AP401 – Contemporary Theology

Book Questions

Tragedy of Compromise Ch. 2-3

Dr. Jim Preston

Name ______Box # ______Score _____/17

1.Did you completely read the assignment this week? ______

Please write true or false in the blanks:

2.______The majority of fundamentalists have traditionally held to a premillennial eschatology position.

3.______Christ’s pedagogy was one of reasoning rather than dogmatism.

4.______Most modern church leaders prefer contextualization over confrontation.

5.______Bible believing Christians have always taken seriously the command to evangelize.

6.______Billy Graham accepted an honorary doctorate from a Roman Catholic college.

7.______God’s love can trump obedience for the sake of evangelism.

8.______Sound doctrine is a priority over fellowship.

Please write the correct letter on the blank provided:

9.______At what institution did Harold Ockenga coin the term “New Evangelicalism”?

  1. Bob Jones University
  2. Wheaton College
  3. Fuller Seminary
  4. Grace Theological

10.______Which was not given as a reason for the rise of new evangelicalism?

  1. Excessive negativism from fundamentalism
  2. Theological error in fundamentalism
  3. Desire to be accepted by the intellectual elite
  4. Fundamentalists were too separatistic

11.______What word was used to replace “fundamentalism”?

  1. Radicalism
  2. Evangelicalism
  3. Terrorism
  4. Easy Believism

12.______Which of the following was not listed as a milestone for new evangelicalism?

  1. Founding of Fuller Theological Seminary
  2. Publication of “Christianity Today” magazine
  3. Billy Graham’s First Ecumenical Crusade in 1957
  4. Formulation of Fellowship of Christian Athletes

13.______In what city did Billy Graham hold his first ecumenical crusade?

  1. New York City
  2. Los Angeles
  3. San Francisco
  4. Chicago

14.______Which teaching was encouraged by the “willingness to reexamine beliefs concerning the Holy Spirit”?

  1. Amish
  2. Catholic
  3. Charismatic
  4. Baptist

15.______Why is the Pursuit of Scholarship a compromising endeavor?

  1. Education is bad.
  2. Biblical truth is foolishness to man.
  3. The apostles were ignorant and unlearned.
  4. None of the above.

16.______What became the leading periodical for New Evangelicals?

  1. Christianity Today
  2. The Baptist Voice
  3. The Sword of the Lord
  4. Grace Theological Journal

17.______Which modern version of the Bible did Billy Graham publicly endorse?

  1. RSV
  2. NKJV
  3. NASB
  4. ESV