cllr Kent
001273 / 2 Commune Ltd / £510.00 / Cllr Phillips / Cllr Webb
001274 / RS Compact Services / £510.60 / Cllr Webb / Cllr Robbins
001275 / Mrs Y Walters / £361.47 / Cllr Kent / Cllr Phillips
001276 / HDC (G-PIP Lottery) / £20.00 / Cllr Kent / Cllr Moyes
001277 / S Gee / £40.00 / Cllr Moyes / Cllr Robbins
001278 / R Harris / £20.00 / Cllr Moyes / Cllr Robbins
001279 / M Ridley / £10.00 / Cllr Moyes / Cllr Robbins
Gilmorton Web Site- Parish Clerk. All requested changes have now been completed.
Gilmorton Playground Improvement Project- Councillor Simpkin. The picnic bench has now been ordered and we can raise an invoice once received. The next stage of equipment has now been ordered and during installation the park will be closed for about a week. Parish Council agreed to fund the extra fencing at a cost of around £500 in order to complete this.
Proposed by Councillor Webb and seconded by Councillor Kent. A further grant is being applied for to the Big Lottery fund to finish the Toddler Area.
Neighbourhood Development Plan- Councillor Phillips.The Open day held on 3 June was attended by over 90 people and these was a lot of discussion among the attendees. People were asked to rate the developments and the results are being considered.The Draft version of the Neighbourhood Development plan has been seen and we now have a workable plan well on the way. A traffic survey has been commissioned. The group is now meeting every two weeks in order to progress the plan quicker.
Parish Land and Rental Agreements- Councillor Simpkin. The rent reviews are now completed and the maps have been prepared and sent to the solicitor. The next step is a visit to the solicitors to complete the declarations.
Footpath Development and Maintenance- Councillor Simpkin.Y52- LCC have looked at this path and will install sleepers to improve the muddy area. They will also chase up the landowners regarding mowing.
Grass Cutting. Clerk.Check when LCC cut is due and if not next week arrange for our contractor to complete.
Junior Sports Funding. Councillor Kent. Waiting for the remaining Junior Football Club funds to be finalised.
758 / a) / Planning.
Planning Application 17/00885/OUT Richborough Estates. Outline planning of up to 43 dwellings on land off Kimcote Rd. Gilmorton. No plans are to hand as yet- clerk to arrange for us to comment after July Meeting.
759 / New Business
  1. Good Councillor guides to be purchased for all councillors. Proposed by Councillor Simpkin, Seconded by Councillor Phillips.
  2. The fourth draw of the G-PIP Lottery. Councillor Phillips has arranged for this and numbers were picked by a random generator at the end of the meeting. The first winner was number 8, the second was number 6 and the third prize went to number 54. Well done to the winners and thanks to all those who have entered.
  3. The potential Section 106 monies were discussed and qualifying projects noted. Suggest an extension to the Pavilion to provide meeting rooms. Quotations to be obtained.
  4. The action sheet process will be commenced and explained next meeting.
  5. The allocation of Parish Councillor duties to be carried forward.
  6. The alterations to the garden at Gilmorton House are temporary for a wedding.
The date for the next meeting was set at 10thJuly 2017.At 7.30p.m.
760 / There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.