Investigation Report Peer ReviewRubric
Report By: / Author: Did the reviewers do a good job? / 1 2 3 4 5ID Number / Rate the overall quality of the peer review
Reviewed By:
ID Number / ID Number / ID Number / ID Number
Section 1: Introduction and Guiding Question / Peer ReviewerRating / Teacher Score
- Did the author provide appropriatebackground information?
- Did the author make the goal of the investigation clear?
- Did the author make the guiding questionclear?
Reviewers:If your groupmade any“No”or “Partially” marks in this section, please explain how the author could improve this part of his or her report. / Teacher Comments:
Section 2: Method / Peer Reviewer Rating / Teacher Score
- Did the author provide a clear description ofwhat he or she did during the investigation in order to collect data (the method)?
- Did the author describehow he or she analyzedthe data?
- Did the author use the correct term to describe his/her investigation (i.e., experiment, systematic observation, interpretation of a data set)?
Reviewers:If your groupmade any“No”or “Partially” marks in this section, please explain how the author could improve this part of his or her report. / Teacher Comments:
Section 3: The Argument / Peer Reviewer Rating / Teacher Score
- Did the author provide an answer to the guiding question (the claim)?
- Did the author support his or her claimwithevidence (analyzed data and interpretation of the analysis)?
- Did the author’s claim make sense based on the evidence presented?
- Did the author present the evidence in an appropriate manner by:
- Including a correctly formatted and labeled graph (or table);
- Using correct metric units (e.g., m/s, g, ml); and,
- Referencing the graph or table in the body of the text?
No / Partially
Partially / Yes
Yes / 0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
- Did the author explain scientific conceptsrelevant to the investigation (a justification of the evidence)?
- Did the author use scientificterms(hypothesis vs. prediction, data vs. evidence) and phrases (supports vs. proves) correctly?
Reviewers:If your groupmade any“No”or “Partially” marks in this section, please explain how the author could improve this part of his or her report. / Teacher Comments:
Section 4: Writing Mechanics / Peer Reviewer Rating / Teacher Score
- Format: Is the paper formatted correctly? Is there appropriate font (easy to read, 12 point), spacing (single or double), margins (0.5-1 inch), etc…
- Organization:Is each section easy to follow?Do paragraphs include multiple sentences? Do the paragraphs follow a logical order?
- Grammar: Are sentencescomplete? Is there proper subject-verb agreement in each sentence?Are there run-on sentences?
- Conventions: Did the author use appropriate spelling, punctuation, and capitalization?
- Word Choice: Did the author use the appropriate word depending on the context (there, their, they’re; to, too, two; affect, effect; etc…)
Reviewers:If your groupmade any“No”or “Partially” marks in this section, please explain how the author could improve this part of his or her report. / Teacher Comments:
Was the investigation rigorous and appropriate given the nature of the guiding question? / 0 1 2
Total: /40
The development of this peer review guide was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305A100909 to the Florida State University