Experimental Film and Video Art Competition

Deadline: 31 January 2017

About goEast

Launched in 2001 by Deutsches Filminstitut, goEast revolves around films made in Central and Eastern Europe. In the course of seven days in Wiesbaden, goEast unfolds a diverse programme encompassing cinematic trends, experimental positions and historical rarities. The agenda of goEast, conceived as a forum of east-west dialogue, is dominated by questions of (multiple) European identities and processes of rapid social and political transformation. The programme expresses a cultural mission: to provide a public platform for remarkable, unusual and engaged films unlikely to find distribution on the commercial cinema circuit. Festival visitors – filmmakers and industry specialists from Germany and abroad, local film enthusiasts and international guests – are enthusiastic about the quality and special atmosphere of a festival that facilitates the exchange of skills and knowledge. goEast is dedicated to the cinematic experience, to new developments and topical themes, to the artistic heritage of Eastern European film.

Experimental Film and Video Art Competition

goEast invites submissions for its Experimental Film and Video Art Competition. It intends to encourage the work of young and emerging artists of up to 35 years of age, working in or between the fields of experimental film and video art. We ask all filmmakers, artists, producers, galleries and universities to submit their most current works and projects to the goEast – Experimental Film and Video Art Competition. Up to 10 works will be nominated to contend for the Open Frame Award endowed with 5,000 euros provided by the BHF-BANK Foundation. The selected works will screen at Caligari FilmBühne or in an exhibition space, depending on the prefered environment. An additional screening venue may be Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt. All participating directors and artists will be invited to Wiesbaden during the festival in order to present their works and to take part in the East West Talent Lab, a professional training and networking programme; if possible, assistance with travel arrangements will be provided. For further details concerning the submission please read the regulations and terms of participation.

Regulations and terms of participation

1.  Filmmakers and video artists from Central and Eastern Europe, the Rhine-Main-region and Kassel are asked to submit their works for the 17th goEast – Festival of Central and Eastern European Film, which will take place in Wiesbaden, Germany, from 26 April to 2 May 2017.

2.  Each work submitted must be registered with a separate and completed entry form. The submitted works should be current productions from the years 2015, 2016 or 2017. The duration of a work may not exceed 30 minutes. Films/videos will be screened only in the original language with English subtitles. Applications will not be considered complete unless they include a short synopsis, a biography and a filmography of the director/artist.

3.  There is no entry fee and we cannot offer payment for screened works. All preview material submitted remains in the festival archive. The archived works will be accessible solely for academic and curational purposes. For the purposes of festival communication the submitters provide the festival with texts and images that can be used in the festival catalogue, the festival flyer, the festival website as well as in further advertising activities. With the submission of these materials the submitters confirm that they hold the rights to use these materials.

4.  The results of the selection will be announced by e-mail in the course of the month of February. If a work has been selected, we will request a screening copy which meets our technical requirements and will, as far as possible, invite the filmmakers and artists to come to Wiesbaden during the festival. If there are no objections on the part of the submitter, selected films and videos will be made available exclusively to accredited guests in our video library in the festival centre. The selection process is not conducted publicly, and decisions cannot be contested in a court of law. The selected works will be presented at the festival locations in Wiesbaden and Frankfurt.

5.  The festival management appoints an independent international jury that will choose the winner of the Open Frame Award (5,000 euros, donated by the BHF-BANK Foundation). The jury’s decision is final, and the jury is not required to justify its decisions. The award cannot be split.

6.  Films/videos may be entered only by the rights holder or his or her representative. Entering a film/video implies the acceptance of the festival’s regulations. The legal domicile of the festival is Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

7.  Entries from the following Central and Eastern European countries are eligible for competition at goEast: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

8.  The deadline for entries is 31 January 2017.

Original/English/German title:
Country and year of production:
First public performance: / Date (month/year): Event (City/Country):
At which festivals or events will the film/video be shown before April 2017? (Name/City) / 1.
Has the film/video been submitted to other festivals that have yet to announce a decision? (Name/City) / 1.


Name: / Phone:
Address: / Fax:


Name of producer / right holder:
Company: / Phone:
Address: / Fax:


Running time: / minutes / Format (DVD, DCP, Blu-ray, digital file*, etc.):
Language of dialogue: / Language of subtitles:
Colour/b&w: / colour black & white / Number of channels:
Screening environment: / cinema exhibition space / Sound:


1. Full cast and credits / 4. Film stills (number)
2. Director´s biography, filmography, photo / 5. Technical description (for installations only)
3. Synopsis
The entry of a work implies the full acceptance of the festival’s rules and regulations. The entrant is authorized to enter the work or has obtained the agreement of from third parties involved in the production/film.
The deadline for entries is 31 January 2017. Please send the completed entry form with all attachments and DVD to:
Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF, goEast Festival Office, Ref: Open Frame Award, Friedrichstrasse 32, 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany. Please label: No commercial value, cultural purposes only. Alternatively, submissions may be made via electronic transfer (upload for download by using a free upload platform e.g. WeTransfer). Please send the download link to: .


Place and date Name Signature Stamp