August 21,25-26 – New Teacher In-service

August 27-28 – Staff In-service/Work Day

August 27 – Middle School Open House 3:30-6:30

August 27 – Orientation 6th Grade ONLY 5:30 PM

September 1 – Labor Day – No School

September 2 – First Day of School

September 26 – Half day school/half day in-service

September 29 – Picture Day

October 24 – Early Release @ 12:20 PM

October 27 – No School

November 14 – Half day school/half day in-service

November 17 – Picture Retakes

November 25 – End of Trimester 1

November 26 – NO SCHOOL – half in-service/half work day

November 27-28 – Thanksgiving Break – No School

December 24-January 4 – Winter Break – No School

January 30 –Half day school/half day in-service

February 20 – Early Release @ 12:20 PM

February 23 – NO SCHOOL

March 12 – End of Trimester 2

March 13– NO SCHOOL – Half in-service/half work day

April 3-7 – Spring Break

April 24 – half day school/half in-service day

May 25 – Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL

June 4 – End of Trimester 3/Last Day for Students

June 6 – Work Day for Teachers


Kewaunee School District Mission Statement


ewaunee Middle School

Ideas for a GREAT year at

Kewaunee Middle School:

We challenge you to:

Always do your best. Never cheat yourself.

Be kind to each other. Treat other people the way you would like to be treated.

Respect school property. Kewaunee Middle School is our school. It is a beautiful building. Let’s all be proud to be here.

Be prepared for class. Have your materials ready.

Be on time for school and classes. Promptness is very important, not just in school, but for your future.

Be involved in your school. Don’t sit back. Get involved in everything you can.

Set high standards for yourself. Don’t allow others to talk you into doing things that you know are wrong.

Make your family proud of you. One great gift you can give your parents is to be successful in school. You are our future.

Welcome to Kewaunee Middle School!

Dear Kewaunee Middle School Students and Parents,

I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Kewaunee Middle School. KMS provides students engaging learning experiences in a safe, responsible and respectful environment. Our PBIS universal expectations follow suit: READY, RESPECT, RESPONSIBLE.

KMS is a school community where we value providing a quality learning environment so all students can achieve at their highest potential. Students will have many opportunities to contribute and participate in the positive educational experiences found at KMS. KMS is fortunate to have an amazing staff that is available to support and encourage students to become the best that they can be. We believe that students and parents are instrumental partners in shaping the best educational experiences for our students.

The middle school years are very, important for students. Students hone learning skills, study habits, behaviors, relationships and decision-making skills in preparation for the next level. The foundation for high school is built in these years. We believe the middle school experience counts greatly in helping to build strong character and a solid educational foundation for kids.

Best wishes to you and for the year to come. My door is open to students and parents- I value and cherish student and parent input and involvement. Have a great year!


Mrs. Treml






Innis,Mr.Joseph,Superintendent,District 388-3230 Extension 102


Karnopp,Mr.Jason Directorof Buildings and Grounds Extension 410


Treml,Ms.Karen, Principal 6-8,

Director of Pupil Services

Extension 403



Baraniak, Ms. Janice, Special Education

Extension 114


Baumann, Ms. Michelle, ELL

Extension 317


Biely, Mr. John, Mathematics/7-8

Extension 362


Binney, Ms. Amber, Physical Education

Extension 415


Bootz, Ms. Anne, Librarian

Extension 309


Charles, Mr. Randy, Agriculture/Tech Ed

Extension 142


Chaudoir, Mr. David, Special Education

Extension 353


Curry, Ms. Lynn, Instrumental Music/5-8

Extension 366


DeGroot,Ms. Peggy,6th ELA

Extension 346


Hudson, Ms. Lindsey, 7th Grade ELA

Extension 354,


Kennedy, Ms. Dawne, Special Education

Extension 116


Kinjerski, Ms. Katie, 6th Math

Extension 344


Kinstetter, Ms. SueAnn, Art K-6

Extension 357


Kleiman, Mr. James, School Liason Officer

Extension 275


Kowalkowski, Mr. Neil, Technology Staff

Extension 453


Kroll, Ms. Larissa, 8th ELA

Extension 351


Krueger, Ms. R., Computer/4-7 and IVY/8 Extension 355


Lohrentz, Mr. Rodney,Social Studies7/8

Extension 356


Mercier, Mr. Ken, Science 7/8

Extension 352


O’Brien, Mr. Ryan, Physical Education

Extension 413


Prucha, Ms. Tami, School Counselor

Extension 361


Rabas,Ms.Sara,6th Science/Social Studies

Extension 348


Reckelberg, Ms. Mary, Data Specialist

Extension 360


Rusboldt, Mr. Nick, Dean of Students/

Special Education

Extension 408/341


Schroth, Ms. Danielle, Music 7/8

Extension 148


Siebold, Ms. Carrie, Special Education

Extension 343


Smejkal, Ms. Amy, Choir 7/8

Extension 143


Stencil,Ms. Sarah,7th Math

Extension 358


Trimberger, Ms. Emilie, Speech

Extension 372


Tuesburg, Ms. Jenny, Interventionist

Extension 207


Tyeptanar,Ms.Joyce, Health/School Nurse

Extension 405


VanRemortel, Ms. Leanne, Spanish

Extension 112


Walton, Ms. Amanda, Title I

Extension 333


Wiltman, Ms. Beth, School Psychologist

Extension 359


Worth, Mr. Terry, Art

Extension 337


School Telephone Numbers

Elementary/Middle 388-2458

High School: 388-2951

District Office: 388-3230

After SchoolGuidelines/Before SchoolGuidelines:

Students may not be in the building unless participating in an organized activity. An adult must supervise the activity. Coaches should be present when students are present, so please

follow the practice schedules promptly. Students should not enter the school before 7:30 a.m.

ENCORE is a scheduled time for students to stay after school and receive additional help from their teachers in any area. Encore is available to students on Monday and Wednesday after school from 2:50 to 3:45. Parents will be responsible for picking their student up at 3:45.


Each student is provided with an agenda. It serves as an organizational tool and hall pass. If agendas are lost students are required to purchase a new one.


During the year a number of special programs will be presented in the cafetorium or gymnasium. Students are to attend programs with their class when scheduled. Respectful behavior is to be given to those presenting at an assembly.


The mission of middle school athletics is to provide an enjoyable educational experience for young adolescents based on their developmental characteristics and needs. The development of the young adolescent’s self esteem, citizenship, responsibility and skill in individual, cooperative, and leadership behaviors are positive outcomes of appropriate middle-level athletic programs. These programs should encourage participation by all and be enjoyable, safe, and positive. We encourage appropriate leadership and support.

It is the purpose of middle-level athletics to teach adolescents self-respect, self-discipline, and to promote good sportsmanship. These skills learned will help build strong ethical values that will be continued into the future, and will benefit students on the field of competition, in the classroom, and in their dailylives by improving academic, social, emotional, and physical skills.

Middle-level athletics are an essential part of the total educational process and an excellent opportunity for the home, school, and community to work together.

Students in6th grade have an opportunity to participate in team sports including soccer, track, tennis, and wrestling. Students in 7th and 8th grade have an opportunity to participate in team sports including football, basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, track, soccer, tennis and wrestling. Students who wish to participate in sports should pick up registration forms in the office. A doctor's physical is required every two years. Students must provide proof of insurance or a waiver every year.

Grades and Extracurricular

Students, who participate in sports, must maintain a passing grade in all subjects. Students who receive a failing grade at the trimester will be suspended from the team for a minimum of two weeks and until they can show evidence that they are passing all class work. Trimester 3 F’s will carry over to fall sports on a middle school level. A student who is failing a class will be suspended from the team until they can show evidence that they are passing. Weekly F lists will be run on Tuesdays to inform the parents of the F. The homeroom advisors and students will monitor grades weekly. Suspension means the student may practice with the team and sit with the team at home competitions but not play or travel to away competitions. Students suspended for the entire season because of behavior will return their equipment and uniform immediately and not participate in any team activities.


Students who are absent will not be eligible to play in a game on the day they are absent from school. The only exception to this policy is medical appointments or funerals.


It is expected that Kewaunee students, whether at home or away, will always bring credit to themselves and the entire student body. Misbehavior will be treated as misbehavior during school and may lead to suspension from an athletic team.


Students are responsible for all equipment issued to them at the start of the season. The athlete must pay for any equipment, which is lost or not returned at the end of the season. The school business office will handle charges for lost equipment. Lost or stolen equipment must be reported to the coaching staff promptly.


Parent excuses for excluding a child from physical education class will be accepted for no more than two days. Beyond two days a doctor or chiropractor’s excuse is needed.

Physical Education Uniforms

Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will be allowed to bring dark shorts from home for their physical education classes. The attire brought from home will need to conform the school dress code policy. Students will continue to purchase a t-shirt from the school district for their physical education classes.


The Kewaunee School District encourages a strong partnership between the home, school, and community. It recognizes a positive correlation between good school attendance and success in school and future employment. If student learning and growth are to take place, then parents/guardians, students, and school personnel must fulfill their responsibilities to assure regular attendance.

According to State Statute 118.15 (1)(a) any person having under their control a child who is between the ages of 6 and 18 years shall cause the child to attend school regularly during the full period and hours, religious holidays excepted, that the school is in session until the end of the school term, quarter or semester in which the child turns 18 years of age. Penalties for violating this law include a fine not to exceed $500 and/or imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days.

The Board, in recognition of the statutory requirements for school attendance and the overwhelming public need for an educated society, believes school attendance should take precedence over non-school activities. Therefore, all students shall be inschool from the time the school day begins until the end of their designated school day.


Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

1. A parent/guardian is legally responsible for their children’s regular school attendance.

2. When a student is absent, his/her parent/guardian shall contact the school office during the day of absence before 9:00 AM. Failure to contact the school may result in the school attendance officer or designee placing a telephone call to the home or work place of the parent/guardian.

Student Responsibilities

1. Students are required to attend all of their scheduled classes, study halls, and lunch periods, unless they have obtained parental permission and approval from the Principal or designee.

2. Students must sign out and sign in at the school office when they leave and return to school.

Teacher Responsibilities

1. Teachers are required to emphasize the importance and necessity of good attendance. Classroom procedures and grading requirements will be developed which reflect the importance of daily assignments, classroom discussion, and examinations in grading students.

2. Teachers are legally required to take daily attendance during all designated school periods and report student absences to the school office.


A late arrival to any school period is always a disturbance and the student who arrives late always misses out on a vital learning opportunity during the absence. When tardiness becomes a habit, it seriously reduces a student’s chance of academic success.

Tardy is defined as: A student who arrives without an acceptable excuse and is ten (10) or fewer minutes late for any school period.

All tardies are unexcused except for prearranged tardies for religious instruction or religious holidays andsickness or injury that is attested to by written medical documentation. Car problems, oversleeping, missing rides, and babysitting are just some examplesof tardiness that are not excused.

Note:A student who arrives without an acceptable excuse and is more than ten (10) minutes late for any school period will be considered unexcused absent (truant).


Absence is defined as: A student who misses more than ten (10) minutes of any school period. The following reasons for absence will be considered excused and course work that is missed may be completed for credit:

1. Illness of the student (The school district assumes that if a student is too ill to attend school, s/he is also too ill to appear in public or go to work that day.).

2. Serious illness of a family member or an illness in the immediate family that requires a student absence because of family responsibilities.

3. Death in the immediate family or of a close relative.

4. Funeral.

5. Emergency medical, dental, chiropractic, optometric, or other valid professional appointments. Parents/guardians are requested to make appointments for their children during non-school hours.

6. Religious holidays.

7. A court appearance or other legal procedure that requires the attendance of the student.

8. Quarantine imposed by a public health officer.

9. A suspension from school.

10. Prearranged absences for family vacations and hunting.

11. Other reasons for absence that may be considered by the Administration.

Note:A call or note reporting an absence from a parent/guardian does not ensure an approved or excused absence.

The following reasons for absence will be considered unexcused (truant). This includes but is not limited to:

1. Skipping class(es).

2. Shopping

3. Vacation trips without prior approval (planned absence).

4. Hunting without prior approval (planned absence).

5. Beauty shop and hair cut appointments.

6. Car trouble or repair of automobile.

7. Jobs

8. Oversleeping

9. Missing the school bus or not having a ride.

Note:A student who arrives without an acceptable excuse and is more than 10 minutes late for any school period will be considered unexcused absent (truant).


Students who plan to be absent should report to the respective school office and obtain the necessary form to be completed and signed by parent, principal, and teachers. The completed form must be returned to the office prior to the period of absence.

According to Wisconsin State Statute 118.15(3)(c), a student who is excused in writing by his/her parent/guardian before an absence occurs (planned absence), will be excused from school. Course work that is missed during the planned absence may be completed for credit.

Note:A student may be excused by the parent/guardian under this provision for not more than ten (10) days in a school year.


Truancy is defined in Wisconsin State Statute 118.16(1) as:

Truancy means any absence of part or all of one or more days from school without an acceptable excuse. Part of any school day can include one period or a portion of any school period in which school is in session.

Habitual Truancy means any absence from school without an acceptable excuse for part or all of five (5) or more days on which school is held during a school semester.

A child determined to be truant will be referred to the local police department or the School Liaison Officer. Penalties for children found to be truant may include a fine not to exceed $500 or a referral to the Kewaunee County Department of Human Services for truancy charges.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school of student absences in accordance with established District procedures. When students are absent from school, parents/guardians assume full responsibility for their actions. It is the responsibility of the Principal or designee to determine whether the absence is excused or unexcused (truant).


1. Student attendance will be taken each period of the school day and recorded in the computer attendance program.

2. The school offices will prepare and keep a list of all absences for each period of the school day.

3. Parents are required to notify their student’s school office informing them of the reason for their child’s absence before 9:00 AM on the day of the absence.

4. Building Principals and the School Liaison Officer will schedule a meeting with a parent/guardian whose child has five (5) days of unexcused absences (truancies).

5. The Principal has the authority to require a doctor verified medical excuse for excessive absences due to illness. The Principal may exercise this authority if there are grounds to believe that the illness is not true or the student has been absent from school due to illness ten (10) days in one school year.


No staff member shall excuse a student before the end of the school day, orinto any person’s custody without a request for early dismissal by the student’s parent/guardian and approval of the principal or designee. Students who leave school before the end of the school day must have a written excuse in advance and obtain an early dismissal pass from the school office. The student must have a parent/guardian meet them in the office to sign the student out. Written notes are also required for the end of the day dismissal if the child is not going home as usual.