Campus Sustainability Committee

Meeting Minutes

ISSUED BY: Shannon Clounts

ATTENDEEES: Shannon Clounts, Jan Bond, Azita Dashtaki, Mark Huhta, Gary Parsons, Steven Saposnik, Lauren Adamo, Kelli Carter, John Hardman, Jill Rosen, Jeff Kleeger, John Bialowas, Erin Wright, Tiffany Kraer, Corina Mavrodin, Helen Kennedy, Beverly Sargeant, Jason Davies (phone conference).

LOCATION: CO 118 Campus Operations Bldg

DATE/TIME: October 17, 2008

1.  Announcement was made regarding Carpool Parking, will be available for Spring 09.

2.  The Mission Green video featuring Owlsly has been filmed and will be used during the Campus Sustainability Day (CSD) event.

3.  Posters from the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle campaign were reviewed and will target Housing, Food Services and some academic buildings. Henderson requested 2 sets.

4.  Shannon welcomed meeting guests. Mark Huhta, Engineering & Utilities, John Bilouse, CAUPA, Erin Wright, EH&S and Tiffany Kraer, EH&S.

5.  Signs made of recycled material will be placed on campus to raise awareness of current areas that are sustainable.

6.  Shannon announced that the Mission Green video featuring Owlsley has been filmed and will be used during the CSD event.

7.  Grant funds are needed for Bio Diesel research. Jason Davies, Assistant Director of Student Activities (Port St. Lucie) has volunteered to assist with Bio Diesel program. The information to be forwarded to Dr. Chaoki.

8.  Three freshman reading books have been selected (1 fictional, 2 non-fictional). Cradle to Cradle author to speak at the Treasure Coast Green Conference on 10/23/08.

9.  John Hardman announced that a Atmospheric Water Pressure Generator using solar panels would be available to Physical Plant if they wish to try it out for a limited time.

10. Division of Facilities ordered two Big Belly Trash compactors and an additional compactor was donated by Big Belly. These are solar energized and will replace five regular trash bins. A unit will be on display during CSD.

11. Foundation account has been established- Requesting donors, Kelli Carter has offered to contact any donors that are suggested by the committee.

12. Shannon announced that Jill Rosen, Facilities Planning, has obtained LEED accreditation.

13. Volunteers were sought to establish a Budget Committee- Azita Dashtaki, Jason, Erin Wright, Lauren Adamo and Kelli Carter volunteered to be on the committee.

14. Events for Campus Sustainability Day were highlighted

·  Mission Green presentation to include video, Dirt Pros waste management, recycling demonstration ticket for lunch

·  Blender contest need bikes, blenders, fixins – to be judged on marketability, durability, reliability, efficiency, sustainability, overall design

·  Carbon footprint, tables, poster contest, green trivia, Henderson rap

·  South Florida Commuter Services will have a table in the breezeway

·  Office Depot

·  Big Belly Recycling

·  M&H Café – Smoothie supplier

·  College of Engineering

·  Environmental Health & Safety

·  Chartwell’s

·  Nursing – town hall discussion, table

·  Housing – week long events including green bingo, Wall-e, no power hour

·  USGBC requested 2 tables

·  College of Nursing requested a breezeway table and room for Melanoma demonstration

·  Have bike from Housing Bike Sharing program

·  Jupiter will have similar format to last year

·  Treasure Coast will have “Take the Stairs” campaign among other events

·  Broward – Keith will work on events for Broward

15. Jeff Kleeger reminded the committee that on Friday, October 24th that there will be an Academic conference, “Interdisciplinary and Environmental Sustainability” sponsored by Comparative Studies Association on. Details will be emailed to Shannon as soon as possible to be posted on Mission Green website.

16. It was suggested that the Mission Green presentation on CSD should be video taped and segments to be shown on the Mission Green website.

17. November 7th the Leed Symposium will take place from 12:00 to 4:00pm on the Boca Raton Campus- Suffolk Construction.

Next meeting November 21, 2008 @ 1:30PM-CO#118