Emergency Hunger Relief Project
Each year we provide an emergency hunger relief package for our 400 Daily clients. These packages are filled with non-perishable food items to be used in the event of an emergency such as inclement weather that would prevent the delivery of hot meals by CMOW and as needed for our clients who cannot afford groceries. Our Food Packages have been updated to reflect healthier options for our homebound clients.
Any organization or individual that would be interested in donating food itemspleasecallthe CMOW office at 704-932-3412 or .
We need these items for the emergency food packages:
Peanut Butter ……Individual small cups,creamy only
FruitCups ……. Individual cups
Applesauce Cups………Individual
Beef Stew……..Canned or cup size
Chicken Stew…...Canned or cup size
Chicken/Tuna Salad Packets
Spaghetti & Meatballs……canned or cup size
Lasagna…….canned or cup size
Franks & Beans……canned
Individual Cereal Cups
100% Juice Box
Snacks---please limit to the following:
- Raisins—Individual Box/Bag
- Nutri-grain Bar
- Granola Bar
- Peanuts---Individual Pack
- Sunflower Seeds—Individual Pack
- Animal Crackers—Individual Pack
- Wheat Crackers—Individual Pack
We also take donations of Pet Food for our clients. We are always in MOST need of dry cat food (Purina cat, Meow Mix, etc.). For more information, please contact DeAnne Parker at 704-932-3412 or .
Emergency Food Package Meals
These are just examples to show you how we package your donations. Each client will receive three of these meals in their Emergency Food Pack.
Meal 1: Spaghetti & Meatballs
Juice Box
Animal Crackers
Peanut Butter Cup
Meal 2: Chicken Stew
Juice Box
Fruit Cup
Peanut Butter Cup
Meal 3: Oatmeal
Juice Box
Applesauce cup
Nutri-Grain Bar
Meal 4: Frank & Beans
Juice Box
Wheat Crackers
Sunflower Seeds
Nutri grain bar
Meal 5: Beef Stew
Juice Box
Wheat Crackers
Applesauce Cup
Granola Bar
Meal 6: Lasagna
Juice Box
Wheat Crackers
Meal 7:Chicken or Tuna Salad
Juice Box
Wheat Crackers
Sunflower Seeds
Fruit Cup