Application entries are dueApril 18, 2017. Supporting materials must be in PDF format and should include the name of your chamber, as well as the name of the document. See the submitting guidelines for details on how to submit your entry.

This application is step two in the Chamber of the Year process. Your chamber must first qualify by completing ACCE’s Dynamic Chamber Benchmarking platform and scoring above average for membership retention (both in dollars and number of members) and have a positive balance sheet (based on a variety of indicators). Those who qualify will be notified no later than March 6, 2017.

Staff and volunteer committee discretion will determine the size category of each entry, using a combination of factors from the Dynamic Chamber Benchmarking platform including:

  • Population in the service area
  • Number of businesses in the service area
  • Restricted revenue as a percentage of total revenue
  • Total number of member accounts
  • Total annual revenue

All payments must be submitted by either credit card or check by using the payment form on page two of this application.

If you have any questions about the application process, please call Michelle Vegliante, Community Advancement Manager, at (703) 998-3536.


Chamber Name
Person Submitting Entry
City / State / Zip
Contact Person
Contact Person’s Email
President’s Email
CFO’s Email
Board Chairman
Chairman’s Company
City / State / Zip
Board Size (Do not include ex-officio) / Staff Size (FTEs)

2017 Chamber of the Year Award

Payment Form




Address City State Zip



Questions about payment? Call 703-998-3536

Please email to or

Mail to: ACCE COY Awards, 1330 Braddock Place, Suite 530, Alexandria, VA 22314

Chamber of the Year Entry Fee: $250

Method of Payment

Check Enclosed

Credit Card

American Express



Credit Card #Name on Card

Exp. Date CVV Signature


Excellent organizations follow sound financial, operations, human resources, and other procedures.

Section 2 Part 1: On this application please answer the following questions. All supporting materials should be in pdf format.

  1. Does your chamber comply with annual federal, state and local income tax filing requirements?Yes No
  1. Is your chamber audited annually? If so, in what month? Yes No
  1. Is your annual budget approved by your board? If so, in what month? Yes No

4. Does your chamber have a long-range strategic plan? If so, please include a copy.Yes No

Section 2 Part 2: Each document should be in pdf format and saved using your chamber’s name as well as the name of the document.

The chamber’s management letter from the most recent financial audit

The chamber’s 990 tax forms from 2014 and 2015 (include 2016 if available)

The chamber’s current annual budget

The chamber’s current financial statement

The chamber’s current strategic plan

Section 2 Part 3: Please answer the following questions. (300 wordsmax per answer).

  1. Reflect on your most recent business plan or strategic plan and briefly explain what worked, adjustments you made, and the final or to-date outcome.
  1. Describe an internal chamber program or process improvement used within the past year that had an impact on the chamber staff or operations. This may have helped to increase productivity, solve internal problems, address staff needs, etc.
  1. How did you engage your board/volunteers this year to further the mission of your chamber?


Membership is at the core of the chamber industry.

Section 3 Part 1: Each document should be in pdf format and saved using your chamber’s name as well as the name of the document.

Two consecutive issues of a regular publication (newsletter, e-newsletter, or magazine,etc.)

Two communication/marketing pieces(direct mail, brochure, advertising, etc.)

Section 3 Part 2: The following information will help us to better understand your chamber’s program and its communication to your members. (300 wordsmax per answer).

  1. What is your chamber’s strategy for member retention? Briefly explain your strategy and its effectiveness. Include your chamber’s retention figures (members and dollars). If you have a member retention plan, please include it.
  1. How does your chamber communicate with members? List three examples. How do you track effectiveness and results (include data such as return response and open rates)?
  1. How does your chamber choose which potential members to recruit?Do you have a membership recruitment plan in place? If so, please include with your answer.
  1. How do your chamber’s programs, products, and services support your organization’s mission?
  1. Does your chamber systematically assess member needs and satisfaction? Describe one example and explain your results and response rate. Please include any supporting documents that help you track member needs and satisfaction.

SECTION 4: Program Synopses

Please select two programs/initiativesyour chamber has completed in the past two years and write a synopsis about each, following the outline below. Choose two synopses categories from the list of five. Please save each synopsis, along with its supporting documents, as a separate PDF.

Include in your PDF file for each synopsis one copy of each of the following:

  • An electronic copy of program materials.
  • An electronic copy of the marketing materials for the program.
  • An electronic copy of the budget, listing revenues and expenses, for the program.

Synopsis Categories:

  • Community/Social Impact: The chamber provides unique opportunities for individuals and businesses to make a difference by connecting them to important community issues.
  • Building a Better Equipped Workforce: The chamber is engaged in education attainment and/or workforce development initiatives in their region
  • Public Policy: The chamber is an advocate for its member businesses and community to the local, state, regional, and federal government.
  • Business Impact: The chamber helps build stronger businesses by providing resources, support and opportunities for their members and the community at large.
  • Economic Development: The chamber enhances and leverages the talents and resources of its members to improve economic opportunities within the community and surrounding area.

Examples of programs that could fall into one or more of these impact areas:

  • Small business development services
  • Education and workforce development programs
  • Economic development programs/campaigns
  • Public policy/advocacy campaign or legislative victory
  • Tourism campaigns
  • Community marketing initiative
  • Networking programs
  • Special events
  • Total resource campaign
  • Diversity and inclusion effort
  • Community health/wellness effort

Writing the Synopses

In each entry synopsis, be sure to address all elements listed below, clearly labeling each heading and subheading. Background and supporting material should also be included. For a sample synopsis, visit .

  1. Program/initiative name
  1. The impact area addressed
  1. Program/initiative summary: Summarize the nature of your program/initiative and the key outcomes(approximately 100 words)
  1. Needs Identification(200 words)
  2. Identify your target audience(s) and the needs your program/service meets. Needs should be clearly identified and ties to the organizational mission should be demonstrated.
  3. Discuss your needs identification and data collection process for your project or program.
  4. Include as exhibits your anecdotal or formal evaluation results, such as research, key facts, figures or trends about your community or target audience, situational analysis and/or copies of any survey instruments if used.
  1. Program objectives(200 words)
  2. Discuss the goals and objectives for the program, relative to your identified needs and target audiences. Objectives should be clearly stated, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time sensitive (“SMART”). Goals and objectives must relate to the achievement of at least one of synopsis categories.
  3. Include a copy of the strategic or project plans as supporting material.
  1. Methodology(200 words)
  2. Discuss the methods used to reach the objectives. Please list specific actions taken.
  3. A detailed budget should be included, indicating expenses, revenues, and in-kind contributions.
  1. Communications(200 words)
  2. Provide an outline of your chamber’s communications strategy for the program or service, including specific marketing, communications, advertising, and/or public relations vehicles (if used).
  3. For each description of the communications vehicle, include the communications points and/or call to action communicated as well as the target audience you intended to reach.
  4. Briefly describe how your chamber developed and then executed its communications strategy to inform your intended target audience(s) about your program/service.
  5. Include appropriate supporting materials such as web page(s) describing the program, ads, brochures, guides, press releases, speeches, etc.
  1. Evaluation(300 words)
  2. Demonstrate the impact your program or service had on your community and/or membership. Outcomes of your program or service should be related to your stated program objectives. Partial or projected information is acceptable.
  3. Demonstrate the outcomes of your communications related to your program or service. Partial or projected information is acceptable.
  4. Identify appropriate supporting materials including data about increased sales, awareness, and membership; participation and satisfaction survey results; member or participant testimonials.

Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives | Chamber of the Year Award | Page 1