Regular Meeting
Board of Education Building
May 19, 2014
7 p.m.
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
______Tom Brookhart
______Mark Chiles
______Jeff Schultz
______Tadd Turner
______David Pepple
III. Hearing of the Public/Visitors/Commendation
IV. Adoption of the Agenda (5-19-1)
(Any member of the board can request that any item be removed and relocated for a separate board vote. No vote of the board is required to remove the item. Any necessary amendment to any item(s) can also be made prior to the adoption of the agenda. The Board President reviews the agenda and addendum with members prior to adoption.)
____ moved and ____ seconded that the Board approve the agenda including addendum as presented.
Vote: Tom Brookhart ___ Mark Chiles ___ Jeff Schultz ___ Tadd Turner ___ David Pepple ___
V. Approval of the Previous Minutes (5-19-2) [Attachment A]
The Record of Proceedings for the Regular meeting held April 14, 2014, having been previously distributed, were found to be correct.
____ moved and ___ seconded the adoption of the same.
Vote: Tom Brookhart ___ Mark Chiles ___ Jeff Schultz ___ Tadd Turner ___ David Pepple ___
VI. Treasurer’s Report (5-19-3) [Attachment B]
____ moved and ____ seconded the approval of the Financial Reports as presented by the Treasurer.
A. District Financial Action Items
1. Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for April 2014 as presented.
2. Approve the Five Year Forecast as presented.
3. Approve changes to the 2013/14 Permanent Appropriations as presented.
Vote: Tom Brookhart ___ Mark Chiles ___ Jeff Schultz ___ Tadd Turner ___ David Pepple ___
VII. Reports and Correspondence
A. Committee Reports
B. Principal’s Reports
C. Superintendent’s Reports
· Technology Coordinator
· Operations Manager
· Athletic Director
D. Correspondence
VIII. New and Recommended Matters
A. District Business (5-19-4)
____ moved and ____ seconded the adoption/approval of the following resolutions and motions.
1. Facility Use [Attachment C]
a. Request from the Wapakoneta Family YMCA to use the front parking lot and playground on Mondays and Wednesdays from July 9 to August 6, 2014 for the Fun Bus Community Program.
b. Request from the W-G Muchinippi Community Theater to use the gyms, auditeria, stage, community room, choir room, locker room restrooms, other restrooms and all connecting halls on Friday March 13, 2015 (play only) and Saturday, March 14, 2015 for Winter Fest 2015. Staff person responsible is David Pepple.
2. Donation [Attachment D]
Accept the donation from Craig and Teresa Cotter (Shobe Family) to the Community Trail for the purpose of memorializing a tree for Robert “Bob” Shobe.
3. Breakfast Program
Approve the Breakfast Program for the 2014/15school year. The cost for a breakfast to remain at $1.25.
4. Religious Release Time [Attachment E]
Approve participation of the second and third graders released time for the W-G Week-Day Religious Education Program. The release time will be scheduled by the elementary principal.
5. Membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) [Attachment F]
Approve membership in the OHSAA for the 2014/2015 school year for the Waynesfield-Goshen High School and Junior High School Athletic programs.
6. Membership in the West Central Ohio Assistive Technology Center [Attachment G]
Approve membership in the West Central Ohio Assistive Technology Center (ATC) consortium for the 2014/15 school year at a cost of $900.
7. Auglaize Interagency Agreement
Approve the Auglaize Interagency Agreement with the Auglaize County Early Childhood Consortium, Auglaize County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Help Me Grow, Council on Rural Services and Kids Learning Place to provide services for children birth through age five including children with disabilities enrolled in Head Start Programs in Auglaize County. Effective dates are from June 2014 to June 2015.
8. SOITA Membership [ Attachment H]
Approve membership with the Southwestern Ohio Instructional Technology Assoc. (SOITA). The cost will be $470.90 for the 2014/15 school year.
9. 2014/15 Student Workbook Fees [Attachment I]
a. Approve the Elementary Workbook Fees.
b. Approve the MS/HS Workbook Fees.
10. 2014/15 Student and Parent Handbooks
Approve the changes to the 2014/15 Elementary and Secondary Student and Parent
Handbooks as presented.
11. OSU Exchange of Services [Attachment J]
Approve entering into an agreement with Ohio State University for the Exchange of
Services (primarily student teacher and field experiences).
12. 2014 Graduates
Approve the following list of 2014 graduates, contingent upon satisfactory completion of work or graduation requirements:
Wesley Beard / Gabriel McClureAlyn Begley / Matthew Motter
Cheyenne Boday / Jayde Moyler
Mindi Brookhart / Alexandra Muir
Chance Brown / Eric Plaugher
Spencer Case / Kendra Plummer
Dakota Caster / Josalyn Regedanz
Shawn Crawford / Jenna Riemesch
Ashley Davidson / Shawn Robinson
Cory Good / Anthony Russo
Hayle Harless / Mitchell Shaw
Sharon Hayes / Matthew Spillman
Danielle Heintz / Rebecca Stevens
Jeron Hennon / Lidia Turner
Joliffe Huber / Jenna Whitaker
Kendra Jarnagin / Gabriel Wilcox
Josie Keiser / Sierra Williams
Triston Lee / James Wilson
Shelby Luchini / Quinn Wygal
13. Congratulatory Resolution
The Board of Education congratulates Stephen Hayes for his superior rating in the statewide “Laws of Life” essay competition. Stephen was one of the top 15 students from over 4000 entries in Ohio.
Vote: Tom Brookhart ___ Mark Chiles ___ Jeff Schultz ___ Tadd Turner ___ David Pepple ___
IX . Executive Session (5-19-5)
____ move and ____ seconded that the Board pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22 adjourn to executive session for the express purpose of discussing:
A. ___X___ Personnel
___X_ Appointment or Evaluation ______Promotion
___X__ Employment ______Demotion
______Dismissal ___X__ Compensation
______Discipline ______Investigation of
charges or complaints
against an employee,
official or student.
B. ______Property purchase or sale.
C. ______Conferences with an attorney involving pending or imminent court
D.______Negotiations (Preparing, Conducting, or Reviewing)
E. __X___ Confidential matters as required by federal/state laws, statutes
F. __X___ Security arrangements
Vote: Tom Brookhart ___ Mark Chiles ___ Jeff Schultz ___ Tadd Turner ___ David Pepple ___
Time Entered Into Executive Session ______.
Time Returned to Regular Session ______.
A. Personnel: Contract Action, Appointment, Salary Notices and Authorizations (5-19-6)
_____ move and ____ seconded the approval of the following personnel matters, pending criminal investigation checks and for teaching personnel meeting certification/licensure requirements as determined by the Ohio Department of Education.
1. 2013/14 Supplemental Contracts [Attachment K]
Approve the following supplemental contract for the 2013/14 school year:
Volunteer Assistant Softball Alex Crawford 1 yr. exp.
2. 2014/15 Supplemental Contracts [Attachment L]
Approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2014/15 school year:
Girls Head Basketball Nathan Swaney 0 yrs. exp.
Boys Head Basketball Jack Hayzlett 0 yrs. exp.
JH Football Keaton Fetter 1 yr. exp.
Assist. JH Football Jake Spencer 1 yr. exp.
JH Volleyball Scott Baumgardner 3 yrs. exp.
Cross Country James Hennon 12 yrs. exp.
Vol. Assist. Cross Country Jocelyn Weeks 5 yrs. exp.
3. Classified Employment
a. Approve the following contracts as recommended by the Superintendent:
Earnie Jones – Transportation Safety Assoc. 1 year (as needed)
Sheryl Beers - Bus Driver 1 year
Adam Barden - Bus Driver 2 year
Jennifer Burden –Aide (Guided Reading) 2 year
Brian Carter – Bldg. Cleaner 2 year
Amy Little – Aide 2 year
Mary Klenke – Bus Driver Continuing
Larry O’Daffer – Building Cleaner Continuing
Dawn Plapp – Bus Driver Continuing
b. Approve the following students for summer cleaning for 2014. The students will be paid
minimum wage and are not to exceed 32 hours a week. [Attachment M]
Luke Hall
Layne Spencer
Jordan McKinney
Sydney Buffenbarger
c. Approve the following Extended Service Supplemental Contracts at the appropriate per
diem daily rate for the 2014/15school year:
Chris Andrews - 10 days for EMIS
4. Substitute Rates
Approve the following substitute rates beginning the 2014/15 school year:
Position / Amount / Per
Substitute Teacher / $90.00 / day
Lead Custodian / $15.13 / hour
Bus Driver / $15.13 / hour
Bus Aide / $12.00 / hour
Board Secretary / $12.26 / hour
Custodian / $12.90 / hour
School Secretary / $12.26 / hour
Head Cook / $12.00 / hour
Cook / $12.00 / hour
Teacher Aide / $12.26 / hour
Sitting Time / $9.00 / hour
Proficiency Tutor / $25.00 / hour
Home Tutor (Saturday School) / $25.00 / hour
DLT (District Leadership Team) / $18.00 / hour
BLT (Building Leadership Team) / $18.00 / hour
SLO (Student Learning Objectives) Committee / $18.00 / hour
Evaluation Committee / $18.00 / hour
5. Memorandum of Understanding Between WGEA and BOE
The WGEA and W-G Board of Education agree to add two work days to the work calendar for all teachers. Teachers will work on SGM, Formative, and New Generation Assessment Tools and use of student data that informs instruction; and instructional practices that significantly increase student achievement. Teachers will be paid $25 hour ($175 a regular work day). The work days will be scheduled by agreement of the parties and developed based on factors that meets the needs of teachers and the district (days when consultants are available or other external factors). Parameters attached. [Attachment N]
This agreement is a one-time only agreement for the 2013-14 school year and does not establish any precedent for any additional work days in the future.
For the Board: For the Association:
Board President Date Association Co-President Date
Superintendent Date Association Co-President Date
6. Preserving “Thorough and Efficient” Provision of the Ohio Constitution
WHEREAS, the constitutional provision requiring the General Assembly to secure a thorough and efficient system of common schools has held the State of Ohio to a high standard for over 160 years, and
WHEREAS, Chad Readler, chair of the Education, Public Institutions & Miscellaneous and Local Government Committee of the Ohio Constitutional Modernization Commission, has proposed to remove the standard of "thorough and efficient" from the Ohio Constitution, and
WHEREAS, we believe this would essentially remove any checks and balances that otherwise would be exercised by the judicial branch of government, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Waynesfield-Goshen Board of Education, strongly opposes the removal of the words "thorough and efficient" from Article VI, section 2 of the Ohio Constitution, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the "thorough and efficient" clause be strengthened by adding a provision that each Ohio student shall have the fundamental right to high quality educational opportunities, and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution be forwarded to all members of the 130th General Assembly, the Governor, State Board of Education, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Members of the Ohio Constitutional Modernization Commission, other state officials and the media.
Adopted this 19th day of May, 2014.
Vote: Tom Brookhart ___ Mark Chiles ___ Jeff Schultz ___ Tadd Turner ___ David Pepple ___
X. Adjournment (5-19-7)
____ moved and ____ seconded that the meeting be adjourned at ______.
Vote: Tom Brookhart ___ Mark Chiles ___ Jeff Schultz ___ Tadd Turner ___ David Pepple ___