Col. John O. Ensor Middle School
School Improvement Team
Minutes for Meeting held on Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Members Present:
Esparza, Naomi, Principal Ledesma, Mayra, AVID
Sanchez, Earl, Assistant Principal Lopez, Lorenzo, Social Studies
Saunders, Darron, Assistant Principal Miner, Linda, Parent Representative
Acevedo, Mary, Counselor Morales, Candace, Special Education
Aguirre, Liza, Curriculum Coach Odell, Rhonda, English Department
Alcanctar, Mari, Parent Liaison Salas, Margarita, Science Department
Chavez, Rafael, Parent Representative Sifuentes, Denise, Physical Education
Diaz, Jesus, Fine Arts Ramirez, Daniel, Social Studies
Estrada, Belinda, Secretary Troncoso, Lee Ann, EPAC Representative
Guerra, Rachel, Curriculum Coach Vasquez, Daniel, Math Department
1. Welcome/Roll Call 3:41 Esparza
2. August Minutes accepted Esparza
a. First motion to accept, M. Ledesma; second motion to accept, J. Diaz;
third motion to accept, L. A. Troncoso
3. August EPAC Minutes Troncoso
a. Dr. Espinoza detailed the role and duties of the EPAC team
b. Twitter and social media encouraged
c. Encouraged campuses to promote High School Feeder Pattern community meetings
d. Two new district principals introduced
e. Budget will be October meeting item
f. Campus drills was brought up for discussion by Ms. Troncoso
a. Safety is a priority
b. Preventative
c. Will continue to be in place
d. Recommended that times be varied
g. Police officers have been put in place at elementary school campuses
4. Safety/EOP Saunders for Sanchez
a. Campus SRO on FMLA
b. Security Jimenez on campus
c. Drills will continue
d. Students allowed in classroom at 7:30 a.m.
e. It is requested that all teachers be in halls during transition
f. It is requested that all teachers be at their door after lunch
5. Eagle Eyes Alcantar
a. Second year of program that provides heightened security
b. Parents, grandparents, and community members encouraged to participate
c. Aid in monitoring halls, cafeteria, and grounds
d. Background check mandatory; forms in front office
e. Currently 10 – 15 participants
6. CHAMPS & PSAT Acevedo
a. CHAMPS is a district initiative where students who are at-risk of not graduating high school are paired up with a mentor who will give support throughout the year.
b. Ten Ensor staff members will be mentoring 20 – 30 students for the 2015-2016 school year.
c. Two-hundred fifty 7th and 8th graders have registered to take the PSAT exam on Friday, October 2.
d. Tutorials will be held from Monday, September 28 – Thursday, October 1.
7. AVID Ledesma
a. Back to School Dance a success; profits split with Science Department
b. Essentials 1-4 and Phase II data submitted and approved
8. Olweus Freddie
a. Kick off was a success; described as moving and profound
b. Student Council and Ensor cheerleaders participated
c. Olweus t-shirt in the works; maroon is a proposed color although purple was also suggested
d. Discussion on what color should be worn on Wednesdays, Olweus day; proposed that purple remain
e. Coach Sifuentes will bring up color proposals to OBBP Committee
9. Budget Vega
a. Budget reviewed
10. Planning & Homeroom Activities Esparza
a. Homeroom period will include academic lessons after September
b. All classes will follow same lesson
11. Saturday School
a. LEP and SpEd “Bubble students” will be targeted
12. Fall Intersession
a. PSAT – 250 seventh and eighth grade students
b. Tutorials will focus on increased academic rigor
c. Intervention and monitoring will continue through RTI, Response to Intervention
d. Accommodations implemented to promote success
e. Tier 3 students are Fall Intersession priority; Tier 2 students will be Spring Intersession priority
f. Curriculum coaches and teachers collaborated on lesson plans
g. Students will receive two reading and two math lessons to address fundamentals and rigor
h. There will be all-calls made to the homes; bus schedules will be available
i. Concessions discussed
j. Raffle system will continue
13. Nine Weeks Exams
a. Testing schedule detailed
b. Grades due Friday, September 25 by 4:00 p.m.
14. Lockdown Drill
a. Details regarding Lockdown Drill at another SISD campus were shared
15. Pending Items for November 18 meeting
· Olweus
· Safety
· Fraud/Abuse/Waste Hotline
· Campus Improvement Plan
Meeting adjourned at 4:41 p.m.