Additional Information for completing Form 2 (Addendum to CCCM#6100)
1. Course Alpha & Number:
2. Assigned Codes:
HawCC Division should be selected from the following list…
Liberal Arts / LB / Applied Technical Education / ATBusiness Education and Technology / BE / Hospitality / HP
Nursing & Allied Health / NU / Student Services / ST
HawCC College Department should be selected from the following list…
Construction Technology / CT / English / ENGTransportation & Applied Technology / TA / Humanities / HUM
Business Education / BE / Natural Science & Mathematics / NS
Food Service & Hospitality / FH / Social Sciences / SSCI
Nursing / NU
3. Other comments - include other information you want written about this course including any courses or other preparation the student should have prior to taking this course
4. If course is restricted then list majors:
a. This section refers to any population of students to whom you wish to limit the course, for example, only Autobody, Repair and Painting majors can enroll in the course.
b. This section refers to any population of students you do not want to take this course. For example, you are offering a Carpentry course that is for the general student population but not one you want your Carpentry majors to take, as it is not designed for majors.
5. Cross-listed courses write in the alpha, number and title of course that has been cross-listed with this course.
6. If course is repeatable for credit, maximum number of cumulative credits: This refers to courses which the students may take more than once and receive course credits each time they take the course - for example the student may be able to take Ceramics (2 credit course) 3 times and receive credits each time, thus accumulating to a maximum of 6 credits.
If the course cannot be taken for credit more than once leave this box blank.
7. Grading system: Standard grade - A, B, C, D, F and also includes the "N" grade
Credit/no credit - student either receives or does not receive credit for the course
Credit by exam - student is given the option to receive credit for the course by taking an exam
Check all the boxes you wish to apply to the proposed class
8. If Variable course credits: This section refers to a course which can have a varying number of credits assigned to it. Fill in only line a or b…
a. refers to the choice of either the low value or the high value.
For example: low 1, high 4 - a student may take the course for 1 credit or for 4 credits
b. refers to many choices between the low and high value
For example: low 1, high 4 - a student may take the course for 1 credit, 2.5 credits, 3 credits or any value between 1 and 4 credits
9. Please check with the appropriate College Departments to see if your proposed course meets the general area requirement for that department (refer to CCCM #6004). In general, the Certificate of Achievement and Certificate of Completion have strict course requirements and do not include elective courses as requirements.
Revised: August 2003