The Rotary Foundation (TRF) awards scholarships through Global Grants. These scholarships are funded using District Designated Funds (DDF) allocations, which are a return from TRF to our District of a certain amount of contributions from Rotarians in our District to TRF, and are matched by the World Fund of TRF, making the Global Grant Scholarships a cost-effective choice. The DDF allocation is drawn from the year in which the scholarships are approved. These scholarships specifically fund graduate students studying abroad in one of TRF’s six areas of focus:

Ø  Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution

Ø  Disease Prevention and Treatment

Ø  Water and Sanitation

Ø  Maternal and Child Health

Ø  Basic Education and Literacy

Ø  Economic and Community Development

Global Grant Scholarship proposals and applications should be submitted to the District Scholarship Subcommittee Chair, Ted Hussar, , not later than November 15, 2017, for the 2018-2019 academic year. Applicants must provide provisional proof of admission at the time of candidate interviews on December 9, 2017, and final proof of admission at the time the application is submitted to TRF.

Applicant eligibility

Global Grant Scholars are individuals who are pursuing a career in one of TRF’s six areas of focus. Their graduation-level educational goals should support this career interest. For example, a prospective MBA candidate who wishes to pursue a career in the financial markets doesn’t fit within the economic and community development area of focus, even though it related to finance. But a prospective MBA candidate who wishes to pursue a career in microcredit or with a nongovernmental organization might be a good fit.

If you are uncertain as to the eligibility of a candidate’s study programs or career goals, contact the District 7610 Scholarship Chair.

Specific eligibility requirements and conditions for Global Grant Scholarships include:

·  The candidate must be proficient in the native language of the host country.

·  The candidate’s program of study must be at the graduate level.

·  The scholar must be traveling abroad for study.

·  The scholarship is for a term of at least one academic year.

·  The minimum grant amount is US$30,000.

·  Scholars need to live in their foreign host district.

·  Global Grant Scholarships follow a three step application process: First a proposal to a Rotary Club, followed by an application to and selection by the District Scholarship Committee, which application is then submitted for final approval by Rotary International.

·  The candidate must be admitted to his/her study program by the time of submission of the application to Rotary International, but not necessarily at the time of the initial proposal to the Rotary Club.

·  At the time of the proposal, the candidate must know where he/she wants to study.

·  Scholarships may not be used for studies that are already underway.

Additionally, the candidate should by someone who:

·  Possesses excellent leadership skills and potential.

·  Has a proven record of success in his/her academic field or vocation.

·  Has demonstrated a personal commitment to community service.

·  Has well-defined and realistic goals.

·  Has concrete ideas as to how he/she will make advances within his/her chosen career field.

·  Is sincere about maintaining a lifelong relationship with Rotary after the scholarship period.

·  Is NOT (1) a Rotarian: (2) an employee of a club, district, or other Rotary entity, or of Rotary International; (3) the spouse, a lineal descendant (child or grandchild by blood or stepchild, legally adopted or not), the spouse of a lineal descendant, or an ancestor (parent or grandparent by blood) of any person in the foregoing two categories.


Significant dates for District Scholarship activities are:

·  Clubs submit application to District Scholarship Chair NLT 15 November 2017

·  District interviews district scholarship applicants NLT 9 December 2017

·  Initiate online Global Scholarship Grant Application(s) NLT 15 January 2018

·  Obtain partner district in the country of study NLT 1 March 2018

·  Complete online application in consultation with

Applicant, foreign host partner district and TRF NLT 30 April 2018

·  Submit application for final TRF approval NLT 1 May 2018

·  Scholar obtains required travel documents (visa(s), etc.) NLT 1 July 2018

·  Arrange for transportation to country of study NLT 15 August 2018


Because the sponsoring Rotarians and our District are applying for the Global Grant Scholarships and will be providing funding directly to the scholars, it is their responsibility to report on the use of those funds. The scholar is required to send a report to his/her sponsoring Rotarians every 12 months for the duration of the scholarship. If the scholarship period is less than12 months, the scholar is required to send a final report to his/her sponsoring Rotarians at the end of the scholarship period.

Each scholar report will provide the following:

·  Summary of the studies/research and the relationship to the pertinent area(s) of focus

·  Summary of Rotary and community involvement

·  Statement of income and expenses, including receipts for any expenses equal to or greater than US$75.

If the scholar is studying in a country where the native language is different from his/her own, he/she should provide the summary sections of the report in both languages so as to accommodate the sponsoring and host Rotarians in both countries.


It is important for sponsoring Rotarians to keep in mind that although the scholarship period ends, the Rotary-scholar relationship should not. Rotarian sponsors should make sure to get updated contact information from the scholar after the scholarship is complete as well as to invite the scholar to speak about his/her experiences at Rotary club meetings and district conferences.

Being an alumnus of The Rotary Foundation is an honor, but it is also an introduction into a global network of contacts who all share the same passion for improving the world. Scholars should send their latest contact information to Alumni Relations at . Staff may feature alumni stories in the Reconnections newsletter, invite alumni to the annual convention, and put them in contact with a local active branch of TRF alumni.

For further information contact: Ted Hussar, or Engie Mokhtar, .

Scholarship Guide for Rotarians 2018-19 1