Who: All students in Room 219 for CA

What: A Reading Adventure

When: Now through February 13th

Where: McKinley, your CA class, homeroom, house, car, the mall, in your tub…anywhere you can read!

Why: For enjoyment, learning, fun, and to travel to new places or meet new people.

You are about to embark on a reading adventure. This is probably unlike any adventure you have been on or will take in the future. For your reading adventure you will travel through all different types of literature including chapter books and other quality fiction and nonfiction books, magazines and newspaper articles, short stories, and poetry just to name a few. Throughout January and February you will be asked to read each of the types of literature listed above. The rules and regulations are listed below.

Rules and regulations:

ü  You will be given class time to work on reading projects. You should also read at home at least 20 minutes a night.

ü  In order to earn your contracted grade, you must complete the requirements and get passing grades on the assessments. The requirements and assessments are on the attached sheets.

ü  You will be required to keep track of the literature you read on your reading log.

ü  Mrs. Smedberg must approve all books before they are read.

ü  You must read books and other literature that is close to your reading level.

This will be a fun adventure because you get to pick the books you are reading!!!!!

Let’s go!!!!!!!!!!!

Reading Adventure Requirements

My Lexile: ______

Genre / Points / A / B / C
Chapter book
Lexile: ____ / Number of items completed / 4= 200 / 3= 150 / 2= 125
Short stories from literature book / 5 points each story / 6 stories / 4 stories / 3 stories
Non fiction books or autobiography or biography / Number of items completed / 2= 100 / 2= 100 / 2= 100
Poems / 5 points each poem / 4 poems / 3 poems / 2 poems
Articles: Magazine or newspaper articles / 5 points each / 3 / 2 / 1
Total points / 365 / 295 / 255

Reading Adventure Requirements

Week / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Chapter books
Goal: _____
Short stories from literature book
Goal: _____
Non fiction book or autobiography or biography
Goal: ____
Goal: _____
Articles: Magazine or newspaper articles
Goal: _____

Weekly Requirements

To be successful you will need to complete the following each week.

A Grade:

1.  Create a timeline to finish the book in week 4. Complete the assessments.

2.  Read 1 short story a week from your literature book- Write a letter to a friend telling if you recommend the story and why. Make sure to include the exposition, rising action, and beginning of the climax.

3.  Read 1 poem each week starting at week 3. Describe the emotion of the poem in 5 or more sentences.

4.  Read 1 article every other week- write where the article took place and a brief summary (5 or more sentences).

*Have one book assessment completed by Jan. 3rd and the second by Jan. 28th.

B Grade:

1.  Create a timeline to finish the book in week 4. Complete the assessments.

2.  Read 1 short story from your literature book in weeks 2, 4, 6- Answer the 3 questions at the end of the story and write a letter to a friend telling if you recommend the story and why. Make sure to include the exposition, rising action, and beginning of the climax. (The last 2 weeks you will not have a story)

3.  Read 1 poem in weeks 1, 3, 5. Describe the emotion of the poem in 5 or more sentences.

4.  Read 1 article in weeks 3 and 5- write where the article took place and a brief summary (5 or more sentences).

*Have one book assessment completed by Jan. 3rd and the second by Jan. 28th.

C Grade:

1.  Create a timeline to finish the book in week 4. Complete the assessments.

2.  Read 1 short story from your literature book in weeks 2 and 4- Answer the 3 questions at the end of the story and write a letter to a friend telling if you recommend the story and why. Make sure to include the exposition, rising action, and beginning of the climax. (The last 2 weeks you will not have a story)

3.  Read 1 poem in weeks 3 and 5. Describe the emotion of the poem in 5 or more sentences.

4.  Read 1 article in week 6- write where the article took place and a brief summary (5 or more sentences).

*Have one book assessment completed by Jan. 3rd and the second by Jan. 28th.


All assessments must be completed after you read the selected material.

Nonfiction Book

1.  Make an ABC chart/book related to the topic of the book after reading it. Use complete sentences.

2.  Create a timeline of the topic.

Chapter Book

1.  Pick one main character in the book and answer the following questions in complete sentences:

a.  Why did you or did you not admire this character?

b.  Name three ways you are most like this character and three ways you are different from this character.

2.  Fill out a plot map for the book. Write a minimum of five sentences about the events in the rising action, a climax sentence, two sentences about the falling action, and a resolution sentence.

3.  Add a character to the book and rewrite a scene. Make sure you describe the character in detail (physical and emotional descriptions) and retell the scene correctly.

4.  From the attached sheet When I Write in My Reading Notebook

-  Pick 1 starter from the “I think of interesting ideas and questions to write about” and answer completely

-  Pick 1 starter from “I show that I understand literary elements” and answer completely

-  Pick 1 starter from “I describe the writing styles of authors” and answer completely

◄ December / ~ January 2012 ~ / February ► /
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat /
1 / 2
No school / 3
Start Reading Adventure
Week 1 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
8 / 9
Week 2 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
15 / 16
Week 3 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
Half Day / 21
22 / 23
Week 4 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28
29 / 30
Week 5 / 31 / Notes:
◄ January / ~ February 2012 ~ / March ► /
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat /
Week 5 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
5 / 6
Final Week / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
12 / 13
READING ADVENTURE DUE / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18

Reading Adventure



Name: ______

After reading the requirements and expectations

for each grade, I would like to attempt to earn a/an

______, which needs ______points.

This project is due ______.


Student Signature


Parent Signature