COVOAD - Partnership Committee


May 11th, 2011

I.  Introductions

a.  Carolyn Bluhm, Nancy Magliery, Bob Wold, Deb Foote (on phone), Elizabeth DiPaolo, Robyn Knappe and Jen Poitras.

II.  Purpose of Committee

a.  Expectations of Committee - Review of Supporting Document IV in Strategic Plan (Execution and Monitoring of Strategic Plan)

i.  Education and outreach - targeting external/non-traditional VOAD partners (i.e. government and private sector).

ii. FEMA has a series of national webinars. Possibility of doing COVOAD webinars (targeting government partners). Noted webinars should supplement, and not replace, relationship building. Face to face meetings should remain priority.

1.  ACTION ITEM: Robyn to explore possibility of doing webinars.

b.  Identification of committee Lead and Recorder

i.  It was agreed that Liz would be the ‘Lead Pro tem of this committee.

ii. Recorder will rotate. This month Jen will take notes. Next month Robyn has agreed to take notes

III.  Scope

a.  Who is the target audience for this group? And what are we trying to accomplish?

i.  Target audience(s) are external partners (namely government and private sector) – primarily at the state level.

ii. Develop tools and processes that will be designed from a state-wide perspective but that can be adapted so that regional COADs/VOADs can use them for outreach to local counterparts.

iii.  More of an ‘engagement’ approach – want government partners to understand COVOAD BEFORE an event.

iv.  Part of what we want to communicate to EMs is: 1) what COVOAD members do, 2) the services and resources available to communities/EMs following an event, 3) how COVOAD can support EMs (EOC support, connecting OEMs with COVOAD members and/or facilitate activation of members, etc…)

v.  First, we want to create a framework and action plan. We will flesh-out details as they evolve. At this stage, we want to ID how we want to deliver messages, not necessarily what we want to deliver.

b.  Other considerations

i.  Need to address how COVOAD can actually facilitate getting things done.

ii. Need to be sure that COVOAD is not perceived as an operational organization.

iii.  Need to work with Art Story to ID what NVOAD members are here in the state and who their contacts are.

1.  ACTION ITEM: Deb and Jen to work with Art

iv.  Review Denver’s marketing plan as we develop our strategy

1.  ACTION ITEM: Carolyn to send plan to group.

IV.  Objectives/Outcomes – to be achieved no later than the 2012 annual Emergency Mangers conference

a.  Aim to have COVOAD’s annual conference in conjunction with annual EM conference. And use that as a goal/timeframe for achieving key objectives/outcomes.

i.  ACTION ITEM: Robyn to help facilitate getting COVOAD conference to take place in conjunction with/following EM conference.

b.  Develop a standard presentation and outreach materials that we can use for outreach/education (adaptable for regional COADs/VOADs).

i.  Power Point

ii. Webinar

iii.  Brochures - Ensure sufficient supply of COVOAD brochures and Quick Activation Guides

1.  ACTION ITEM: for this group, with Jen assisting. Aim to have done by mid summer.

c.  Recruit, train and have on stand-by minimum of 5 EOC liaisons and 5 COVOAD ambassadors (one person can do both roles) around state.

i.  Including JD, clear application process, training plan

d.  Work with State PIO on outreach

i.  Include COVOAD updates in CDEMs regular newsletter (include info such as new officers, strat plan, how to request COVOAD presentation…)

1.  ACTION ITEM: Jen to work with Brandon

ii. See if we can add a COVOAD tab to web site

1.  ACTION ITEM: Jen to work with Brandon

e.  Develop clear process for when and how COVOAD is activated and criteria for when COVOAD representation in and EOC should be encouraged.

f.  Get more emergency managers engaged in this committee

i.  ACTION ITEM: Robyn to contact Kory Stark of Elbert County

g.  In conjunction with DCT/VCT:

i.  Finalize EOC Standard Operating Guidelines for COVOAD Liaisons

1.  ACTION ITEM: Jen to work on this with Eric DeLuca

ii. Finalize Donations and Volunteer Management Annex template

1.  ACTION ITEM: Jen to work on

V.  Revision of Action Plan, Priorities and Next Steps

a.  Didn’t have time during meeting to address this item. Will do so at next meeting.

VI.  Next Meeting – 2:00 Wed the 15th of June @ 2:00 (ongoing - Schedule 3rd Wed of the month).