
Explosive Shapes and Forms

Art I

Concepts, elements and principles:

Line, shape, form, texture

Pattern, contrast, pattern

Movement, emphasis

Repetition, balance

1-Point Perspective



Color…warm, cold, analogous, mono-

chromatic, complimentary.


Medium size drawing paper

Large size drawing paper for mounting

Black sharpie marker

Colored pencils…I have colored pencils but you can buy your own from Mrs. Knutson’s room if you want. You will then have your very own. This is one project where you may want to have all those pencils to your very self; and I totally understand the want and need for that situation.

Step 1

Divide shape* into an odd number of different size sections.

Lines can be curved, jagged, wiggly, etc. Lines must be drawn to edges of paper. Go over all lines with Fine sharpie marker. Lines must be at least 1/8 inch thick.

Step 2

Fill all but one section with different shapes that create a pattern; Geometric, organic, natural, human, animal, etc.

Step 3

In last unfilled section use 1-point perspective to establish a 3-D effect.

First, create a new pattern. Make a dot towards the middle on one of your lines. Change your 2-D shapes into 3-D shapes by using your 1-point perspective dot. Visualize a pop-corn explosion. See Mrs. Aune’s example on board. 3-D shapes can disappear into dot, or the 3-D shapes can BE A FORM.

Step 4

Using colored pencils color all the sections with different hues (colors,) values and color schemes. Remember the color schemes learned earlier. Use linear gradations; radial gradations; making things look round; giving form to a shape; complimentary gradients, etc. DO NOT just randomly fill in your shapes. Plan with an artist’s eye. Work the negative space as well as the positive. Again, don’t allow yourself to work randomly; absent-mindedly. When making color choices or schemes think of warm colors, cold colors, analogous colors and complimentary colors. Each section can be treated differently or the whole piece can follow one scheme if you wish.

Step 5

Glue finished shape onto larger paper that Mrs. Aune will provide. You may choose an off-center placement….or not. Now, extend the lines and shapes that touch the edge of your paper out into the border using a pencil and then finish it with a black marker only. To color or not to color….that is the question….You chooseJ