Christian Basics – Worship 2 John 4:20-26


We have been reviewing basics in the Christian life: personal Bible study; Time

alone with God; Essentials of the Lord God; last week worship

I have felt particularly burdened on the subject of worship

Perhaps bcs I am seeing things in fresh light, personally challenging to me

Perhaps bcs my desire to warn U abt superficial worship teach tru worship

Thus, one more week on Christian basic of worship


Worship essential means ‘bow down’ to God.

OT the outward actions were to reflect the heart but became ritualistic

Is 1:10-17; 29:13; 58:1-3

John 4:20-26 JS teaches us much abt Christian worship

Vs 22&24 challenge all ppl to examine their worship...

JS teaches the basics of Christian worship

  1. Christian worship not about a place 21
  2. Christian worship not the Jewish sacrificial system 21
  3. Christian worship is based on knowledge revealed by God 22
  4. Christian worshipers are true worshipers of God 23a
  5. Christian worship is directed to the Father 23b
  6. Christian worship recognizes that God is spirit 24a
  7. Christian worship must be in spirit and truth 24b

1st Example of Worship – Cain and Abel Genesis 4:1-7

Cain 3b ...brought an offering of the fruit of the ground

Abel4a ...brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat

Result 4b and 5 – The Lord respected Abel and his offering but He... Cain....

Person linked to his offering.

Issue is nt th ntr of th offring, v7 if Cain does well [he can, but he did not]

Nothing here of OT Levitical offerings

Cain – anything that grows and bears fruit, in any condition- reflects his heart

Abel – firstborn: best, priority, most important; honored; valuable

-his flock: personal, belonging to him; his investment; cost to him

-and of their fat: extra; beyond the minimum

his offering for the Lord, worthy of the Lord, worship in spirit and truth

2nd Example of Worship – King David 2 Samuel 24

D ordrs a foolish sensus; prpht Gad 3 options; D chooses 3d plague[Lord mercifl]

Plague 70K die; D sees angel of the Lord at thresh floor of Araunah the Jebusite

D confesses sin; prpht Gad erect altar; D goes; A wants to give to D w the oxen

V24 No, I will buy... I will not give to the Lord from that which cost me nothing

D worship in and from his heart to the Lord

3rd Example of Worship – Mary Sister of Martha and Lazarus John 12:1-8

Mary pours costly oil on JS feet; others see as waste;

Mary as an act of worship to Jesus for Jesus irrespective of others fm her heart

4th Example of Worship – Paul and Silas Acts 16:16-25

Philippi; thrown into prison; feet in stocks; Paul and Silas pray and sing to God

Worship not for others not even for themselves but to God for God fm heart

5thTeaching on Worship – Romans 12:1

By the mercies of God – Calvin ‘men will never worship God...’

That you present your bodies a sacrifice – offering to God for God

A sacrifice [living, holy, pleasing] to God – life lived surrendered to God,

No longer your own but belonging to God, living obedient to God

Loyalty of the heart

Which is your reasonable service – service means worship, the continual offer of

our whole selves in all our living is the reasonable action of true worship