Stafford and Surrounds Health and Wellbeing Group
Thursday 13thMarch 2014
Present / ApologiesAndy Donald (Chair)
Kate Harrold (SCC/SBC)
John Fraser (SBC)
Chris Plant (SARH)
Vicki Biddle (Student EHO SBC) / Hester Parsons (ECS)
Mike Calverley (SCC)
Cathy Jones (SDVS)
Cllr. Frank Finlay / Wendy Woodward (SCC)
Howard Thomas (SBC)
Alison Teale (SCC)
Debbie Emmitt (SARH)
Andrew Thomas (VAST)
Ian Thomson (SBC)
Actions from the meeting:
1 / Report back to Group on Entrust meeting / WW/KH2 / Identify total resource pot accessible to the Group / KH
3 / KH contact Priority Leads for feedback on mentor role / KH
4 / Further details on the Good Neighbourhood Scheme around outcomes, coverage/reach and opportunities for scaled work. / CJ
5 / Produce draft letter to express the Groups interest in delivering the Staffordshire Community Fund and send to AD for approval / KH
6 / AD asked that meeting minutes are circulated to the Group / KH
7 / AD to send District and CCG transformation model event details to the Group / AD
8 / JF to revise Terms of Reference / JF
9 / KH to work with PLs and produce a report on action plan statuses
10 / KH inform IT and Leader of Groups agreement for the Local Government Declaration on Tobacco Control / KH
11 / AD asked for the Police Crime Commissioner Contact Centre work to be added to the next agenda / KH
Minutes and actions arising from the last meetingThe minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting
KH updated the Group that she and WW were meeting Teresa McCullagh (Teacher Consultant Behaviour Health and Wellbeing Entrust)and Russell Sheldon (Improvement Manager Education SCC) on Tuesday 18th March to discuss how the Group could support schools improve childhood obesity, they would report back at the next meeting. KH added that schools can apply for the Community Nutrition fund, and from discussions WW had, had with Russ there may be money SCC could allocate to supports schools further.
AD asked if KH could identify the total resource pot accessible to the Group outlining what is coming, what has already been allocated, and process/role of Group looking at how the funding can be used effectively and efficiently in a joined up way to make the most impact.
The Group discussed inviting a finance representative to join them to track finances and support the transparency of the Group once they take on commissioning responsibilities.
The Group discussed the Good Neighbourhood Scheme and supporting communities to help themselves. CJ updated the Group that Chris Welsh from the Community Council was working with Parish Councils to obtain expressions of interest to support the scheme and the feedback so far has been positive. She added the biggest issue is around when the funded co-ordinator is removed and the community are on their own, further support could be given for systems to reassure the community who to speak to for what and where to get advice and assistance. JF added the scheme sounds like the community angle of ‘Let’s Work Together’ AD asked for further details around outcomes, coverage/reach and opportunities for scaled work.
The Group found Sharepoint to be a good tool but further clarification is needed to identify which supporting papers need to be read in advance of the meeting and which are for information. / WW/KH (1)
KH (2)
KH (3)
AD (3)
CJ (4)
Staffordshire Community Fund/ Community Nutrition Fund
MC introduced the Staffordshire Community Fund to the Group which is for the third sector and said the County Council were taking expressions of interest from organisations who would like to deliver the fund which is between £265,000 and £999,000 across Staffordshire over two years from August 2014.
The Group discussed issues with sending mixed messages to the third sector and duplication in funding, AD suggested writing a letter to the County expressing the Groups interest in co-ordinating and delivering the funds, he added with the work he was doing in South Staffs and Cannock to merge the CCG and Districts we could potentially deliver the Fund across the whole of the West Locality which would keep costs down as it uses existing infrastructure and support the County principle of ‘Central Support Local Action’. There would also be opportunities to merge the CCG third sector funds with the Staffordshire Community Fund increasing the pot and allowing for scaled work.
KH added that the Community Nutrition Fund had been advertised to stakeholders and she had, had interest from a number of third sector organisations, deadline for applications is 28th April and she is putting a panel together with WW so recommendations can be presented to the Group on 8th May. / KH (5)
Priority Lead Mentors
The Group discussed the progress of their ‘Mentor’ role, AD asked KH to speak to the Priority Leads for feedback. HP said she had tried to contact Tomos Jones but was struggling to make contact, AD added he was going to set a meeting up with Richard Soulsby, CP said DE had met with Robert Gatensbury and was due to meet with Tracey Redpath in March. AD said there would be a review of the role in August after 6 months.
TSA Update
AD informed the Group that there was an announcement on 26th Feb from the Secretary of State agreeing with the TSA recommendations to dissolve Mid Staffs. In a GP Ballot held to consult on the recommendations only 28% of GPs in Stafford and Surrounds responded and 60% of the responses were in favour of the recommendations. However,the Secretary of State has asked NHS England to conduct an independent review of Obstetric led Maternity in Stafford which creates significant complexity and prolongs uncertainty for hospital staff. AD said the CCG have signed off the report and will do everything asked of them, however as they are conflicted they will not be involved in the review. AD added work towards dissolving the Trust would be completed around the autumn 2014.
Staffordshire H&Wb Board
FF updated the Group that at the last meeting safeguarding children and the Better Care Fund were discussed
JF added that as a District Council SBC was signing up to the Section 75 agreement, he also informed the Group that the Board has asked Tony Goodwin Chief Executive at Tamworth to produce a report on the role of District Councils in health and wellbeing, and JF involved in the work on behalf of Stafford Borough.
AD asked that meeting minutes are circulated to the Group / KH (6)
Partnership Work South Staffs
AD asked that this sections title be changed to ‘integration work with Districts and Boroughs’. He said he was in discussions with Ian Thomson (Stafford), Dave Haywood (South Staffs) Steve Brown (Cannock) regarding the integration of the District Councils and CCGs. He has provided a consultant and manager to develop a transformation model and work out what the objectives and outcomes would be. He added there would be an event held in April 2014 to discuss the model with the Districts and partners, AD to send event details to the Group. / AD (7)
JF circulated a briefing sheet and diagram of a proposed Governance structure, he spoke about now the Group was taking a commissioning role there were conflicts of interest with members who were providers which were the majority. JF said the membership would need to be configured in the right way, CJ added that the voluntary sector needs to be fully involved in informing decision not just consulted with. AD suggested declarations of interest at the start of every meeting, and a co-production methodology, he added could we have a rolling membership. The Group discussed establishing a commissioning unit to oversee arrangements and allow transparency.
DE submitted feedback in advance of the meeting stating she did not feel that the Group were not working as smartly or effectively as they could for points 5 and 6 in the Terms of Reference and that point 7 should be discussed further.
AD asked JF to revisit the Terms of Reference and bring them back to the Group / JF (8)
Monitoring of PL Action Plans
KH informed the Group she had met with AD in the pre agenda meeting and discussed how she could monitor the action plans, she circulated a draft template which included trend data, a rag rating system and comments. The Group agreed this was sufficient, AD added the report needs to identify what the issues are and how the Group can help resolve them. KH to bring the report to the next meeting. / KH (9)
Local Government Declaration on Tobacco Control
The Group approved the agreement and asked KH to inform IT and the Leader of the decision / KH (10)
AD asked for the Police Crime Commissioner Contact Centre work to be added to the next agenda / KH (11)