13/12/99 – 19/12/99 ::

This was once again a busy and exciting week for WoF. Still reeling from the influx of new faces and members of last week, WoF then had the pleasure of welcoming their second female member – Snickamonster – an excellent addition to the clan and with this giving rise to the comment made by Frog on an unwary moment of the WWWW [WoF Wenches With Wrenches] which Trauma eagerly adopted !!!!!

Snicka also brought Bait (her partner) with her to join the clan and with another applicant enjoying his trial on Friday – Sniper_Assassin – the WoF American contingent grew to 7 in total!!!!! Almost half the clan now!

After fiendishly arranging a match with FranticFreddie for an unusual practise session on Friday, Trauma turned up to an almost full 8 man team, only 1 short. Luckily [BDSM]Joe_Pinball was around to help the team out and WoF went into their WoF Def and MORAT Off VS MORAT Def and WoF Off.

With an absence of Z-B-A who was off for his Christmas LAN with BLR, and not back until Sunday LATE, we still had a strong attack team with Ramirez, TeSt and Eye_trust_no_1 doing their funky stuff and Loose_Cannon, Trauma, Inkubus and Joe in defence. With both Ink and Trauma seeing double with high temperatures and flu, things went relatively well in 2fort with WoF only conceding 4 caps (pretty good for our worst map).But in Rock2 everything fell apart and we just could not hold them at all. They scored loads and we had no answer … Trauma nearly jacked it all in but was talked out of it again by Frog and went straight to bed to recover. Thanks to all of WoF who appeared – it was a good session and demonstrated a good attack and hopefully helped MORAT too – thanks guys once again you showed the strength and depth of your friendliness and willingness to help  Thanks also to BDSM for Joe’s use in our defence !!!!

Saturday was an excellent evening and day for game play, with WoF trying out the new MORAT server ‘colony’ which was running Dethwell for most of the day and Torch too – it was greet fun and a good laugh and we all enjoyed ourselves tremendously seeing familiar faces and dealing with the complex 4 team structure in Dethwell.

Sunday, unfortunately, brought with it trials and tribulations. WoF were due for their war with [-oz-] at 10pm but Trauma was approached at 7.30 with them needing to change the time (to 8.30pm) size of team (to 8v8) and subsequently server (to theirs) … after frantic running around and ICQ messages with dmx, it was finally decided to have a friendly with 1 map tonight and then a proper match in Season 3. We all went onto their server with a full WoF contingent of 8 players – to be met by a [-oz-] team who were not happy about having 8 players, even though they had asked for them! They then had the added problem of an extra player, called [WOF]GUVNOR (who was this person???) who would not leave when asked and then proceeded to hack back into their server 3 times. This was obviously not working and we decided to call it a night and to invite them to play on our server if they so wished. After being expelled for the 4th time form their server, WoF congregated on ours, rebooted it to PW mode and waited .. inevitably things got Carrot-shaped with MetaMojo arriving to spike things up and a couple of other clan members too – when [-oz-] started to make an appearance their leader (Shady) launched into a torrent of verbal abuse and swearing which was unbelievable. Ramirez tried to be as clam and approachable and amenable as possible but they obviously did not want to play, just to abuse, so in the end we cancelled the match and reverted to having a good old fashioned fun time in 2fort, Bam and then Shutdown. A huge contingent of WoF players were on, supplemented by [UWE]BroWner, [BDSM]TMIAD and [MORAT]colony who turned up later .. plus a couple of extra players/ We had a fantastic frag session, much fun had with our newer players and an extremely welcome time with Eye, TeSt and Draven and Ram, as well as Jab, Loose, Frog, Snicka, Bait, MetaMojo, Armageddon and Trauma. Meta .. we have all missed you like mad 

In a late night special conversation with our FCC leader, Ramirez knighted him Sir_MetaMojo and he Aroseth and proceeded to mightily smite the Enemy down with Flaming Carrots all round !!!!! He is just fantastic.

Thanks to all the WoF people who turned up –apologies for the language and hassle but hey – that is UKTFCL future for us  … we will just have to deal with it as calmly and collectively as we can!!!! Thanks also to all of those clans who turn up and give us a hand in having fun – BDSM, MORAT and UWE mainly, but also to the newer clans who we see around ….

6/12/99 – 12/12/99 ::

Not such a fantastic week games wise for us this one, however the recruitment machine in WoF is still on overdrive and this week saw not only the transition of another trial member to full membership status – Inkubus - but also the trialling and joining on a trial basis of 2 new potential additions to the ever growing group of people who like to play for fun – welcome to Armageddon who hails form Germany, and TeSt who is an ex-AGL member and should join the attack force.

Incidentally, Armageddon is apparently a MetaMojo acquisition so May the Carrots Help Us all!!!!!!

We had a busy gaming week, with people turning up on a regular basis and the traditional group of 3-4 WoF people maximum turning regularly into 5 or 6 each night!!!!

Looking forward to the weekend and our 2 friendly matches, we had a good Practise on Friday with a good 8 team total turning up and help from the UWE guys and MORAT on an occasional basis.

Then Trauma got the shock of her life when 2 completely new people, hailing from an apparent Clan ‘SYSTEM’ appeared to know her and one of them – [SYSTEM]333 claimed to have been in love with her too !!!!! Totally confused and extremely worried, she nevertheless played on with them – they insulted her dear friends FranticFreddie and colony from MORAT and annoyed her greatly. What was her amazement and total befuddlement when they turned out to be no other than FF and colony themselves … grrrrrrr guys you had me totally fooled 

The weekend passed until our match against BDSM – this was a fun affair with them fielding a 6 man team against our 8 which meant that we dropped Felder (who had to study anyway) and Trauma went over to play for them to even the sides. With Trauma gone it meant Ramirez dropped back to defence and this put a spanner in the works for the attack team who could not really get it together properly. They managed to score a beautiful cap in Rock2 but then dropped a single cap on Shutdown to even the match – excellent game guys!!!!!

The NSD match was a totally different story. We played 3 maps – 2fort, Shutdown and Street. WoF went into the matches 2 men down but then [UWE]DeRf and [BDSM]Trust Me I’m a Doctor turned up to make things even. WoF was too disorganised in the first 5 minutes of both the first 2 maps and lost an early cap in both, and then spent the rest of the match fighting a 7 man defence on NSD’s side as they pulled back almost to the man sending an occasional single attacker in to harass the 3 man defence. Trauma eventually sent everyone except Inkubus into the attack but their defence was totally solid and we just could not seem to break through  …. A learning experience for us definitely !!!!

Street we managed to win fairly comfortably, apart from the fact that most of the WoF team (Ram and Frog excepted) had never played it before.

It was a disappointing night for us but at least we learnt quite a lot and at the end of the day that is what matters. Thanks to BDSM, NSD and UWE for helping us out and for the support that you all give us!!!!!