Happy Valentine’s Day!


65103 712 Road Falls City NE 68355

February 2016 Newsletter

Special Services 2016…………...... 01

LWML………………………………… 01

Life Quotes...... 02

Coupons for Mosaic………………….. 02

Lutheran Hour...... 02

Sheets Needed… …………………….. .02

F.C. Food Pantry……………………... 03

Stewardship Minute...... 03

Pray for Us Calendar...... 04-05

Good News for Families...... Insert

Calendar – Feb. 2016...... Insert

Stewardship Newsletter...... Insert

Nebraska district Reporter………. Insert

Special Services 2016

Ash Wednesday – Feb. 10th at STP at 7:30 p.m.

Palm Sunday – March 20th

Maundy Thursday – March 24th at CLC at 7:30 p.m.

Good Friday – March 25th at STP at 7:30 p.m.

Easter – March 27th Sunrise at STP at 6:30 p.m., CLC at 9 a.m. and STP at 10:30 a.m.


The St. Paul’s LWML met on Wednesday, January 6th at 1 p.m. in the church social room. We enjoyed quick breads, fruits, and coffee before our meeting. The Norman Last funeral social will take place later this afternoon so our meeting was quick!

Pastor Gifford led us in topic with Epiphany being the topic. Quite interesting! Jan Huebner, President opened our meeting with roll call. Seven members and 1 guest, Pastor Gifford answered. The minutes and the treasurer’s reports from November and December 2015 were read. There were no corrections and the treasurer’s reports were placed on file for audit. Cindy Fritz will audit the books.

A thank you was read from the Doug Popham family. They received the Love Offering from our Christmas dinner.

Joann Niedfeldt reported on the funeral dinner held for the Mueller family and the dessert and coffee held for the Last family.

Sandy Eickhoff received a thank you from the Alaska school where our Fall Rally items were sent. A quilt was given to Clayton Hardenberger because of a fire that destroyed his belongings.

Sandy made a motion that we give a one time payment to the Russian Orphanage that the Church Council will discuss on Jan. 10th at our annual meeting. Seconded and carried.

The $50 for utilities for a needy family in the Falls City area will continue. Dorothy Vollmer made a motion to give St. Paul’s Lutheran $200 for utilities. Seconded and carried.

Servers for February are Jean and Norma. Visiting is Joann and Kathy. The birthday song was sung for Sandy and Pastor.

Respectfully submitted by Kathy Niedfeldt

Life Quotes

February 7“Should there be a line that determines when humans have value? Some say it’s at viability … when there’s a heartbeat … at birth. Some even argue that the ability to reason should be the dividing line, which would making killing infants okay, too. These lines we draw are so arbitrary, meaningless … Human beings are valuable because we are human beings. And it’s as plain and simple as that.”Micaiah Bilger, Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life • www.lutheransforlife.org

February 14“Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should be slaves ... Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion.”President Ronald Reagan in “Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation,”The Human Life Review, 1983 – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life • www.lutheransforlife.org

February 21“Jesus, God, became one of us, a human being with flesh and blood and all our likenesses and feelings—hunger, thirst, heat, cold, fatigue, anger, frustration, pain—to become our servant!”Lynette Auch, president of Lutherans For Life – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life • www.lutheransforlife.org

February 28“The greatest irony of Jesus’ life is the more Jesus loved, the more Jesus forgave, the more He was hated.”Rev. Paul Koelpin, Professor of History, Theology at Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minnesota – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life • www.lutheransforlife.org

Meals on Wheels

Volunteers Needed

Senior Citizen Center is asking for volunteers to help deliver Meals on Wheels. Four people are needed every day but if you wish to drive or deliver and can’t round up another three people, your help is still certainly wanted and needed. Please call the Center at 402-245-3871 to schedule a time. Thanks.

Don’t Throw Away

Those Coupons

Your manufacturer’s coupons are needed. Mosaic of Beatrice will accept coupons, Campbell’s Soup labels and used stamps. Take what you need from your Sunday morning paper and give the rest to Mosaic. They appreciate you helping them!

"The Lutheran Hour"

Listen to KTNC on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. for "The Lutheran Hour" or catch these other times: KOIL 1290 AM at 7 a.m., KFEQ 680am at 8:30 a.m. or WIBW 580am at 7:30 a.m. and at KNZA 103.9fm at 7:30 a.m. The Lutheran Hour will soon begin airing weekly on KOIL/1290 AM.

Used Sheets or Drapes are

needed for LWR

The Sew ‘n Sew ladies would really appreciate your donation of any used sheets or drapes. The ladies use these for the quilts that are sent to LWR. Please contact Dorothy Vollmer.

Food Pantry Needs

The F.C. Food Pantry needs your help. The pantry is dangerously low on supplies and would appreciate community support to resupply the cupboards. The need remains at a high level despite the decline in donations.

Refrigerated items:

Milk Fresh farm eggs

Freezer Items:

Bread Meat

Non-Perishable Food Items:

Canned Pasta Meals

Microwavable Meals

Instant Dry milk

Canned Meat: Chicken & Tuna

Canned Vegetables Except: Corn, Peas & Green Beans

Canned Fruit

Pasta Pasta Sauce

Instant Potatoes Rice

Peanut Butter Jelly

Cereal –Hot & cold

Juice Instant Pudding

Box Jell-o

Personal Care Items:

Baby Items


Baby Food

Diapers: Sizes 3-6, and Pull-ups (all sizes)

Baby Wipes

Cleaning Items:

Dish Soap Laundry Detergent

Toilet Paper Paper Towels

Facial Tissues Clorox

Bathroom/Kitchen Cleaner

The SENCA Food Pantry is either out of these items listed above or the supply is very low. This ministry supports the people of Richardson County, not just those in Falls City. Please help resupply the Food Pantry. Donations can be taken to Courthouse Office #103. Thank you for all of your support.

This list of items that are needed has been posted in the church basement. Please help.

Stewardship Minute


The February issue of Stewardship focuses on what the writer of the leading article calls “true giving.” True giving has to do with love and sacrifice. It has to do with one’s mindset, which involves making a serious commitment of one’s whole being to God. We should not forget John 3:16 that says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”

How does one respond to such love as that? Shouldn’t it be with our whole being? And that means dedicating our body, mind, and spirit to loving and serving God in whatever way we can.

Some years ago a beloved seminary professor named Thomas Kepler died and at his funeral a fellow teacher revealed the secret of Dr. Kepler’s life. He told how a note was found with some of his possessions, which read something like the following: “On this night I make a vow to take upon myself all saintly disciplines. I will pray throughout the day. I will teach lovingly, treat others kindly, and give of my time and talent in service as much as possible. I will care deeply and consistently for my family. I will give generously to our church and service organizations. With the help of our loving Creator, I intend to become a saint in this life. Then he signed his name: Thomas Kepler.”

Did he achieve his goal? It is doubtful any of his students would speak negatively of him. He had all the markings of a saint and had everything but a halo. Might any of us vow to become a saint? At the very least we should strive to become a dedicated steward!

Prayer: Holy Father: Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we may, with your help, become the kind of servants you desire. Amen


St. Paul’s Evangelical

Lutheran Church LCMS

65103 712 Road

Falls City NE 68355



Happy ______

Valentine’s Day ______

"To serve the needs of all members so as to grow in the true Word and Sacraments, so that we share God's blessing among ourselves and reach out with them to those who need Jesus Christ's love."